You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

513 lines
12 KiB

package sqlite
import (
strutil ""
// NoteDAO persists notes in the SQLite database.
// It implements the core ports note.Indexer and note.Finder.
type NoteDAO struct {
tx Transaction
logger util.Logger
// Prepared SQL statements
indexedStmt *LazyStmt
addStmt *LazyStmt
updateStmt *LazyStmt
removeStmt *LazyStmt
findIdByPathStmt *LazyStmt
findIdByPathPrefixStmt *LazyStmt
addLinkStmt *LazyStmt
setLinksTargetStmt *LazyStmt
removeLinksStmt *LazyStmt
// NewNoteDAO creates a new instance of a DAO working on the given database
// transaction.
func NewNoteDAO(tx Transaction, logger util.Logger) *NoteDAO {
return &NoteDAO{
tx: tx,
logger: logger,
// Get file info about all indexed notes.
indexedStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
SELECT path, modified from notes
ORDER BY sortable_path ASC
// Add a new note to the index.
addStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
INSERT INTO notes (path, sortable_path, title, lead, body, raw_content, word_count, checksum, created, modified)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
// Update the content of a note.
updateStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
UPDATE notes
SET title = ?, lead = ?, body = ?, raw_content = ?, word_count = ?, checksum = ?, modified = ?
WHERE path = ?
// Remove a note.
removeStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
WHERE id = ?
// Find a note ID from its exact path.
findIdByPathStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
SELECT id FROM notes
WHERE path = ?
// Find a note ID from a prefix of its path.
findIdByPathPrefixStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
SELECT id FROM notes
WHERE path LIKE ? || '%'
// Add a new link.
addLinkStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
INSERT INTO links (source_id, target_id, title, href, external, rels)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
// Set links matching a given href and missing a target ID to the given
// target ID.
setLinksTargetStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
UPDATE links
SET target_id = ?
WHERE target_id IS NULL AND external = 0 AND ? LIKE href || '%'
// Remove all the outbound links of a note.
removeLinksStmt: tx.PrepareLazy(`
WHERE source_id = ?
// Indexed returns file info of all indexed notes.
func (d *NoteDAO) Indexed() (<-chan paths.Metadata, error) {
wrap := errors.Wrapper("failed to get indexed notes")
rows, err := d.indexedStmt.Query()
if err != nil {
return nil, wrap(err)
c := make(chan paths.Metadata)
go func() {
defer close(c)
defer rows.Close()
var (
path string
modified time.Time
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&path, &modified)
if err != nil {
c <- paths.Metadata{
Path: path,
Modified: modified,
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return c, nil
// Add inserts a new note to the index.
func (d *NoteDAO) Add(note note.Metadata) (int64, error) {
wrap := errors.Wrapperf("%v: can't add note to the index", note.Path)
// For sortable_path, we replace in path / by the shortest non printable
// character available to make it sortable. Without this, sorting by the
// path would be a lexicographical sort instead of being the same order
// returned by filepath.Walk.
// \x01 is used instead of \x00, because SQLite treats \x00 as and end of
// string.
sortablePath := strings.ReplaceAll(note.Path, "/", "\x01")
res, err := d.addStmt.Exec(
note.Path, sortablePath, note.Title, note.Lead, note.Body, note.RawContent, note.WordCount, note.Checksum,
note.Created, note.Modified,
if err != nil {
return 0, wrap(err)
id, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return 0, wrap(err)
err = d.addLinks(id, note)
return id, err
// Update modifies an existing note.
func (d *NoteDAO) Update(note note.Metadata) error {
wrap := errors.Wrapperf("%v: failed to update note index", note.Path)
id, err := d.findIdByPath(note.Path)
if err != nil {
return wrap(err)
if !id.Valid {
return wrap(errors.New("note not found in the index"))
_, err = d.updateStmt.Exec(
note.Title, note.Lead, note.Body, note.RawContent, note.WordCount, note.Checksum, note.Modified,
if err != nil {
return wrap(err)
_, err = d.removeLinksStmt.Exec(id.Int64)
if err != nil {
return wrap(err)
err = d.addLinks(id.Int64, note)
return wrap(err)
// addLinks inserts all the outbound links of the given note.
func (d *NoteDAO) addLinks(id int64, note note.Metadata) error {
for _, link := range note.Links {
targetId, err := d.findIdByPathPrefix(link.Href)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = d.addLinkStmt.Exec(id, targetId, link.Title, link.Href, link.External, joinLinkRels(link.Rels))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := d.setLinksTargetStmt.Exec(id, note.Path)
return err
// joinLinkRels will concatenate a list of rels into a SQLite ready string.
// Each rel is delimited by \x01 for easy matching in queries.
func joinLinkRels(rels []string) string {
if len(rels) == 0 {
return ""
delimiter := "\x01"
return delimiter + strings.Join(rels, delimiter) + delimiter
// Remove deletes the note with the given path from the index.
func (d *NoteDAO) Remove(path string) error {
wrap := errors.Wrapperf("%v: failed to remove note index", path)
id, err := d.findIdByPath(path)
if err != nil {
return wrap(err)
if !id.Valid {
return wrap(errors.New("note not found in the index"))
_, err = d.removeStmt.Exec(id)
return wrap(err)
func (d *NoteDAO) findIdByPath(path string) (sql.NullInt64, error) {
row, err := d.findIdByPathStmt.QueryRow(path)
if err != nil {
return sql.NullInt64{}, err
return idForRow(row)
func (d *NoteDAO) findIdsByPathPrefixes(paths []string) ([]int64, error) {
ids := make([]int64, 0)
for _, path := range paths {
id, err := d.findIdByPathPrefix(path)
if err != nil {
return ids, err
if id.Valid {
ids = append(ids, id.Int64)
return ids, nil
func (d *NoteDAO) findIdByPathPrefix(path string) (sql.NullInt64, error) {
row, err := d.findIdByPathPrefixStmt.QueryRow(path)
if err != nil {
return sql.NullInt64{}, err
return idForRow(row)
func idForRow(row *sql.Row) (sql.NullInt64, error) {
var id sql.NullInt64
err := row.Scan(&id)
switch {
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return id, nil
case err != nil:
return id, err
return id, err
// Find returns all the notes matching the given criteria.
