Translate file size unit (#5651)

Close #5649
Robert 5 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 494b38e9c8
commit e4dd1826fa

@ -656,17 +656,21 @@ end
function util.getFriendlySize(size) function util.getFriendlySize(size)
size = tonumber(size) size = tonumber(size)
if not size or type(size) ~= "number" then return end if not size or type(size) ~= "number" then return end
local s
if size > 1024*1024*1024 then if size > 1024*1024*1024 then
s = string.format("%4.1f GB", size/1024/1024/1024) -- @translators This is an abbreviation for the gigabyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
elseif size > 1024*1024 then return T(_("%1 GB"), string.format("%4.1f", size/1024/1024/1024))
s = string.format("%4.1f MB", size/1024/1024) end
elseif size > 1024 then if size > 1024*1024 then
s = string.format("%4.1f KB", size/1024) -- @translators This is an abbreviation for the megabyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 MB"), string.format("%4.1f", size/1024/1024))
if size > 1024 then
-- @translators This is an abbreviation for the kilobyte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 KB"), string.format("%4.1f", size/1024))
else else
s = string.format("%d B", size) -- @translators This is an abbreviation for the byte, a unit of computer memory or data storage capacity.
return T(_("%1 B"), string.format("%d", size))
end end
return s
end end
--- Gets formatted size as string (1273334 => "1,273,334") --- Gets formatted size as string (1273334 => "1,273,334")
