You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
1.2 KiB

$ cd blank
# The default filename is a random ID of 4 lowercase alphanumeric characters, with .md extension.
$ zk new --dry-run
2>{{working-dir}}/{{match "[a-z0-9]{4}"}}.md
# Set a custom filename.
$ echo "[note]\n filename = '\{{slug title}} - \{{date now \"%m-%d\"}}'" > .zk/config.toml
$ zk new --title "A new note" --date "January 5th" --dry-run
2>{{working-dir}}/a-new-note -
# Set a custom extension.
$ echo "extension = 'markdown'" >> .zk/config.toml
$ zk new --title "A new note" --date "January 5th" --dry-run
2>{{working-dir}}/a-new-note - 01-05.markdown
# Test the filename Handlebars variables.
$ mkdir "a dir"
$ echo "[note]\n filename = '\{{title}},\{{content}},\{{date now \"%m-%d\"}},\{{json extra}}'" > .zk/config.toml
$ echo "Piped content" | zk new --interactive --title "A new note" --date "January 5th" --extra key=value --dry-run
2>{{working-dir}}/A new note,Piped content
$ echo "[note]\n filename = '\{{id}},\{{dir}},\{{json extra}},\{{env.ZK_NOTEBOOK_DIR}}'" > .zk/config.toml
$ echo "Piped content" | zk new --title "A new note" --date "January 5th" --dry-run "a dir"
2>{{working-dir}}/a dir/{{match "[a-z0-9]{4}"}},a dir,{},{{working-dir}}.md