NewsDownloader: Download images and output EPUBs

Initial commit of new NewsDownloader which downloads images as well as text
and packs it all into an epub.

Based on Wikipedia "Download as EPUB" code.
Tom Hall 5 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 96179670f8
commit 1588d4c64a

@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
local Version = require("version")
local ffiutil = require("ffi/util")
local http = require("socket.http")
local https = require("ssl.https")
local logger = require("logger")
local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
local socket = require("socket")
local socket_url = require("socket.url")
local _ = require("gettext")
local T = ffiutil.template
local EpubDownloadBackend = {
-- Can be set so HTTP requests will be done under Trapper and
-- be interruptible
trap_widget = nil,
-- For actions done with Trapper:dismissable methods, we may throw
-- and error() with this code. We make the value of this error
-- accessible here so that caller can know it's a user dismiss.
dismissed_error_code = "Interrupted by user",
local max_redirects = 5; --prevent infinite redirects
function EpubDownloadBackend:download(url, path)
-- self:createEpub(path, url)
self:createEpubWithUI(path, url, function(success)
if (success) then
logger.dbg("createEpubWithUI success")
logger.dbg("createEpubWithUI failure")
-- Codes that getUrlContent may get from requester.request()
local TIMEOUT_CODE = "timeout" -- from socket.lua
local MAXTIME_CODE = "maxtime reached" -- from sink_table_with_maxtime
-- Sink that stores into a table, aborting if maxtime has elapsed
local function sink_table_with_maxtime(t, maxtime)
-- Start counting as soon as this sink is created
local start_secs, start_usecs = ffiutil.gettime()
local starttime = start_secs + start_usecs/1000000
t = t or {}
local f = function(chunk, err)
local secs, usecs = ffiutil.gettime()
if secs + usecs/1000000 - starttime > maxtime then
return nil, MAXTIME_CODE
if chunk then table.insert(t, chunk) end
return 1
return f, t
-- Get URL content
local function getUrlContent(url, timeout, maxtime, redirectCount)
logger.dbg("getUrlContent(", url, ",", timeout, ",", maxtime, ",", redirectCount, ")")
if not redirectCount then
redirectCount = 0
elseif redirectCount == max_redirects then
error("EpubDownloadBackend: reached max redirects: ", redirectCount)
if not timeout then timeout = 10 end
logger.dbg("timeout:", timeout)
-- timeout needs to be set to "http", even if we use "https"
--http.TIMEOUT, https.TIMEOUT = timeout, timeout
-- "timeout" delay works on socket, and is triggered when
-- that time has passed trying to connect, or after connection
-- when no data has been read for this time.
-- On a slow connection, it may not be triggered (as we could read
-- 1 byte every 1 second, not triggering any timeout).
-- "maxtime" can be provided to overcome that, and we start counting
-- as soon as the first content byte is received (but it is checked
-- for only when data is received).
-- Setting "maxtime" and "timeout" gives more chance to abort the request when
-- it takes too much time (in the worst case: in timeout+maxtime seconds).
-- But time taken by DNS lookup cannot easily be accounted for, so
-- a request may (when dns lookup takes time) exceed timeout and maxtime...
local request, sink = {}, {}
if maxtime then
request.sink = sink_table_with_maxtime(sink, maxtime)
request.sink = ltn12.sink.table(sink)
request.url = url
request.method = "GET"
local parsed = socket_url.parse(url)
local httpRequest = parsed.scheme == "http" and http.request or https.request
logger.dbg("request:", request)
local code, headers, status = socket.skip(1, httpRequest(request))
logger.dbg("After httpRequest")
local content = table.concat(sink) -- empty or content accumulated till now
logger.dbg("type(code):", type(code))
logger.dbg("code:", code)
logger.dbg("headers:", headers)
logger.dbg("status:", status)
logger.dbg("#content:", #content)
if code == TIMEOUT_CODE or code == MAXTIME_CODE then
logger.warn("request interrupted:", code)
return false, code
if headers == nil then
logger.warn("No HTTP headers:", code, status)
return false, "Network or remote server unavailable"
if not code or string.sub(code, 1, 1) ~= "2" then -- all 200..299 HTTP codes are OK
if code and code > 299 and code < 400 and headers and headers.location then -- handle 301, 302...
