[doc] Simplify and reorganize readme (#5217)

References #5213.
Martín Fernández 5 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent c6862780a1
commit 57d9f75f53

@ -1,347 +1,80 @@
[![KOReader](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/koreader/koreader.github.io/master/koreader-logo.png)](https://koreader.rocks) [![KOReader](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/koreader/koreader.github.io/master/koreader-logo.png)](https://koreader.rocks)
[Download](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/releases) • #### KOReader is a document viewer primarily aimed at e-ink readers.
[Wiki](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki) •
[Developer docs](http://koreader.rocks/doc/) •
[Forum](http://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=276) •
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[![Latest release][release-badge]](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/releases/)
KOReader is a document viewer primarily targeting e-ink readers.
It runs on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices.
Developers can also run a KOReader emulator on desktop PCs with Linux or Mac OS X.
<a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-menu.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-menu-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-footnotes.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-footnotes-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-dictionary.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-dictionary-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
Main features for users
* supports multi-format documents including:
* fixed page formats: PDF, DjVu, CBT, and CBZ
* reflowable e-book formats: ePub, fb2, mobi, doc, chm and plain text
* scanned PDF/DjVu documents can also be reflowed with built-in K2pdfopt
* use StarDict dictionaries / Wikipedia to lookup words
* highlights can be exported to Evernote cloud account
* highly customizable reader view and typesetting
* setting arbitrary page margins / line space
* choosing external fonts and styles
* built-in multi-lingual hyphenation dictionaries
* supports adding custom online OPDS catalogs
* calibre integration
* search calibre metadata on your koreader device
* send ebooks from calibre library to your koreader device wirelessly
* browser calibre library and download ebooks via calibre OPDS server
* can share ebooks with other koreader devices wirelessly
* various optimizations for e-ink devices
* paginated menus without animation
* adjustable text contrast
* multi-lingual user interface
* online Over-The-Air software update
Highlights for developers
* frontend written in Lua scripting language
* multi-platform support through a single code-base
* you can help develop KOReader in any editor without compilation
* high runtime efficiency through LuaJIT acceleration
* light-weight self-contained widget toolkit with small memory footprint
* extensible with plugin system
* interfaced backends for documents parsing and rendering
* high quality document backend libraries like MuPDF, DjvuLibre and CREngine
* frontend interaction via LuaJIT FFI for best performance
* in active development
* with contributions from developers around the world
* continuous integration with CircleCI
* with unit tests (busted), static code analysis (luacheck) and code coverage test (luacov/coveralls)
* automated nightly builds available at http://build.koreader.rocks/download/nightly/
* free as in free speech
* licensed under Affero GPL v3
* all dependencies are free software
Check out the [KOReader wiki](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki) to learn
more about this project.
Building Prerequisites
These instructions for how to get and compile the source are intended for a Linux
OS. Windows users are suggested to develop in a [Linux VM][linux-vm] or use Wubi.
If you only want to work with Lua frontend stuff, you can grab the AppImage and
run it with `--appimage-extract`.
To get and compile the source you must have `patch`, `wget`, `unzip`, `git`,
`cmake` and `luarocks` installed, as well as a version of `autoconf`
greater than 2.64. You also need `nasm` and of course a compiler like `gcc`
or `clang`. If you want to cross-compile for other architectures, you need a proper
cross-compile toolchain. Your GCC should be at least version 4.8.
Users of Debian and Ubuntu can install the required packages using:
sudo apt-get install build-essential git patch wget unzip \
gettext autoconf automake cmake libtool nasm luarocks \
libssl-dev libffi-dev libsdl2-dev libc6-dev-i386 xutils-dev linux-libc-dev:i386 zlib1g:i386
If you are running Fedora, be sure to install the package `libstdc++-static`.
That's all you need to get the emulator up and running with `./kodev build` and `./kodev run`.
Cross compile toolchains are available for Ubuntu users through these commands:
# for Kindle
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi g++-arm-linux-gnueabi
# for Kobo and Ubuntu touch
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
# for Win32
sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-i686
The packages `pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf` and `pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabi` may
block you from building for Kobo or Kindle. Remove them if you get an ld error,
ld: cannot find -lglib-2.0`
**NOTE:** In the specific case of Kindle & Kobo targets, while we make some effort to support these Linaro/Ubuntu TCs,
they do *not* exactly target the proper devices. While your build will go fine, this may lead to runtime failure.
As time goes by, and/or the more bleeding-edge your distro is, the greater the risk for mismatch gets.
