You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

754 lines
30 KiB

local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local LoginDialog = require("ui/widget/logindialog")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local DocSettings = require("docsettings")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local logger = require("logger")
local util = require("ffi/util")
local Device = require("device")
local JoplinClient = require("JoplinClient")
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local _ = require("gettext")
local N_ = _.ngettext
local slt2 = require('slt2')
local MyClipping = require("clip")
local json = require("json")
local realpath = require("ffi/util").realpath
local EvernoteExporter = InputContainer:new{
name = "evernote",
login_title = _("Login to Evernote"),
notebook_name = _("KOReader Notes"),
evernote_domain = nil,
notemarks = _("Note: "),
clipping_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/clipboard",
evernote_token = nil,
notebook_guid = nil,
function EvernoteExporter:init()
self.text_clipping_file = self.clipping_dir .. "/KOReaderClipping.txt"
self.json_clipping_file = self.clipping_dir .. "/KOReaderClipping.json"
local settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("evernote") or {}
self.evernote_domain = settings.domain
self.evernote_username = settings.username or ""
self.evernote_token = settings.token
self.notebook_guid = settings.notebook
self.joplin_IP = settings.joplin_IP or "localhost"
self.joplin_port = settings.joplin_port or 41185
self.joplin_token = settings.joplin_token -- or your token
self.joplin_notebook_guid = settings.joplin_notebook_guid or nil
self.html_export = settings.html_export or false
self.joplin_export = settings.joplin_export or false
self.txt_export = settings.txt_export or false
self.json_export = settings.json_export or false
--- @todo Is this if block necessary? Nowhere in the code they are assigned both true.
-- Do they check against external modifications to settings file?
if self.html_export then
self.txt_export = false
self.joplin_export = false
self.json_export = false
elseif self.txt_export then
self.joplin_export = false
self.json_export = false
elseif self.json_export then
self.joplin_export = false
self.parser = MyClipping:new{
my_clippings = "/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt",
history_dir = "./history",
self.template = slt2.loadfile(self.path.."/note.tpl")
self.config = DocSettings:open(util.joinPath(self.clipping_dir, "evernote.sdr"))
function EvernoteExporter:isDocless()
return self.ui == nil or self.ui.document == nil or self.view == nil
function EvernoteExporter:readyToExport()
return self.evernote_token ~= nil or
self.html_export ~= false or
self.txt_export ~= false or
self.json_export ~= false or
self.joplin_export ~= false
function EvernoteExporter:migrateClippings()
if jit.os == "OSX" then return end
local old_dir = util.joinPath(util.realpath(util.joinPath(self.path, "..")),
if lfs.attributes(old_dir, "mode") == "directory" then
local mv_bin = Device:isAndroid() and "/system/bin/mv" or "/bin/mv"
return util.execute(mv_bin, old_dir, self.clipping_dir) == 0
function EvernoteExporter:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
menu_items.evernote = {
10 years ago
text = _("Evernote"),
sub_item_table = {
text_func = function()
local domain
if self.evernote_domain == "sandbox" then
domain = "Sandbox"
elseif self.evernote_domain == "yinxiang" then
domain = "Yinxiang"
domain = "Evernote"
return self.evernote_token and (_("Logout") .. " " .. domain)
or _("Login")
callback_func = function()
return self.evernote_token and function() self:logout() end
or nil
sub_item_table_func = function()
return not self.evernote_token and {
text = "Evernote",
callback = function()
self.evernote_domain = nil
text = "印象笔记",
callback = function()
self.evernote_domain = "yinxiang"
} or nil
text = _("Joplin") ,
checked_func = function() return self.joplin_export end,
separator = true,
sub_item_table ={
text = _("Set Joplin IP and Port"),
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function()
local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog")
local url_dialog
url_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{
title = _("Set Joplin IP and port number"),
fields = {
text = self.joplin_IP,
input_type = "string"
text = self.joplin_port,
input_type = "number"
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
callback = function()
text = _("OK"),
callback = function()
local fields = url_dialog:getFields()
local ip = fields[1]
local port = tonumber(fields[2])
if ip ~= "" then
if port and port < 65355 then
self.joplin_IP = ip
self.joplin_port = port
text = _("Set authorization token"),
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function()
local MultiInputDialog = require("ui/widget/multiinputdialog")
local auth_dialog
auth_dialog = MultiInputDialog:new{
title = _("Set authorization token for Joplin"),
fields = {
text = self.joplin_token,
input_type = "string"
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
callback = function()
text = _("Set token"),
callback = function()
local auth_field = auth_dialog:getFields()
self.joplin_token = auth_field[1]
text = _("Export to Joplin"),
checked_func = function() return self.joplin_export end,
callback = function()
self.joplin_export = not self.joplin_export
if self.joplin_export then
self.html_export = false
self.txt_export = false
self.json_export = false
text = _("Help"),
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function()
text = T(_([[You can enter your auth token on your computer by saving an empty token. Then quit KOReader, edit the evernote.joplin_token field in %1/settings.reader.lua after creating a backup, and restart KOReader once you're done.