local redirected_url = headers.location
logger.dbg("getUrlContent: Redirecting to url: ", redirected_url)
return getUrlContent(redirected_url, timeout, maxtime, redirectCount + 1)
error("EpubDownloadBackend: Don't know how to handle HTTP response status: ", status)
logger.warn("HTTP status not okay:", code, status)
return false, "Remote server error or unavailable"
if headers and headers["content-length"] then
-- Check we really got the announced content size
local content_length = tonumber(headers["content-length"])
if #content ~= content_length then
return false, "Incomplete content received"
logger.dbg("Returning content ok")
return true, content
function EpubDownloadBackend:getResponseAsString(url)
logger.dbg("EpubDownloadBackend:getResponseAsString(", url, ")")
local success, content = getUrlContent(url)
if (success) then
return content
error("Failed to download content for url:", url)
function EpubDownloadBackend:setTrapWidget(trap_widget)
self.trap_widget = trap_widget
function EpubDownloadBackend:resetTrapWidget()
self.trap_widget = nil
function EpubDownloadBackend:loadPage(url)
local completed, success, content
if self.trap_widget then -- if previously set with EpubDownloadBackend:setTrapWidget()
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
local timeout, maxtime = 30, 60
-- We use dismissableRunInSubprocess with complex return values:
completed, success, content = Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess(function()
return getUrlContent(url, timeout, maxtime)
end, self.trap_widget)
if not completed then
error(self.dismissed_error_code) -- "Interrupted by user"
local timeout, maxtime = 10, 60
success, content = getUrlContent(url, timeout, maxtime)
logger.dbg("success:", success, "type(content):", type(content), "content:", content:sub(1, 500), "...")
if not success then
return content
local ext_to_mimetype = {
png = "image/png",
jpg = "image/jpeg",
jpeg = "image/jpeg",
gif = "image/gif",
svg = "image/svg+xml",
html= "application/xhtml+xml",
xhtml= "application/xhtml+xml",
ncx = "application/x-dtbncx+xml",
js = "text/javascript",
css = "text/css",
otf = "application/opentype",
ttf = "application/truetype",
woff = "application/font-woff",
-- Create an epub file (with possibly images)
function EpubDownloadBackend:createEpub(epub_path, url)
logger.dbg("EpubDownloadBackend:createEpub(", epub_path, ",", url, ")")
local with_images = true
-- Use Trapper to display progress and ask questions through the UI.
-- We need to have been Trapper.wrap()'ed for UI to be used, otherwise
-- Trapper:info() and Trapper:confirm() will just use logger.
local UI = require("ui/trapper")
UI:info(_("Retrieving article…"))
local html = self:loadPage(url)
logger.dbg("Successfully retrieved article html")
-- We may need to build absolute urls for non-absolute links and images urls
local base_url = socket_url.parse(url)
local cancelled = false
local page_htmltitle = html:match([[<title>(.*)</title>]])
logger.dbg("page_htmltitle is ", page_htmltitle)
-- local sections = html.sections -- Wikipedia provided TOC
local bookid = "bookid_placeholder" --string.format("wikipedia_%s_%s_%s", lang, phtml.pageid, phtml.revid)
-- Not sure if this bookid may ever be used by indexing software/calibre, but if it is,
-- should it changes if content is updated (as now, including the wikipedia revisionId),
-- or should it stays the same even if revid changes (content of the same book updated).
