Add building / contributing files

Peter Repukat 3 years ago
parent fe374dd919
commit b3f25c7e65

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# Building GlosSI
## Windows
- Visual Studio 2019 (Community edition is fine)
- Qt 6.2.0 (GlosSIConfig only)
- Qt Visual Studio addin (GlosSIConfig only)
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
:: Open GlosSI.sln and hit build!
start GlosSI.sln
In addition to the above, you will need to install the required drivers:
`ViGEmBusSetup_x64.msi` and `HidHideMSI.msi`
Both of which can be downloed from [ViGEm's website]( or by use of the `download_release_deps.ps1` script.
## Linux
Linux support is currently not really implemented.
That said, very limited linux support is planned for the future.
No Guarantees that the build works out!
Building should be as easy as:
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
# build custom fork of SFML
# do not use SFML you might've already installed
cd GlosSITarget
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

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# Contributing
Feel free to take on any feature-request, bug report or whatever idea you have.
If you feel like it, you can also look at the many TODOs sprinkled throughout the code.
## Building / Dev environment
For building instructions see [](./
If you need technical assistance, reach out via e-mail or any other channel you might find.
Please get to the chase right away, though, as I get way to much spam.
Please also note, that I'm short on time and might not reply immediately
Also I'm least available on Discord.
## Pull Requests
Please keep your feature branch up to date with the latest changes from the `develop` branch.
Use [git-rebase](; If your feature branch contains backmerges it will be ignored.