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package opt
import "fmt"
// String holds an optional string value.
type String struct {
Value *string
// NullString represents an empty optional String.
var NullString = String{nil}
// NewString creates a new optional String with the given value.
func NewString(value string) String {
return String{&value}
// NewString creates a new optional String with the given pointer.
// When nil, the String is considered null, but an empty String is valid.
func NewStringWithPtr(value *string) String {
return String{value}
// NewNotEmptyString creates a new optional String with the given value or
// returns NullString if the value is an empty string.
func NewNotEmptyString(value string) String {
if value == "" {
return NullString
} else {
return NewString(value)
// IsNull returns whether the optional String has no value.
func (s String) IsNull() bool {
return s.Value == nil
// IsEmpty returns whether the optional String has an empty string for value.
func (s String) IsEmpty() bool {
return !s.IsNull() && *s.Value == ""
// NonEmpty returns a null String if the String is empty.
func (s String) NonEmpty() String {
if s.IsEmpty() {
return NullString
} else {
return s
// Or returns the receiver if it is not null, otherwise the given optional
// String.
func (s String) Or(other String) String {
if s.IsNull() {
return other
} else {
return s
// OrString returns the optional String value or the given default string if
// it is null.
func (s String) OrString(alt string) String {
if s.IsNull() {
return NewString(alt)
} else {
return s
// Unwrap returns the optional String value or an empty String if none is set.
func (s String) Unwrap() string {
if s.IsNull() {
return ""
} else {
return *s.Value
func (s String) Equal(other String) bool {
return s.Value == other.Value ||
(s.Value != nil && other.Value != nil && *s.Value == *other.Value)
func (s String) String() string {
return s.Unwrap()
func (s String) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`"%v"`, s)), nil
// Bool holds an optional boolean value.
type Bool struct {
Value *bool
// NullBool represents an empty optional Bool.
var NullBool = Bool{nil}
// True represents a true optional Bool.
var True = NewBool(true)
// False represents a false optional Bool.
var False = NewBool(false)
// NewBool creates a new optional Bool with the given value.
func NewBool(value bool) Bool {
return Bool{&value}
// NewBool creates a new optional Bool with the given pointer.
// When nil, the Bool is considered null.
func NewBoolWithPtr(value *bool) Bool {
return Bool{value}
// IsNull returns whether the optional Bool has no value.
func (s Bool) IsNull() bool {
return s.Value == nil
// Or returns the receiver if it is not null, otherwise the given optional
// Bool.
func (s Bool) Or(other Bool) Bool {
if s.IsNull() {
return other
} else {
return s
// OrBool returns the optional Bool value or the given default boolean if
// it is null.
func (s Bool) OrBool(alt bool) Bool {
if s.IsNull() {
return NewBool(alt)
} else {
return s
// Unwrap returns the optional Bool value or false if none is set.
func (s Bool) Unwrap() bool {
if s.IsNull() {
return false
} else {
return *s.Value
func (s Bool) Equal(other Bool) bool {
return s.Value == other.Value ||
(s.Value != nil && other.Value != nil && *s.Value == *other.Value)
func (s Bool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
value := s.Unwrap()
if value {
return []byte("true"), nil
} else {
return []byte("false"), nil