func (d *NoteDAO) Find(opts note.FinderOpts) ([]note.Match, error) {
matches := make([]note.Match, 0)
rows, err := d.findRows(opts)
if err != nil {
return matches, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var (
id, wordCount int
title, lead, body, rawContent, snippet string
path, checksum string
created, modified time.Time
err := rows.Scan(&id, &path, &title, &lead, &body, &rawContent, &wordCount, &created, &modified, &checksum, &snippet)
if err != nil {
matches = append(matches, note.Match{
Snippet: snippet,
Metadata: note.Metadata{
Path: path,
Title: title,
Lead: lead,
Body: body,
RawContent: rawContent,
WordCount: wordCount,
Created: created,
Modified: modified,
Checksum: checksum,
return matches, nil
type findQuery struct {
SnippetCol string
WhereExprs []string
OrderTerms []string
Args []interface{}
func (d *NoteDAO) findRows(opts note.FinderOpts) (*sql.Rows, error) {
snippetCol := `n.lead`
whereExprs := make([]string, 0)
orderTerms := make([]string, 0)
args := make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, filter := range opts.Filters {
switch filter := filter.(type) {
case note.MatchFilter:
snippetCol = `snippet(notes_fts, 2, '<zk:match>', '</zk:match>', '…', 20) as snippet`
orderTerms = append(orderTerms, `bm25(notes_fts, 1000.0, 500.0, 1.0)`)
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, "notes_fts MATCH ?")
args = append(args, fts5.ConvertQuery(string(filter)))
case note.PathFilter:
if len(filter) == 0 {
globs := make([]string, 0)
for _, path := range filter {
globs = append(globs, "n.path GLOB ?")
args = append(args, path+"*")
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, strings.Join(globs, " OR "))
case note.ExcludePathFilter:
if len(filter) == 0 {
globs := make([]string, 0)
for _, path := range filter {
globs = append(globs, "n.path NOT GLOB ?")
args = append(args, path+"*")
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, strings.Join(globs, " AND "))
case note.LinkedByFilter:
ids, err := d.findIdsByPathPrefixes(filter.Paths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(ids) == 0 {
expr := ""
if filter.Negate {
expr += " NOT"
expr += fmt.Sprintf(
" IN (SELECT target_id FROM links WHERE target_id IS NOT NULL AND source_id IN %v)",
"("+strutil.JoinInt64(ids, ",")+")",
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, expr)
case note.LinkingToFilter:
ids, err := d.findIdsByPathPrefixes(filter.Paths)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(ids) == 0 {
expr := ""
if filter.Negate {
expr += " NOT"
expr += fmt.Sprintf(
" IN (SELECT source_id FROM links WHERE target_id IN %v)",
"("+strutil.JoinInt64(ids, ",")+")",
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, expr)
case note.OrphanFilter:
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, ` NOT IN (
SELECT target_id FROM links WHERE target_id IS NOT NULL
case note.DateFilter:
value := "?"
field := "n." + dateField(filter)
op, ignoreTime := dateDirection(filter)
if ignoreTime {
field = "date(" + field + ")"
value = "date(?)"
whereExprs = append(whereExprs, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", field, op, value))
args = append(args, filter.Date)
case note.InteractiveFilter:
// No user interaction possible from here.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: unknown filter type", filter))
for _, sorter := range opts.Sorters {
orderTerms = append(orderTerms, orderTerm(sorter))
orderTerms = append(orderTerms, `n.title ASC`)
query := "SELECT, n.path, n.title, n.lead, n.body, n.raw_content, n.word_count, n.created, n.modified, n.checksum, " + snippetCol
query += `
FROM notes n
JOIN notes_fts
ON = notes_fts.rowid`
if len(whereExprs) > 0 {
query += "\nWHERE " + strings.Join(whereExprs, "\nAND ")
query += "\nORDER BY " + strings.Join(orderTerms, ", ")
if opts.Limit > 0 {
query += fmt.Sprintf("\nLIMIT %d", opts.Limit)
// fmt.Println(query)
// fmt.Println(args)
return d.tx.Query(query, args...)
func dateField(filter note.DateFilter) string {
switch filter.Field {
case note.DateCreated:
return "created"
case note.DateModified:
return "modified"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: unknown note.DateField", filter.Field))
func dateDirection(filter note.DateFilter) (op string, ignoreTime bool) {
switch filter.Direction {
case note.DateOn:
return "=", true
case note.DateBefore:
return "<", false
case note.DateAfter:
return ">=", false
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: unknown note.DateDirection", filter.Direction))
func orderTerm(sorter note.Sorter) string {
order := " ASC"
if !sorter.Ascending {
order = " DESC"
switch sorter.Field {
case note.SortCreated:
return "n.created" + order
case note.SortModified:
return "n.modified" + order
case note.SortPath:
return "n.path" + order
case note.SortRandom:
return "RANDOM()"
case note.SortTitle:
return "n.title" + order
case note.SortWordCount:
return "n.word_count" + order
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: unknown note.SortField", sorter.Field))