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Chakib Benziane 663107c7c2 posix shell compliant 4 年前
src posix shell compliant 4 年前
themes added "border2_color" and "menubox_border2_color" 11 年前
COPYING Update documentation and installation scripts. 12 年前
ChangeLog-0.6 Fix a typo in the ChangeLog. 12 年前
ChangeLog-before-0.6 Update documentation and installation scripts. 12 年前
README.md Update README.md 8 年前
install.sh install.sh: README -> README.md 12 年前
uninstall.sh Added uninstall script 7 年前


CDM: The Console Display Manager


To run cdm, use

$ cdm [RCFILE]

cdm tries to source configuration files in this order, and uses the first existing one:

[RCFILE specified on command line]

To autostart cdm when you log in your account, copy the content of /usr/share/doc/cdm/profile.sh to the tail of your shell profile (~/.profile, etc.).


See /etc/cdmrc for examples.


Copyright (C) 2009-2012, Daniel J Griffiths dgriffiths@ghost1227.com Thanks to:

Andrwe          beta-testing and submitting the fix for the all
                important X incrementation function
brisbin33       code cleanup
tigrmesh        finding a critical issue with the gnome-session handler
Profjim         several incredibly useful patches
lambchops468    consolekit and hibernation patches
CasperVector    Massive rearchitecturing and code sanitation

Licensed under GPLv2+