Thankfully, we have a distribution-agnostic solution for you: [koxtoolchain](https://github.com/koreader/koxtoolchain)!
This will allow you to build the *exact* same TCs used to build the nightlies, thanks to the magic of [crosstool-ng](https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng).
On Mac OS X you may need to install the following tools using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): [![AGPL Licence][badge-license]](COPYING)
``` [![Latest release][badge-release]][link-gh-releases]
brew install nasm binutils libtool autoconf automake cmake makedepend sdl2 lua@5.1 luarocks gettext pkg-config wget md5sha1sum [![Gitter][badge-gitter]][link-gitter]
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME"/.bash_profile [![Mobileread][badge-mobileread]][link-forum]
``` [![Build Status][badge-circleci]][link-circleci]
[![Coverage Status][badge-coverage]][link-coverage]
If you run into a gettext error while building glib, try `brew link --force gettext` to override the built-in Mac OS BSD gettext with GNU GetText. [Download](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/releases) •
[Wiki](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki) •
*Note:* in Mojave (10.14) you need to set a minimum deployment version higher than 10.04. Otherwise you'll get the error `ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4`. [Developer docs](http://koreader.rocks/doc/)
The KOReader Android build requires `ant`, `openjdk-8-jdk` and `p7zip-full`. A compatible version of the Android NDK and SDK will be downloaded automatically by `./kodev build android` if no NDK or SDK is provided in environment variables. For that purpose you can use `NDK=/ndk/location SDK=/sdk/location ./kodev build android`.
Users of Debian Jessie first need to configure the `backports` repository:
sudo echo "deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
sudo apt-get update
For both Ubuntu and Debian, install the packages:
sudo apt-get install ant openjdk-8-jdk
Users on Debian finally need to remove JRE version 7:
sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre-headless
In order to build KOReader package for Ubuntu Touch, the `click` package management
tool is needed, Ubuntu users can install it with:
sudo apt-get install click
You might also need SDL library packages if you want to compile and run
KOReader on Linux PC. Fedora users can install `SDL` and `SDL-devel` package.
Ubuntu users probably need to install the `libsdl2-dev` package:
Getting the source
git clone https://github.com/koreader/koreader.git
cd koreader && ./kodev fetch-thirdparty
Building, Running and Testing
For emulating KOReader on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX
To build an emulator on your current Linux or OSX machine:
./kodev build
If you want to compile the emulator for Windows run:
./kodev build win32
To run KOReader on your development machine:
./kodev run
To automatically set up a number of primarily luarocks-related environment variables:
./kodev activate
To run unit tests:
./kodev test base
./kodev test front
To run a specific unit test (for test development):
./kodev test front readerbookmark_spec.lua
NOTE: Extra dependencies for tests: `busted` and `ansicolors` from luarocks.
To run Lua static analysis:
make static-check
NOTE: Extra dependencies for tests: `luacheck` from luarocks ## Main features
You may need to checkout the [circleci config file][circleci-conf] to setup up * **portable**: runs on embedded devices (Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook), Android and Linux computers. Developers can run a KOReader emulator in Linux and MacOS.
a proper testing environment. Briefly, you need to install `luarocks` and
then install `busted` with `luarocks`. The "eng" language data file for
tesseract-ocr is also need to test OCR functionality. Finally, make sure
that `luajit` in your system is at least of version 2.0.2.
You can also specify the size and DPI of the emulator's screen using * **multi-format documents**: supports fixed page formats (PDF, DjVu, CBT, CBZ) and reflowable e-book formats (EPUB, FB2, Mobi, DOC, CHM, TXT). Scanned PDF/DjVu documents can also be reflowed with the built-in K2pdfopt library.
`-w=X` (width), `-h=X` (height), and `-d=X` (DPI). There is also a convenience
`-s` (simulate) flag with some presets like `kobo-aura-one`, `kindle3`, and
`hidpi`. The latter is a fictional device with `--screen_width=1500`,
`--screen_height=2000` and `--screen_dpi=600` to help ensure DPI scaling works correctly.
Sample usage:
./kodev run -s=kobo-aura-one
To use your own koreader-base repo instead of the default one change the `KOR_BASE` * **full-featured reading**: multi-lingual user interface with a highly customizable reader view and many typesetting options. You can set arbitrary page margins, override line spacing and choose external fonts and styles. It has multi-lingual hyphenation dictionaries bundled into the application.
environment variable:
make KOR_BASE=../koreader-base
This will be handy if you are developing `koreader-base` and you want to test your * **integrated** with *calibre* (search metadata, receive ebooks wirelessly, browse library via OPDS), *Evernote* (export hightlights), *Wallabag*, *Wikipedia*, *Google Translate* and other content providers.
modifications with the KOReader frontend. NOTE: this only supports relative path for now.
