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## chantools rescueclosed
Try finding the private keys for funds that are in outputs of remotely force-closed channels
chantools rescueclosed [flags]
### Options
--bip39 read a classic BIP39 seed and passphrase from the terminal instead of asking for lnd seed format or providing the --rootkey flag
--channeldb string lnd channel.db file to use for rescuing force-closed channels
--fromchanneldb string channel input is in the format of an lnd channel.db file
--fromsummary string channel input is in the format of chantool's channel summary; specify '-' to read from stdin
-h, --help help for rescueclosed
--listchannels string channel input is in the format of lncli's listchannels format; specify '-' to read from stdin
--pendingchannels string channel input is in the format of lncli's pendingchannels format; specify '-' to read from stdin
--rootkey string BIP32 HD root key of the wallet to use for decrypting the backup; leave empty to prompt for lnd 24 word aezeed
### Options inherited from parent commands
-r, --regtest Indicates if regtest parameters should be used
-t, --testnet Indicates if testnet parameters should be used
* [chantools]( - Chantools helps recover funds from lightning channels