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Tutorial 05 - Safe Globals


A pseudo-lock is introduced; It is a first showcase of OS synchronization primitives and enables safe access to a global data structure.

Mutable globals in Rust

When we introduced the globally usable print! macros in tutorial 03, we cheated a bit. Calling core::fmt's write_fmt() function, which takes an &mut self, was only working because on each call, a new instance of QEMUOutput was created.

If we would want to preserve some state, e.g. statistics about the number of characters written, we need to make a single global instance of QEMUOutput (in Rust, using the static keyword).

A static QEMU_OUTPUT, however, would not allow to call functions taking &mut self. For that, we would need a static mut, but calling functions that mutate state on static muts is unsafe. The Rust compiler's reasoning for this is that it can then not prevent anymore that multiple cores/threads are mutating the data concurrently (it is a global, so everyone can reference it from anywhere. The borrow checker can't help here).

The solution to this problem is to wrap the global into a synchronization primitive. In our case, a variant of a MUTual EXclusion primivite. Mutex is introduced as a trait in, and implemented by the NullLock in the same file. In order to make the code lean for teaching purposes, it leaves out the actual architecture-specific logic for protection against concurrent access, since we don't need it as long as the kernel only executes on a single core with interrupts disabled. That is also why it is implemented in the same file as the interface itself. In later tutorials, an implementation might move to the _arch once it pulls in arch-specific code that can not be further abstracted.

The NullLock focuses on showcasing the Rust core concept of interior mutability. Make sure to read up on it. I also recommend to read this article about an accurate mental model for Rust's reference types.

If you want to compare the NullLock to some real-world mutex implementations, you can check out implemntations in the spin crate or the parking lot crate.

Test it

$ make qemu
[0] Hello from pure Rust!
[1] Chars written: 27
[2] Stopping here.

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