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Fox's Magisk Module Manager (Developer documentation)

Note: This doc assume you already read the official Magisk module developer guide



In addition to the following magisk properties

# Magisk supported properties

This the manager support these new properties

# Fox's Mmm supported properties

(Note: All urls must start with https://, or else will be ignored)

  • minApi tell the manager which is the minimum SDK version required for the module
    (See: Codenames, Tags, and Build Numbers)
  • minMagisk tell the manager which is the minimum Magisk version required for the module (Often for magisk xx.y the version code is xxy00)
  • support support link to direct users when they need support for you modules
  • donate donate link to direct users to where they can financially support your project
  • config package name of the application that configure your module (Note: The icon won't appear in the module list if the module and target app is not installed)

Note: Fox's Mmm use fallback here for some modules
Theses values are only used if not defined in the module.prop files
So the original module maker can still override them

Installer commands

The Fox's Mmm also allow better control over it's installer interface

Fox's Mmm defined the variable MMM_EXT_SUPPORT to expose it's extension support

All the commands start with it #!, by default the manager process command as log output unless #!useExt is sent to indicate that the app is ready to use commands


  • useExt: Tell the manager you would like to use commands (Note: Any command executed before this one will just appear as log in the console)
  • addLine <arg>: Add line to the terminal, this commands can be useful if you want to display text that start with #! inside the terminal
  • setLastLine <arg>: Set the last line of text displayed in the terminal
  • clearTerminal: Clear the terminal of any text, making it empty
  • scrollUp: Scroll up at the top of the terminal
  • scrollDown: Scroll down at the bottom of the terminal
  • showLoading: Show an indeterminate progress bar (Note: the bar is automatically hidden when the install finish)
  • hideLoading: Hide the indeterminate progress bar if previously shown
  • setSupportLink <url>: Set support link to show when the install finish
    (Note: Modules installed from repo will not show the config button if a link is set)

Note: The current behavior with unknown command is to ignore them, I may add or remove commands in the future depending of how they are used

A wrapper script to use theses commands could be

if [ -n "$MMM_EXT_SUPPORT" ]; then
  ui_print "#!useExt"
  mmm_exec() { 
    ui_print "$(echo "#!$@")"
  mmm_exec() { true; }

And there is an instance of it in use

# mmm_exec only take effect if inside the loader
mmm_exec showLoading
ui_print "The installer doesn't support mmm_exec"
mmm_exec setLastLine "The installer support mmm_exec"
# Wait simulate module doing something
sleep 5
mmm_exec hideLoading
mmm_exec setSupportLink

You may look at the example module code or download the module zip and try it yourself

Have fun with the API making the user install experience a unique experience

Also there is the source of the app icon here .