You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
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# wg-netns
[wg-quick]( with support for Linux network namespaces.
A simple Python script that implements the steps described at [](
## Setup
- Python 3.7 or newer
- `ip` from iproute2
- `wg` from wireguard-tools
- optional: [pyyaml]( python package for configuration files in YAML format, otherwise only JSON is supported
a) With [pipx](
~~~ bash
pipx install git+
b) With `pip`.
~~~ bash
pip install --user git+
c) As standalone script.
~~~ bash
curl -o ~/.local/bin/wg-netns
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/wg-netns
## Usage
First, create a configuration profile.
JSON and YAML file formats are supported.
Minimal JSON example:
~~~ json
"name": "ns-example",
"interfaces": [
"name": "wg-example",
"address": ["", "fc00:dead:beef::192/128"],
"private-key": "4bvaEZHI...",
"peers": [
"public-key": "bELgMXGt...",
"endpoint": "",
"allowed-ips": ["", "::/0"]
Full YAML example:
~~~ yaml
# name of the network namespace
name: ns-example
# namespace where the interface is initialized, defaults to the main/default namespace
base_netns: null
# if false, the netns itself won't be created or deleted, just the interfaces inside it
managed: true
# list of dns servers, if empty dns servers from default netns will be used
dns-server: [,]
# shell hooks, e.g. to set firewall rules, two formats are supported
pre-up: echo pre-up from managed netns
- host-namespace: true
command: echo post-up from host netns
- host-namespace: false
command: echo post-up from managed netns
pre-down: echo pre-down from managed netns
post-down: echo post-down from managed netns
# list of wireguard interfaces inside the netns
# interface name, required
- name: wg-site-a
# list of ip addresses, at least one entry required
- fc00:dead:beef:1::172/128
# can also be set via "wg set wg-site-a $key"
private-key: nFkQQjN+...
# optional settings
listen-port: 51821
fwmark: 21
mtu: 1420
# list of wireguard peers
# public key is required
- public-key: Kx+wpJpj...
# optional settings
preshared-key: 5daskLoW...
persistent-keepalive: 25
# list of ips the peer is allowed to use, at least one entry required
- fc00:dead:beef:1::/64
# by default the networks specified in 'allowed-ips' are routed over the interface, 'routes' can be used to overwrite this behaivor
- fc00:dead:beef:1::/64
- name: wg-site-b
- fc00:dead:beef:2::172/128
private-key: guYPuE3X...
listen-port: 51822
fwmark: 22
- public-key: NvZMoyrg...
preshared-key: cFQuyIX/...
persistent-keepalive: 25
- fc00:dead:beef:2::/64
Now it's time to setup your new network namespace and all associated wireguard interfaces.
~~~ bash
wg-netns up ./example.yaml
Profiles stored under `/etc/wireguard/` can be referenced by their name.
~~~ bash
wg-netns up example
You can verify the success with a combination of `ip` and `wg`.
~~~ bash
ip netns exec ns-example wg show
You can also spawn a shell inside the netns.
~~~ bash
ip netns exec ns-example bash -i
### Systemd Service
You can find a `wg-quick@.service` equivalent at [wg-netns@.service](./extras/wg-netns@.service).
Place your profile in `/etc/wireguard/`, e.g. `example.json`, then start the service.
~~~ bash
curl -o /etc/systemd/system/wg-netns@.service
systemctl enable --now wg-netns@example.service
If you are using SELinux, you have to change the SELinux context label, e.g. to `bin_t`, otherwise the service will not find the executable.
~~~ bash
chcon -t bin_t /root/.local/bin/wg-netns
### Podman Integration
A podman container can be easily attached to a network namespace created by `wg-netns`.
The example below starts a container connected to a netns named *ns-example*.
~~~ bash
podman run -it --rm --network ns:/run/netns/ns-example wget -q -O -
### Port Forwarding with Socat
[netns-publish](./extras/ is a small wrapper around `socat` that can forward TCP traffic from outside a network namespace to a port inside a network namespace.
Example: All connections to port 1234/tcp in the main/default netns are forwarded to port 5678/tcp in the *ns-example* namespace.
~~~ bash
# terminal 1, create netns and start http server inside
wg-netns up ns-example
echo 'Hello from ns-example!' > ./hello.txt
ip netns exec ns-example python3 -m http.server 5678
# terminal 2, setup port forwarding
./extras/ 1234 ns-example
# terminal 3, test access
### WireGuard with DynDNS
If your WireGuard server endpoint is a DynDNS domain you can use the [wg-resolve](./extras/wg-resolve/) script to periodically check the connectivity and re-resolve the endpoint if necessary.
### Firefox in Network Namespace
Start a dedicated Firefox profile with working audio inside the netns created by `wg-netns`.
~~~ bash
sudo ip netns exec ns-example sudo -u "$USER" "HOME=$HOME" "PULSE_SERVER=/run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native" "PULSE_COOKIE=$HOME/.config/pulse/cookie" firefox -P vpn