You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2.7 KiB

phd is an esoteric gopher server for small gopherholes.

point it at a directory and it'll serve up all its text files, sub-directories, and binary files over gopher. any .gph files will be served up as gopermaps, and executable .gph files will be run with their output served to the client, like cgi!

special files:

  • header.gph: if it exists in a directory, its content will be shown above the directory's content. put ascii art in it.
  • footer.gph: same, but will be shown below a directory's content.
  • index.gph: completely replaces a directory's content with what's in this file.
  • ??.gph: visiting gopher://yoursite/1/dog/ will try to render dog.gph from disk.
  • .reverse: if this exists, the directory contents will be listed in reverse alphanumeric order. useful for phloggin'.

any line in a .gph file that doesn't contain tabs (\t) and doesn't start with an i will get an i automatically prefixed, turning it into a gopher information item.

any .gph file that is marked executable with be run as if it were a shell script and its output will be sent to the client. it will be passed three arguments: the query string (if any, the host, and the port. do with them what you will.

for example:

$ cat echo.gph
echo "Hi, world! You said:" $1
echo "1Visit Gopherpedia	/	70"


$ gopher-client gopher://localhost/1/echo?something
[INFO] Hi, world! You said: something
[LINK] Visit Gopherpedia

or more seriously:

$ cat figlet.gph
figlet $1


$ gopher-client gopher://localhost/1/figlet?hi gopher
[INFO]  _     _                     _               
[INFO] | |__ (_)   __ _  ___  _ __ | |__   ___ _ __ 
[INFO] | '_ \| |  / _` |/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
[INFO] | | | | | | (_| | (_) | |_) | | | |  __/ |   
[INFO] |_| |_|_|  \__, |\___/| .__/|_| |_|\___|_|   
[INFO]             |___/      |_|                    


phd [options] <directory>

phd ./path/to/gopher/root    # Serve directory over port 70.
phd -p 7070 docs             # Serve 'docs' directory on port 7070
phd -h localhost             # Serve cwd using hostname "localhost".


cargo run -- ./path/to/gopher/site



  • script mode
  • log options
  • 404 message