For EReader devices (kindle, kobo, pocketbook, ubuntu-touch) * **optimized for e-ink devices**: custom UI without animation, with paginated menus, adjustable text contrast, and easy zoom to fit content or page in paged media.
To build an installable package for Kindle: * **extensible**: via plugins
./kodev release kindle
To build an installable package for Kobo: * **and much more**: look up words with StarDict dictionaries / Wikipedia, add your own online OPDS catalogs and RSS feeds, share ebooks with other KOReader devices wirelessly, online over-the-air software updates, an FTP client, an SSH server, …
./kodev release kobo
To build an installable package for PocketBook: Please check the [wiki][link-wiki] to discover more features and to help us document them.
./kodev release pocketbook
To build an installable package for Ubuntu Touch ## Screenshots
./kodev release ubuntu-touch
You may checkout our [nightlybuild script][nb-script] to see how to build a <a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-menu.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-menu-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
package from scratch. <a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-footnotes.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-footnotes-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-dictionary.png"><img src="https://github.com/koreader/koreader-artwork/raw/master/koreader-dictionary-thumbnail.png" alt="" width="200px"></a>
For Android devices ## Installation
A compatible version of the Android NDK and SDK will be downloaded automatically by the Please follow the model specific steps for your device:
`kodev` command. If you already have an Android NDK and SDK installed that you would like
to use instead, make sure that the `android` and `ndk-build` tools can be found in your
`PATH` environment variable. Additionally, the `NDK` and `SDK` variables should point
to the root directory of the Android NDK and SDK respectively.
Then, run this command to build an installable package for Android: [Android](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-Android-devices) •
``` [Cervantes](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-BQ-devices) •
./kodev release android [Kindle](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-Kindle-devices) •
``` [Kobo](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-Kobo-devices) •
[Linux](https://github.com/koreader/koreader/wiki/Installation-on-desktop-linux) •
Please refer to [l10n's README][l10n-readme] to grab the latest translations
from [the KOReader project on Transifex][koreader-transifex] with this command:
make po
If your language is not listed on the Transifex project, please don't hesitate
to send a language request [here][koreader-transifex].
Variables in translation ## Development
Some strings contain variables that should remain unaltered in translation. [Setting a build environment](doc/Building.md) •
For example: [Collaborating with Git](doc/Collaborating_with_Git.md) •
[Building targets](doc/Building_targets.md) •
[Porting](doc/Porting.md) •
[Developer docs](http://koreader.rocks/doc/)
```lua ## Support
The title of the book is %1 and its author is %2.
This might be displayed as:
The title of the book is The Republic and its author is Plato.
To aid localization the variables may be freely positioned:
De auteur van het boek is %2 en de titel is %1.
That would result in:
De auteur van het boek is Plato en de titel is The Republic.
Use ccache KOReader is developed and supported by volunteers all around the world. There are many ways you can help:
Ccache can speed up recompilation by caching previous compilations and detecting - [fix bugs][link-issues-bugs] and [implement new features][link-issues-features]
when the same compilation is being repeated. In other words, it will decrease - [translate the program into your language][link-translations-transifex] or improve an existing translation
build time when the sources have been built before. Ccache support has been added to - document lesser known features on the [wiki][link-wiki]
KOReader's build system. To install ccache: - help others with your knowledge on the [forum][link-forum]
* in Ubuntu use:`sudo apt-get install ccache` At this moment we don't support any form of money donation, but you can create a [bounty][link-bountysource] for the specific bug or feature request you want and motivate others to do the work.
* in Fedora use:`sudo yum install ccache`
* from source:
* download the latest ccache source from http://ccache.samba.org/download.html
* extract the source package in a directory
* `cd` to that directory and use:`./configure && make && sudo make install`
* to disable ccache, use `export USE_NO_CCACHE=1` before make.
* for more information about ccache, visit: https://ccache.samba.org/
Also if you have and old Pocketbook device you don't want, we might find it useful to tinker a bit with that platform. Please contact us through the forum or GitHub.
