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DIY PiKVM V1 Instructions

!!! tip "So many choices!" There are many different options with sub-items, so you can choose what will suit you.
However, we marked the recommended way by sign ✮ ✮ ✮

Required parts

  1. Raspberry Pi board

  2. MicroSD card minimum 8Gb class 10

  3. Video capture device

    • ✮ ✮ ✮ HDMI-CSI bridge based on TC358743 chip.
      Supports H.264 video encoding on Raspberry Pi 3, automatic resolution selection and the lowest possible latency.
    • ... or HDMI-USB dongle.
      Only heavy MJPEG video, no resolution detection, big latency compared to HDMI-CSI. Some users report hardware problems: the dongle may not work in the BIOS or simply stop working after a while. It's a black box, and no one knows what's inside it. If you have problems with it, it will not be possible to fix them.
  4. Official USB-Micro Power Supply.

  5. The Pico HID Keyboard & mouse emulator


  6. Optional features

    ??? success "✮ ✮ ✮ ATX controller to manage the target host's power"


    ??? note "PS/2 Keyboard & mouse"

     The use of PS/2 is intended for advanced users. Check out the additional list of details in advance
     in the [corresponding paragraph]( of the Pico HID manual.

    ??? note "VGA video capture"

     If you want to capture VGA from your server instead of HDMI,
     buy the [VGA-to-HDMI converter](
     Some converters have issues with not supporting all resolutions and refresh rates.

Setting up the hardware

  1. Video capture device

    ??? success "✮ ✮ ✮ HDMI-CSI bridge"


    ??? note "... or HDMI-USB dongle"

  2. The Pico HID and ATX controller

    Connect all the parts according to this scheme:

    ??? success "✮ ✮ ✮ With ATX controller"

     ??? example "Simple wiring diagram"
         <img src="../v1/v1_breadboard.png" />
     ??? example "Electrical schematic diagram for advanced users"
         <a target="_blank" href="../v1/v1_scheme.png"><img src="../v1/v1_scheme.png" /></a>

    ??? note "... or without ATX controller"

     ??? example "Simple wiring diagram"
         <img src="../pico_hid/basic_breadboard.png" />
     ??? example "Electrical schematic diagram for advanced users"
         <img src="../pico_hid/basic_scheme.png" />
  3. Flash firmware to the Pico HID

Wiring with the target host

!!! warning "Under construction"

First launch and usage
