debian initramfs script for tinyssh and remote unlocking of luks encrypted partitions.
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Chakib Benziane b1cbe870d6 replace tcpsvd with nc, no need to recompile busybox 5 年前
etc replace tcpsvd with nc, no need to recompile busybox 5 年前
LICENSE add license 5 年前 replace tcpsvd with nc, no need to recompile busybox 5 年前


  • Uninstall dropbear if previously installed
  • Add scripts in /etc/initramfs-tools
  • Add authorized_keys to /etc/tinyssh-initramfs/authorized_keys (only ssh-ed25519)
  • Add tinysshd flags and optional custom port to /etc/tinyssh-initramfs/config
  • Profit