local images = {}
local seen_images = {}
local imagenum = 1
local cover_imgid = nil -- best candidate for cover among our images
local processImg = function(img_tag)
local src = img_tag:match([[src="([^"]*)"]])
if src == nil or src == "" then
logger.dbg("no src found in ", img_tag)
return nil
if src:sub(1,2) == "//" then
src = "https:" .. src -- Wikipedia redirects from http to https, so use https
elseif src:sub(1,1) == "/" then -- non absolute url
src = socket_url.absolute(base_url, src)
local cur_image
if seen_images[src] then -- already seen
cur_image = seen_images[src]
local src_ext = src
if src_ext:find("?") then -- "/w/extensions/wikihiero/img/hiero_D22.png?0b8f1"
src_ext = src_ext:match("(.-)%?") -- remove ?blah
local ext = src_ext:match(".*%.(%S%S%S?%S?%S?)$") -- extensions are only 2 to 5 chars
if ext == nil or ext == "" then
-- we won't know what mimetype to use, ignore it
logger.dbg("no file extension found in ", src)
return nil
ext = ext:lower()
local imgid = string.format("img%05d", imagenum)
local imgpath = string.format("images/%s.%s", imgid, ext)
local mimetype = ext_to_mimetype[ext] or ""
local width = tonumber(img_tag:match([[width="([^"]*)"]]))
local height = tonumber(img_tag:match([[height="([^"]*)"]]))
-- Get higher resolution (2x) image url
local src2x = nil
local srcset = img_tag:match([[srcset="([^"]*)"]])
if srcset then
srcset = " "..srcset.. ", " -- for next pattern to possibly match 1st or last item
src2x = srcset:match([[ (%S+) 2x, ]])
if src2x then
if src2x:sub(1,2) == "//" then
src2x = "https:" .. src2x
elseif src2x:sub(1,1) == "/" then -- non absolute url
src2x = socket_url.absolute(base_url, src2x)
cur_image = {
imgid = imgid,
imgpath = imgpath,
src = src,
src2x = src2x,
mimetype = mimetype,
width = width,
height = height,
table.insert(images, cur_image)
seen_images[src] = cur_image
-- Use first image of reasonable size (not an icon) and portrait-like as cover-image
if not cover_imgid and width and width > 50 and height and height > 50 and height > width then
logger.dbg("Found a suitable cover image")
cover_imgid = imgid
imagenum = imagenum + 1
-- crengine will NOT use width and height attributes, but it will use
-- those found in a style attribute.
-- If we get src2x images, crengine will scale them down to the 1x image size
-- (less space wasted by images while reading), but the 2x quality will be
-- there when image is viewed full screen with ImageViewer widget.
local style_props = {}
if cur_image.width then
table.insert(style_props, string.format("width: %spx", cur_image.width))
if cur_image.height then
table.insert(style_props, string.format("height: %spx", cur_image.height))
local style = table.concat(style_props, "; ")
return string.format([[<img src="%s" style="%s" alt=""/>]], cur_image.imgpath, style)
html = html:gsub("(<%s*img [^>]*>)", processImg)
logger.dbg("Images found in html:", images)
-- See what to do with images
local include_images = true
local use_img_2x = false
if not include_images then
-- Remove img tags to avoid little blank squares of missing images
html = html:gsub("<%s*img [^>]*>", "")
-- We could remove the whole image container <div class="thumb"...> ,
-- but it's a lot of nested <div> and not easy to do.
-- So the user will see the image legends and know a bit about
-- the images he chose to not get.
