"""UNIX-domain socket server for ssh-agent implementation.""" import contextlib import logging import os import socket import subprocess import threading from . import util log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def remove_file(path, remove=os.remove, exists=os.path.exists): """Remove file, and raise OSError if still exists.""" try: remove(path) except OSError: if exists(path): raise @contextlib.contextmanager def unix_domain_socket_server(sock_path): """ Create UNIX-domain socket on specified path. Listen on it, and delete it after the generated context is over. """ log.debug('serving on %s', sock_path) remove_file(sock_path) server = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.bind(sock_path) server.listen(1) try: yield server finally: remove_file(sock_path) class FDServer(object): def __init__(self, fd): self.fd = fd self.sock = socket.fromfd(fd, socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def accept(self): return self, None def recv(self, n): return self.sock.recv(n) def sendall(self, data): return self.sock.sendall(data) def close(self): pass def settimeout(self, _): pass def getsockname(self): return ''.format(self.fd) @contextlib.contextmanager def unix_domain_socket_server_from_fd(fd): yield FDServer(fd) def handle_connection(conn, handler, mutex): """ Handle a single connection using the specified protocol handler in a loop. Since this function may be called concurrently from server_thread, the specified mutex is used to synchronize the device handling. Exit when EOFError is raised. All other exceptions are logged as warnings. """ try: log.debug('welcome agent') with contextlib.closing(conn): while True: msg = util.read_frame(conn) with mutex: reply = handler.handle(msg=msg) util.send(conn, reply) except EOFError: log.debug('goodbye agent') except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.warning('error: %s', e, exc_info=True) def retry(func, exception_type, quit_event): """ Run the function, retrying when the specified exception_type occurs. Poll quit_event on each iteration, to be responsive to an external exit request. """ while True: if quit_event.is_set(): raise StopIteration try: return func() except exception_type: pass def server_thread(sock, handle_conn, quit_event): """Run a server on the specified socket.""" log.debug('server thread started') def accept_connection(): conn, _ = sock.accept() conn.settimeout(None) return conn while True: log.debug('waiting for connection on %s', sock.getsockname()) try: conn = retry(accept_connection, socket.timeout, quit_event) except StopIteration: log.debug('server stopped') break # Handle connections from SSH concurrently. threading.Thread(target=handle_conn, kwargs=dict(conn=conn)).start() log.debug('server thread stopped') @contextlib.contextmanager def spawn(func, kwargs): """Spawn a thread, and join it after the context is over.""" t = threading.Thread(target=func, kwargs=kwargs) t.start() yield t.join() def run_process(command, environ): """ Run the specified process and wait until it finishes. Use environ dict for environment variables. """ log.info('running %r with %r', command, environ) env = dict(os.environ) env.update(environ) try: p = subprocess.Popen(args=command, env=env) except OSError as e: raise OSError('cannot run %r: %s' % (command, e)) log.debug('subprocess %d is running', p.pid) ret = p.wait() log.debug('subprocess %d exited: %d', p.pid, ret) return ret