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ATTENTION: GloSC is currently being rewritten, and renamed to GlosSI ([Glo]bal ([s]ystemwide) [S]team [I]nput)

No ETA when it's done
No support until then.

Looking for contributors!
As the past has shown, I have way to less time on hand too maintain such a project.
Reach out via Discord/E-Mail (But get to the point right away, please, I get way too much spam)



GlosSI or [Glo]bal ([s]ystemwide) [S]team [I]nput, formerly knows as GloSC (Global Steam Controller), is a tool that allows one to use Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system-level alongside a system wide (borderless window) Steam overlay
All complete with per application bindings and working rumble emulation.
GlosSI can, but isn't required to, launch any of your favorite games or applications and directly add them to Steam, be it Win32 or Windows Store (UWP)!
It is the tool to enjoy any game that has trouble with Steam and/or add extra functionality to your Steam-Input needs

Windows Store, Reshade / SweetFX, Origin, Uplay, Emulators and more with no hassle

GlosSI provides its own overlay, in addition to that of Steam.