To export to Joplin, you must forward the IP and port used by this plugin to the localhost:port on which Joplin is listening. This can be done with socat or a similar program. For example:
For Windows: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=41185 connectaddress=localhost connectport=41184
For Linux: $socat tcp-listen:41185,reuseaddr,fork tcp:localhost:41184
For more information, please visit]])
, BD.dirpath(DataStorage:getDataDir()))
text = _("Export all notes in this book"),
enabled_func = function()
return not self:isDocless() and self:readyToExport() and not self.txt_export
callback = function()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function()
text = _("Exporting may take several seconds…"),
timeout = 1,
text = _("Export all notes in your library"),
enabled_func = function()
return self:readyToExport()
callback = function()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function()
text = _("Exporting may take several minutes…"),
timeout = 1,
separator = true,
text = _("Export to local JSON files"),
checked_func = function() return self.json_export end,
callback = function()
self.json_export = not self.json_export
if self.json_export then
self.txt_export = false
self.html_export = false
self.joplin_export = false
text = _("Export to local HTML files"),
checked_func = function() return self.html_export end,
callback = function()
self.html_export = not self.html_export
if self.html_export then
self.txt_export = false
self.json_export = false
self.joplin_export = false
text = _("Export to local clipping text file"),
checked_func = function() return self.txt_export end,
callback = function()
self.txt_export = not self.txt_export
if self.txt_export then
self.html_export = false
self.json_export = false
self.joplin_export = false
separator = true,
text = _("Purge history records"),
callback = function()
text = _("History records have been purged.\nAll notes will be exported again next time.\n"),
timeout = 2,
function EvernoteExporter:login()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:login() end) then
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
self.login_dialog = LoginDialog:new{
title = self.login_title,
username = self.evernote_username or "",
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
text = _("Login"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
local username, password = self:getCredential()
UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function()
self:doLogin(username, password)
text = _("Logging in. Please wait…"),
timeout = 1,
width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.8),
height = math.floor(Screen:getHeight() * 0.4),
function EvernoteExporter:closeDialog()
function EvernoteExporter:getCredential()
return self.login_dialog:getCredential()
function EvernoteExporter:doLogin(username, password)
local EvernoteOAuth = require("EvernoteOAuth")
local EvernoteClient = require("EvernoteClient")
local oauth = EvernoteOAuth:new{
domain = self.evernote_domain,
username = username,
password = password,
logger = logger.dbg,
self.evernote_username = username
local ok, token = pcall(oauth.getToken, oauth)
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
-- prompt users to turn on Wi-Fi if network is unreachable
if not ok and token then
text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. token,
local client = EvernoteClient:new{
domain = self.evernote_domain,
authToken = token,
local guid
ok, guid = pcall(self.getExportNotebook, self, client)
if not ok and guid and guid:find("Transport not open") then
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
--- @note: No recursive callback because it feels fishy here...