UI:info(_("Building EPUB…"))
-- Open the zip file (with .tmp for now, as crengine may still
-- have a handle to the final epub_path, and we don't want to
-- delete a good one if we fail/cancel later)
local epub_path_tmp = epub_path .. ".tmp"
local ZipWriter = require("ffi/zipwriter")
local epub = ZipWriter:new{}
if not epub:open(epub_path_tmp) then
logger.dbg("Failed to open epub_path_tmp")
return false
-- We now create and add all the required epub files
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- /mimetype : always "application/epub+zip"
epub:add("mimetype", "application/epub+zip")
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- /META-INF/container.xml : always the same content
epub:add("META-INF/container.xml", [[
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">
<rootfile full-path="OEBPS/content.opf" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>
logger.dbg("Added META-INF/container.xml")
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- OEBPS/content.opf : metadata + list of other files (paths relative to OEBPS/ directory)
-- Other possible items in this file that are of no interest to crengine :
-- In <manifest> :
-- <item id="cover" href="title.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
-- <item id="cover-image" href="images/cover.png" media-type="image/png"/>
-- (crengine only uses <meta name="cover" content="cover-image" /> to get the cover image)
-- In <spine toc="ncx"> :
-- <itemref idref="cover" linear="no"/>
-- And a <guide> section :
-- <guide>
-- <reference href="title.html" type="cover" title="Cover"/>
-- <reference href="toc.html" type="toc" title="Table of Contents" href="toc.html" />
-- </guide>
local content_opf_parts = {}
-- head
local meta_cover = "<!-- no cover image -->"
if include_images and cover_imgid then
meta_cover = string.format([[<meta name="cover" content="%s"/>]], cover_imgid)
logger.dbg("meta_cover:", meta_cover)
table.insert(content_opf_parts, string.format([[
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<package xmlns=""
unique-identifier="bookid" version="2.0">
<dc:publisher>KOReader %s</dc:publisher>
<item id="ncx" href="toc.ncx" media-type="application/x-dtbncx+xml"/>
<item id="content" href="content.html" media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
<item id="css" href="stylesheet.css" media-type="text/css"/>
]], page_htmltitle, Version:getCurrentRevision(), meta_cover))
-- images files
if include_images then
for inum, img in ipairs(images) do
table.insert(content_opf_parts, string.format([[ <item id="%s" href="%s" media-type="%s"/>%s]], img.imgid, img.imgpath, img.mimetype, "\n"))
-- tail
table.insert(content_opf_parts, [[
<spine toc="ncx">
<itemref idref="content"/>
epub:add("OEBPS/content.opf", table.concat(content_opf_parts))
logger.dbg("Added OEBPS/content.opf")
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- OEBPS/stylesheet.css
-- TODO: We told it we'd include a stylesheet.css, so it's probably best
-- that we do. In theory, we could try to fetch any *.css files linked in
-- the main html.
epub:add("OEBPS/stylesheet.css", [[
/* Empty */
logger.dbg("Added OEBPS/stylesheet.css")
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- OEBPS/toc.ncx : table of content
local toc_ncx_parts = {}
local depth = 0
local cur_level = 0
local np_end = [[</navPoint>]]
local num = 1
-- Add our own first section for first page, with page name as title
table.insert(toc_ncx_parts, string.format([[<navPoint id="navpoint-%s" playOrder="%s"><navLabel><text>%s</text></navLabel><content src="content.html"/>]], num, num, page_htmltitle))
table.insert(toc_ncx_parts, np_end)
-- TODO: Not essential for most articles, but longer articles might benefit
-- from parsing <h*> tags and constructing a proper TOC
while cur_level > 0 do
table.insert(toc_ncx_parts, np_end)
cur_level = cur_level - 1
-- Prepend NCX head
table.insert(toc_ncx_parts, 1, string.format([[
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE ncx PUBLIC "-//NISO//DTD ncx 2005-1//EN" "">
<ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1">
<meta name="dtb:uid" content="%s"/>
<meta name="dtb:depth" content="%s"/>
<meta name="dtb:totalPageCount" content="0"/>
<meta name="dtb:maxPageNumber" content="0"/>
]], bookid, depth, page_htmltitle))
-- Append NCX tail
table.insert(toc_ncx_parts, [[
epub:add("OEBPS/toc.ncx", table.concat(toc_ncx_parts))
logger.dbg("Added OEBPS/toc.ncx")
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- OEBPS/content.html
epub:add("OEBPS/content.html", html)
logger.dbg("Added OEBPS/content.html")
-- Force a GC to free the memory we used till now (the second call may
-- help reclaim more memory).