[base-readme]:https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/blob/master/README.md ## Contributors
Contributors [![Last commit][badge-last-commit]][link-gh-commits]
============ [![Commit activity][badge-commit-activity]][link-gh-insights]
[![0](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/0)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/0) [![0](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/0)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/0)
[![1](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/1)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/1) [![1](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/1)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/1)
@ -351,3 +84,26 @@ Contributors
[![5](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/5)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/5) [![5](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/5)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/5)
[![6](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/6)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/6) [![6](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/6)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/6)
[![7](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/7)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/7) [![7](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/images/7)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/Frenzie/koreader/koreader/links/7)

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# Setting up a build environment for KOReader
These instructions are intended to build the emulator in Linux and MacOS. Windows users are suggested to develop in a [Linux VM](https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11287/how-to-run-ubuntu-in-windows-7-with-vmware-player/) or using the [Windows Subsystem for Linux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux).
If you only want to work with Lua frontend stuff, you can grab the AppImage and
run it with `--appimage-extract`.
You can skip most of the following instructions if desired, and use our premade Docker image instead. In that case the only requirements are Git and Docker. See [the virtual development environment README](https://github.com/koreader/virdevenv) for more information.
## Prerequisites
To get and compile the source you must have `patch`, `wget`, `unzip`, `git`,
`cmake` and `luarocks` installed, as well as a version of `autoconf`
greater than 2.64. You also need `nasm` and of course a compiler like `gcc`
or `clang`.
### Debian/Ubuntu and derivates
Install the prerequisites using APT:
sudo apt-get install build-essential git patch wget unzip \
gettext autoconf automake cmake libtool nasm luarocks libsdl2-dev \
libssl-dev libffi-dev libsdl2-dev libc6-dev-i386 xutils-dev linux-libc-dev:i386 zlib1g:i386
### Fedora/Red Hat
Install the `libstdc++-static`, `SDL` and `SDL-devel` packages using DNF:
sudo dnf install libstdc++-static SDL SDL-devel
### MacOS
Install the prerequisites using [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/):
brew install nasm binutils libtool autoconf automake cmake makedepend \
sdl2 lua@5.1 luarocks gettext pkg-config wget md5sha1sum
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gettext/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME"/.bash_profile
If you run into a gettext error while building glib, try `brew link --force gettext` to override the built-in Mac OS BSD gettext with GNU GetText.
*Note:* in Mojave (10.14) you need to set a minimum deployment version higher than 10.04. Otherwise you'll get the error `ld: library not found for -lgcc_s.10.4`.
## Getting the source
git clone https://github.com/koreader/koreader.git
cd koreader && ./kodev fetch-thirdparty
Building the emulator
## Building and running the emulator
To build an emulator on your Linux or MacOS machine:
./kodev build
To run KOReader on your development machine:
./kodev run
You can specify the size and DPI of the emulator's screen using
`-w=X` (width), `-h=X` (height), and `-d=X` (DPI).
There is also a convenience
`-s` (simulate) flag with some presets like `kobo-aura-one`, `kindle3`, and
`hidpi`. The latter is a fictional device with `--screen_width=1500`,
`--screen_height=2000` and `--screen_dpi=600` to help ensure DPI scaling works correctly.
Sample usage:
./kodev run -s=kobo-aura-one
To use your own koreader-base repo instead of the default one change the `KOR_BASE`
environment variable:
make KOR_BASE=../koreader-base
This will be handy if you are developing `koreader-base` and you want to test your
modifications with the KOReader frontend. NOTE: this only supports relative path for now.
## Building for other platforms
Once you have the emulator ready to rock you can [build for other platforms too](Building_targets.md).
## Testing
You may need to check out the [circleci config file][circleci-conf] to setup up
a proper testing environment.
Briefly, you need to install `luarocks` and then install `busted` and `ansicolors` with `luarocks`. The "eng" language data file for tesseract-ocr is also need to test OCR functionality. Finally, make sure that `luajit` in your system is at least of version 2.0.2.
To automatically set up a number of primarily luarocks-related environment variables:
./kodev activate
To run unit tests:
./kodev test base
./kodev test front
To run a specific unit test (for test development):
./kodev test front readerbookmark_spec.lua
To run Lua static analysis:
make static-check
NOTE: Extra dependencies for tests: `luacheck` from luarocks.
## Translations
Please refer to [l10n's README][l10n-readme] to grab the latest translations
from [the KOReader project on Transifex][koreader-transifex] with this command:
make po
If your language is not listed on the Transifex project, please don't hesitate
to send a language request [here][koreader-transifex].
### Variables in translation
Some strings contain variables that should remain unaltered in translation. These take the form of a `%` followed by a number from `1-99`, although you'll seldom see more than about 5 in practice. Please don't put any spaces between the `%` and its number. `%1` should always remain `%1`.