elseif not ok and guid then
text = _("An error occurred while logging in:") .. "\n" .. guid,
elseif ok and guid then
self.evernote_token = token
self.notebook_guid = guid
text = _("Logged in to Evernote."),
function EvernoteExporter:logout()
self.evernote_token = nil
self.notebook_guid = nil
self.evernote_domain = nil
function EvernoteExporter:saveSettings()
local settings = {
domain = self.evernote_domain,
username = self.evernote_username,
token = self.evernote_token,
notebook = self.notebook_guid,
html_export = self.html_export,
txt_export = self.txt_export,
json_export = self.json_export,
joplin_IP = self.joplin_IP,
joplin_port = self.joplin_port,
joplin_token = self.joplin_token,
joplin_notebook_guid = self.joplin_notebook_guid,
joplin_export = self.joplin_export
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("evernote", settings)
function EvernoteExporter:getExportNotebook(client)
local name = self.notebook_name
return client:findNotebookByTitle(name) or client:createNotebook(name).guid
function EvernoteExporter:exportCurrentNotes(view)
local clippings = self.parser:parseCurrentDoc(view)
function EvernoteExporter:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, new_clippings)
-- update clippings from history clippings
for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do
for chapter_index, chapternotes in ipairs(booknotes) do
for note_index, note in ipairs(chapternotes) do
if clippings[title] == nil or clippings[title][chapter_index] == nil
or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index] == nil
or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].page ~=
or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].time ~= note.time
or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].text ~= note.text
or clippings[title][chapter_index][note_index].note ~= note.note then
logger.dbg("found new notes in history", booknotes.title)
clippings[title] = booknotes
return clippings
function EvernoteExporter:updateMyClippings(clippings, new_clippings)
-- only new titles or new notes in My clippings are updated to clippings
-- since appending is the only way to modify notes in My Clippings
for title, booknotes in pairs(new_clippings) do
if clippings[title] == nil or #clippings[title] < #booknotes then
logger.dbg("found new notes in MyClipping", booknotes.title)
clippings[title] = booknotes
return clippings
Parses highlights and calls exporter functions.
Entry point for exporting highlights. User interface calls this function.
Parses current document and documents from history, passes them to exportClippings().
Highlight: Highlighted text or image in document, stored in "highlights" table in
documents sidecar file. Parser uses this table. If highlight._._.text field is empty parser uses
highlight._._.pboxes field to get an image instead.
Bookmarks: Data in bookmark explorer. Stored in "bookmarks" table of documents sidecar file. Every
field in bookmarks._ has "text" and "notes" fields When user edits a highlight or "renames" bookmark,
text field is created or updated. Parser looks to bookmarks._.text field for edited notes. bookmarks._.notes isn't used for exporting operations.
Clippings: Parsed form of highlights, stored in clipboard/evernote.sdr/metadata.sdr.lua
for all documents. Used only for exporting bookmarks. Internal highlight or bookmark functions
does not use this table.
Booknotes: Every table in clippings table. clippings = {"title" = booknotes}
function EvernoteExporter:exportAllNotes()
-- Flush highlights of current document.
if not self:isDocless() then
local clippings = self.config:readSetting("clippings") or {}
clippings = self:updateHistoryClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseHistory())
clippings = self:updateMyClippings(clippings, self.parser:parseMyClippings())
-- remove blank entries
for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do
-- chapter number is zero
if #booknotes == 0 then
clippings[title] = nil
--logger.dbg("clippings", clippings)
self.config:saveSetting("clippings", clippings)
function EvernoteExporter:exportClippings(clippings)
local client = nil
local exported_stamp
local joplin_client
if not (self.html_export or self.txt_export or self.joplin_export or self.json_export) then
client = require("EvernoteClient"):new{
domain = self.evernote_domain,
authToken = self.evernote_token,
exported_stamp = self.notebook_guid
elseif self.html_export then
exported_stamp= "html"
elseif self.json_export then
exported_stamp= "json"
elseif self.txt_export then
exported_stamp = "txt"
elseif self.joplin_export then
exported_stamp = "joplin"
joplin_client = JoplinClient:new{
server_ip = self.joplin_IP,
server_port = self.joplin_port,
auth_token = self.joplin_token
---@todo Check if user deleted our notebook, in that case note
-- will end up in random folder in Joplin.