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- OEBPS/images/*
if include_images then
local nb_images = #images
for inum, img in ipairs(images) do
-- Process can be interrupted at this point between each image download
-- by tapping while the InfoMessage is displayed
-- We use the fast_refresh option from image #2 for a quicker download
local go_on = UI:info(T(_("Retrieving image %1 / %2 …"), inum, nb_images), inum >= 2)
if not go_on then
cancelled = true
local src = img.src
if use_img_2x and img.src2x then
src = img.src2x
logger.dbg("Getting img ", src)
local success, content = getUrlContent(src)
-- success, content = getUrlContent(src..".unexistant") -- to simulate failure
if success then
logger.dbg("success, size:", #content)
logger.dbg("failed fetching:", src)
if success then
-- Images do not need to be compressed, so spare some cpu cycles
local no_compression = true
if img.mimetype == "image/svg+xml" then -- except for SVG images (which are XML text)
no_compression = false
epub:add("OEBPS/"..img.imgpath, content, no_compression)
logger.dbg("Adding OEBPS/"..img.imgpath)
go_on = UI:confirm(T(_("Downloading image %1 failed. Continue anyway?"), inum), _("Stop"), _("Continue"))
if not go_on then
cancelled = true
-- Done with adding files
if cancelled then
if UI:confirm(_("Download did not complete.\nDo you want to create an EPUB with the already downloaded images?"), _("Don't create"), _("Create")) then
cancelled = false
if cancelled then
UI:info(_("Canceled. Cleaning up…"))
UI:info(_("Packing EPUB…"))
-- This was nearly a no-op, so sleep a bit to make that progress step seen
UI:reset() -- close last InfoMessage
if cancelled then
-- Build was cancelled, remove half created .epub
if lfs.attributes(epub_path_tmp, "mode") == "file" then
return false
-- Finally move the .tmp to the final file
os.rename(epub_path_tmp, epub_path)
logger.dbg("successfully created:", epub_path)
-- Force a GC to free the memory we used (the second call may help
-- reclaim more memory).
return true
-- Wrap EpubDownloadBackend:createEpub() with UI progress info, provided
-- by Trapper module.
function EpubDownloadBackend:createEpubWithUI(epub_path, url, result_callback)
logger.dbg("EpubDownloadBackend:createEpubWithUI(", epub_path, ",", url, ",", title, ", ...)")
-- To do any UI interaction while building the EPUB, we need
-- to use a coroutine, so that our code can be suspended while waiting
-- for user interaction, and resumed by UI widgets callbacks.
-- All this is hidden and done by Trapper with a simple API.
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
Trapper:setPausedText("Download paused")
-- If errors in EpubDownloadBackend:createEpub(), the coroutine (used by
-- Trapper) would just abort (no reader crash, no error logged).
-- So we use pcall to catch any errors, log it, and report
-- the failure via result_callback.
local ok, success = pcall(self.createEpub, self, epub_path, url)
if ok and success then
Trapper:reset() -- close any last widget not cleaned if error
logger.warn("EpubDownloadBackend.createEpub pcall:", ok, success)
return EpubDownloadBackend

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local DownloadBackend = require("internaldownloadbackend") --local DownloadBackend = require("internaldownloadbackend")
--local DownloadBackend = require("luahttpdownloadbackend") --local DownloadBackend = require("luahttpdownloadbackend")
local DownloadBackend = require("epubdownloadbackend")
local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory")
local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ local wifi_enabled_before_action = true
local feed_config_file_name = "feed_config.lua" local feed_config_file_name = "feed_config.lua"
local news_downloader_config_file = "news_downloader_settings.lua" local news_downloader_config_file = "news_downloader_settings.lua"
local config_key_custom_dl_dir = "custom_dl_dir"; local config_key_custom_dl_dir = "custom_dl_dir";
local file_extension = ".html" local file_extension = ".epub"
local news_download_dir_name = "news" local news_download_dir_name = "news"
local news_download_dir_path, feed_config_path local news_download_dir_path, feed_config_path
