Merge pull request #110 from joostjager/additional-send-params

lndclient: extend send payment parameters
Joost Jager 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit a6bb2e51c5
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ v0.11.0 h1:lPpYFCtsfJX2W5zI4pWycPmbbBdr7zU+Baf v0.11.0/go.mod h1:CuhF0iuzg9Sp2HO6ZgXgayviFTn1QHdSTJlMncK80wg= v0.0.0-20190909101754-850081b08b6a h1:GoWPN4i4jTKRxhVNh9a2vvBBO1Y2seiJB+SopUYoKyo= v0.0.0-20190909101754-850081b08b6a/go.mod h1:rigfi6Af/KqsF7Za0hOgcyq2PNH4AN70AaMRxcJkff4= v0.0.2 h1:actrQ68Mrj2atPV7A58FxPzP6Qjwvn0GqkxC9iC0Mlw= v0.8.0-beta-rc3.0.20191115230031-4d7a151b4763 h1:Eit9hH737th2WwnnVhkuxyMqgXce6keztGTtbDMLJ80= v0.8.0-beta-rc3.0.20191115230031-4d7a151b4763/go.mod h1:Z7DDVIgvMgyb/4+btLeiU++xt49T35PNunXGCvAaxiE= v1.0.1 h1:jzJKcTy3Nj5lQrooJ3aaw9Lau3I0IwvQR5sqtjdv2R0=

@ -6,19 +6,17 @@ import (
// RouterClient exposes payment functionality.
@ -44,11 +42,41 @@ type PaymentStatus struct {
// SendPaymentRequest defines the payment parameters for a new payment.
type SendPaymentRequest struct {
Invoice string
// Invoice is an encoded payment request. The individual payment
// parameters Target, Amount, PaymentHash, FinalCLTVDelta and RouteHints
// are only processed when the Invoice field is empty.
Invoice string
MaxFee btcutil.Amount
MaxCltv *int32
OutgoingChannel *uint64
Timeout time.Duration
// Target is the node in which the payment should be routed towards.
Target route.Vertex
// Amount is the value of the payment to send through the network in
// satoshis.
Amount btcutil.Amount
// PaymentHash is the r-hash value to use within the HTLC extended to
// the first hop.
PaymentHash [32]byte
// FinalCLTVDelta is the CTLV expiry delta to use for the _final_ hop
// in the route. This means that the final hop will have a CLTV delta
// of at least: currentHeight + FinalCLTVDelta.
FinalCLTVDelta uint16
// RouteHints represents the different routing hints that can be used to
// assist a payment in reaching its destination successfully. These
// hints will act as intermediate hops along the route.
// NOTE: This is optional unless required by the payment. When providing
// multiple routes, ensure the hop hints within each route are chained
// together and sorted in forward order in order to reach the
// destination successfully.
RouteHints [][]zpay32.HopHint
// routerClient is a wrapper around the generated routerrpc proxy.
@ -84,6 +112,21 @@ func (r *routerClient) SendPayment(ctx context.Context,
rpcReq.OutgoingChanId = *request.OutgoingChannel
// Only if there is no payment request set, we will parse the individual
// payment parameters.
if request.Invoice == "" {
rpcReq.Dest = request.Target[:]
rpcReq.Amt = int64(request.Amount)
rpcReq.PaymentHash = request.PaymentHash[:]
rpcReq.FinalCltvDelta = int32(request.FinalCLTVDelta)
routeHints, err := marshallRouteHints(request.RouteHints)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rpcReq.RouteHints = routeHints
stream, err := r.client.SendPayment(rpcCtx, rpcReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
@ -237,3 +280,46 @@ func unmarshallHop(hop *lnrpc.Hop) (*route.Hop, error) {
ChannelID: hop.ChanId,
}, nil
// marshallRouteHints marshalls a list of route hints.
func marshallRouteHints(routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint) (
[]*lnrpc.RouteHint, error) {
rpcRouteHints := make([]*lnrpc.RouteHint, 0, len(routeHints))
for _, routeHint := range routeHints {
rpcRouteHint := make(
[]*lnrpc.HopHint, 0, len(routeHint),
for _, hint := range routeHint {
rpcHint, err := marshallHopHint(hint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcRouteHint = append(rpcRouteHint, rpcHint)
rpcRouteHints = append(rpcRouteHints, &lnrpc.RouteHint{
HopHints: rpcRouteHint,
return rpcRouteHints, nil
// marshallHopHint marshalls a single hop hint.
func marshallHopHint(hint zpay32.HopHint) (*lnrpc.HopHint, error) {
nodeID, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &lnrpc.HopHint{
ChanId: hint.ChannelID,
CltvExpiryDelta: uint32(hint.CLTVExpiryDelta),
FeeBaseMsat: hint.FeeBaseMSat,
FeeProportionalMillionths: hint.FeeProportionalMillionths,
NodeId: nodeID.String(),
}, nil