if not self.joplin_notebook_guid then
self.joplin_notebook_guid = joplin_client:createNotebook(self.notebook_name)
assert("an exported_stamp is expected for a new export type")
local export_count, error_count = 0, 0
local export_title, error_title
for title, booknotes in pairs(clippings) do
if type(booknotes.exported) ~= "table" then
booknotes.exported = {}
-- check if booknotes are exported in this notebook
-- so that booknotes will still be exported after switching user account
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
-- Don't respect exported_stamp on txt export since it isn't possible to delete(update) prior clippings.
if booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] ~= true or self.txt_export or self.json_export then
local ok, err
if self.html_export then
ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToHTML, self, title, booknotes)
elseif self.txt_export then
ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToTXT, self, title, booknotes)
elseif self.json_export then
ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToJSON, self, title, booknotes)
elseif self.joplin_export then
ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToJoplin, self, joplin_client, title, booknotes)
ok, err = pcall(self.exportBooknotesToEvernote, self, client, title, booknotes)
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
-- Error reporting
if not ok and err and err:find("Transport not open") then
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
--- @note: No recursive callback because it feels fishy here...
elseif not ok and err then
logger.dbg("Error while exporting book", title, err)
error_count = error_count + 1
error_title = title
elseif ok then
logger.dbg("Exported notes in book:", title)
export_count = export_count + 1
export_title = title
booknotes.exported[exported_stamp] = true
local msg = "Nothing was exported."
local all_count = export_count + error_count
if export_count > 0 and error_count == 0 then
msg = T(
N_("Exported notes from the book:\n%1",
"Exported notes from the book:\n%1\nand %2 others.",
elseif error_count > 0 then
msg = T(
N_("An error occurred while trying to export notes from the book:\n%1",
"Multiple errors occurred while trying to export notes from the book:\n%1\nand %2 others.",
if (self.html_export or self.txt_export) and export_count > 0 then
msg = msg .. T(_("\nNotes can be found in %1/."), BD.dirpath(realpath(self.clipping_dir)))
UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = msg })
function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToEvernote(client, title, booknotes)
local content = slt2.render(self.template, {
booknotes = booknotes,
notemarks = self.notemarks,
--logger.dbg("content", content)
local note_guid = client:findNoteByTitle(title, self.notebook_guid)
local resources = {}
for _, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do
for _, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do
if clipping.image then
table.insert(resources, {
image = clipping.image
-- nullify clipping image after passing it to evernote client
clipping.image = nil
if not note_guid then
client:createNote(title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid)
client:updateNote(note_guid, title, content, resources, {}, self.notebook_guid)
function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToHTML(title, booknotes)
local content = slt2.render(self.template, {
booknotes = booknotes,
notemarks = self.notemarks,
--logger.dbg("content", content)
local html = .. "/" .. title .. ".html", "w")
if html then
function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToJSON(title, booknotes)
local file =, "a")
if file then
function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToTXT(title, booknotes)
-- Use wide_space to avoid crengine to treat it specially.
local wide_space = "\227\128\128"
local file =, "a")
if file then
file:write(title .. "\n" .. wide_space .. "\n")
for _ignore1, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do
if chapter.title then
file:write(wide_space .. chapter.title .. "\n" .. wide_space .. "\n")
for _ignore2, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do
file:write(wide_space .. wide_space ..
T(_("-- Page: %1, added on %2\n"),,"%c", clipping.time)))
if clipping.text then
if clipping.image then
file:write(_("<An image>"))
function EvernoteExporter:exportBooknotesToJoplin(client, title, booknotes)
if not client:ping() then
error("Cannot reach Joplin server")
local note_guid = client:findNoteByTitle(title, self.joplin_notebook_guid)
local note = ""
for _, chapter in ipairs(booknotes) do
if chapter.title then
note = note .. "\n\t*" .. chapter.title .. "*\n\n * * *"
for _, clipping in ipairs(chapter) do
note = note .."%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S \n", clipping.time)
note = note .. clipping.text .. "\n * * *\n"
if note_guid then
client:updateNote(note_guid, note)
client:createNote(title, note, self.joplin_notebook_guid)
return EvernoteExporter