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# Kodi addon for accessing live TV channels from various romanian online platforms (
## Disclaimer
This Kodi add-on is not commissioned or supported by any of the platforms accessed by the add-on.
Parts of or the entire add-on could break and/or not work anymore at any given time, depending on the type and frequency of changes introduced on the platforms accessed by this add-on.
## Features
* Dynamic list of categories and channels.
* Plays both unprotected and DRM protected channels.
* Generates and maintains the playlist and XMLTV files that can be used by PVR IPTV Simple Client.
## Supported platforms
| Name | Platform URL | User account required |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| DIGI Online | []( | Yes |
| Voyo | []( | Yes |
| TVR+ | []( | No |
| Prima Play | []( | Yes |
## Addon Installation & Updates
Installation methods and initial configuration are described in detail on the wiki page(s) [here](
### Quick download links
| Repository package | Add-on package |
| :---: | :---:|
| | |
## PVR IPTV Simple Client
Instalation of PVR IPTV Simple Client and its configuration required in order work with files generated by this add-on is described in detail on the wiki page(s) [here](