For example:
The title of the book is %1 and its author is %2.
This might be displayed as:
The title of the book is The Republic and its author is Plato.
To aid localization the variables may be freely positioned:
De auteur van het boek is %2 en de titel is %1.
That would result in:
De auteur van het boek is Plato en de titel is The Republic.
## Use ccache
Ccache can speed up recompilation by caching previous compilations and detecting
when the same compilation is being repeated. In other words, it will decrease
build time when the sources have been built before. Ccache support has been added to
KOReader's build system. To install ccache:
* in Ubuntu use:`sudo apt-get install ccache`
* in Fedora use:`sudo dnf install ccache`
* from source:
* download the latest ccache source from http://ccache.samba.org/download.html
* extract the source package in a directory
* `cd` to that directory and use:`./configure && make && sudo make install`
* to disable ccache, use `export USE_NO_CCACHE=1` before make.
* for more information about ccache, visit: https://ccache.samba.org/

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
# Building targets
KOReader is available for multiple platforms. Here are instructions to build installable packages for all these platforms.
These instructions are intended for a Linux OS. MacOS and Windows users are suggested to develop in a Linux VM.
## Prerequisites
This instructions asume that you [have a development environment ready to run](Building.md) KOReader. If not then please install common prerequisites first.
### A toolchain for your target.
Each target has its own architecture and you'll need to setup a proper cross-compile toolchain. Your GCC should be at least version 4.9.
#### for Android
A compatible version of the Android NDK and SDK will be downloaded automatically by `./kodev release android` if no NDK or SDK is provided in environment variables. For that purpose you can use:
NDK=/ndk/location SDK=/sdk/location ./kodev release android
If you want to use your own installed tools please make sure that you have the **NDKr15c** and the SDK for Android 9 (**API level 28**) already installed.
#### for embedded linux devices
Cross compile toolchains are available for Ubuntu users through these commands:
##### Kindle and Cervantes
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi g++-arm-linux-gnueabi
##### Kobo and Ubuntu Touch
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
**NOTE 1:** The packages `pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf` and `pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabi` may
block you from building. Remove them if you get the following ld error
/usr/lib/gcc-cross/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.8/../../../../arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/ld: cannot find -lglib-2.0
**NOTE 2:** In the specific case of Cervantes, Kindle & Kobo targets, while we make some effort to support these Linaro/Ubuntu TCs,
they do *not* exactly target the proper devices. While your build will go fine, this may lead to runtime failure.
As time goes by, and/or the more bleeding-edge your distro is, the greater the risk for mismatch gets.
Thankfully, we have a distribution-agnostic solution for you: [koxtoolchain](https://github.com/koreader/koxtoolchain)!
This will allow you to build the *exact* same TCs used to build the nightlies, thanks to the magic of [crosstool-ng](https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng). These are also included precompiled in the Docker images for the respective targets.
**NOTE 3:** The vendor toolchain will be downloaded automatically by `./kodev release pocketbook`
### Additional packages
Some platforms will require additional packages:
#### for Android
Building for Android requires `openjdk-8-jdk` and `p7zip-full`.
For both Ubuntu and Debian, install the packages:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk p7zip-full
#### for Debian
Building a debian package requires the `dpkg-deb` tool. It should be already installed if you're on a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution.
#### for Ubuntu Touch
Building for Ubuntu Touch requires the `click` package management tool.
Ubuntu users can install it with:
sudo apt-get install click
**NOTE**: The Ubuntu Touch build won't start anymore, and none of the currently active developers have any physical devices. Please visit [#4960](
https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/4960) if you want to help.
The Ubuntu Touch builds are therefore no longer published under releases on GitHub, but they are still available from [the nightly build server](http://build.koreader.rocks/download/nightly/).
## Building
You can check out our [nightlybuild script][nb-script] to see how to build a
package from scratch.
### Android
./kodev release android
### Android (x86)
ANDROID_ARCH=x86 ./kodev release android
### Cervantes
./kodev release cervantes
### Desktop Linux
#### AppImage (x86_64)
./kodev release appimage
#### Debian (x86_64)
./kodev release debian
#### Debian (armel)
./kodev release debian-armel
#### Debian (armhf)
./kodev release debian-armhf
### Kindle
./kodev release kindle
### Kobo
./kodev release kobo
### Pocketbook
./kodev release pocketbook
### Ubuntu Touch
./kodev release ubuntu-touch
## Porting to a new target.
See [Porting.md](Porting.md)