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# Wake-on-LAN
## Simplified method (one host)
To use Wake-on-LAN with your server you must define some options such as the server's MAC address and (optionally) IP address. Use `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`. The format is:
mac: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Replace `ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff` with the MAC of your server. By default, a packet is sent via a broadcast request to the entire IPv4 network (``, port `9`), but you can address it to a specific static address:
mac: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# port: 9 # By default
... then restart `kvmd` using `systemctl restart kvmd`. It will now show up in the system button in the upper right corner.
## GPIO method (multiple hosts)
Follow the [manual for building the GPIO menu]( and use the `wol` driver to build a menu with many buttons tied to different hosts.