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"""Tools for doing signature using gpg-agent."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import binascii
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import subprocess
from .. import util
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_agent_sock_path(sp=subprocess):
"""Parse gpgconf output to find out GPG agent UNIX socket path."""
lines = sp.check_output(['gpgconf', '--list-dirs']).strip().split(b'\n')
dirs = dict(line.split(b':', 1) for line in lines)
return dirs[b'agent-socket']
def connect_to_agent(sp=subprocess):
"""Connect to GPG agent's UNIX socket."""
sock_path = get_agent_sock_path(sp=sp)
sp.check_call(['gpg-connect-agent', '/bye']) # Make sure it's running
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
return sock
def communicate(sock, msg):
"""Send a message and receive a single line."""
sendline(sock, msg.encode('ascii'))
return recvline(sock)
def sendline(sock, msg):
"""Send a binary message, followed by EOL."""
log.debug('<- %r', msg)
sock.sendall(msg + b'\n')
def recvline(sock):
"""Receive a single line from the socket."""
reply = io.BytesIO()
while True:
c = sock.recv(1)
if not c:
return None # socket is closed
if c == b'\n':
result = reply.getvalue()
log.debug('-> %r', result)
return result
def iterlines(conn):
"""Iterate over input, split by lines."""
while True:
line = recvline(conn)
if line is None:
yield line
def unescape(s):
"""Unescape ASSUAN message (0xAB <-> '%AB')."""
s = bytearray(s)
i = 0
while i < len(s):
if s[i] == ord('%'):
hex_bytes = bytes(s[i+1:i+3])
value = int(hex_bytes.decode('ascii'), 16)
s[i:i+3] = [value]
i += 1
return bytes(s)
def parse_term(s):
"""Parse single s-expr term from bytes."""
size, s = s.split(b':', 1)
size = int(size)
return s[:size], s[size:]
def parse(s):
"""Parse full s-expr from bytes."""
if s.startswith(b'('):
s = s[1:]
name, s = parse_term(s)
values = [name]
while not s.startswith(b')'):
value, s = parse(s)
return values, s[1:]
return parse_term(s)
def _parse_ecdsa_sig(args):
(r, sig_r), (s, sig_s) = args
assert r == b'r'
assert s == b's'
return (util.bytes2num(sig_r),
# DSA and EDDSA happen to have the same structure as ECDSA signatures
_parse_dsa_sig = _parse_ecdsa_sig
_parse_eddsa_sig = _parse_ecdsa_sig
def _parse_rsa_sig(args):
(s, sig_s), = args
assert s == b's'
return (util.bytes2num(sig_s),)
def parse_sig(sig):
"""Parse signature integer values from s-expr."""
label, sig = sig
assert label == b'sig-val'
algo_name = sig[0]
parser = {b'rsa': _parse_rsa_sig,
b'ecdsa': _parse_ecdsa_sig,
b'eddsa': _parse_eddsa_sig,
b'dsa': _parse_dsa_sig}[algo_name]
return parser(args=sig[1:])
def sign_digest(sock, keygrip, digest, sp=subprocess, environ=None):
"""Sign a digest using specified key using GPG agent."""
hash_algo = 8 # SHA256
assert len(digest) == 32
assert communicate(sock, 'RESET').startswith(b'OK')
ttyname = sp.check_output(['tty']).strip()
options = ['ttyname={}'.format(ttyname)] # set TTY for passphrase entry
display = (environ or os.environ).get('DISPLAY')
if display is not None:
for opt in options:
assert communicate(sock, 'OPTION {}'.format(opt)) == b'OK'
assert communicate(sock, 'SIGKEY {}'.format(keygrip)) == b'OK'
hex_digest = binascii.hexlify(digest).upper().decode('ascii')
assert communicate(sock, 'SETHASH {} {}'.format(hash_algo,
hex_digest)) == b'OK'
assert communicate(sock, 'SETKEYDESC '
'Sign+a+new+TREZOR-based+subkey') == b'OK'
assert communicate(sock, 'PKSIGN') == b'OK'
while True:
line = recvline(sock).strip()
if line.startswith(b'S PROGRESS'):
line = unescape(line)
log.debug('unescaped: %r', line)
prefix, sig = line.split(b' ', 1)
if prefix != b'D':
raise ValueError(prefix)
sig, leftover = parse(sig)
assert not leftover, leftover
return parse_sig(sig)
def get_gnupg_binary(sp=subprocess):
"""Starting GnuPG 2.2.x, the default installation uses `gpg`."""
for cmd in ['gpg2', 'gpg']:
return sp.check_output(args=['which', cmd]).strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
log.debug('%r not found', cmd)
raise OSError('GnuPG seems to be not installed')
def gpg_command(args, env=None, sp=subprocess):
"""Prepare common GPG command line arguments."""
if env is None:
env = os.environ
cmd = [get_gnupg_binary(sp=sp)]
homedir = env.get('GNUPGHOME')
if homedir:
cmd.extend(['--homedir', homedir])
return cmd + args
def get_keygrip(user_id, sp=subprocess):
"""Get a keygrip of the primary GPG key of the specified user."""
args = gpg_command(['--list-keys', '--with-keygrip', user_id], sp=sp)
output = sp.check_output(args).decode('ascii')
return re.findall(r'Keygrip = (\w+)', output)[0]
def gpg_version(sp=subprocess):
"""Get a keygrip of the primary GPG key of the specified user."""
args = gpg_command(['--version'], sp=sp)
output = sp.check_output(args)
line = output.split(b'\n')[0] # b'gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.11'
return line.split(b' ')[-1] # b'2.1.11'
def export_public_key(user_id, sp=subprocess):
"""Export GPG public key for specified `user_id`."""
args = gpg_command(['--export', user_id], sp=sp)
result = sp.check_output(args=args)
if not result:
log.error('could not find public key %r in local GPG keyring', user_id)
raise KeyError(user_id)
return result
def export_public_keys(sp=subprocess):
"""Export all GPG public keys."""
args = gpg_command(['--export'], sp=sp)
return sp.check_output(args=args)
def create_agent_signer(user_id):
"""Sign digest with existing GPG keys using gpg-agent tool."""
sock = connect_to_agent()
keygrip = get_keygrip(user_id)
def sign(digest):
"""Sign the digest and return an ECDSA/RSA/DSA signature."""
return sign_digest(sock=sock, keygrip=keygrip, digest=digest)
return sign