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Getting started with zk

A short introduction showing how to use zk.

Create a new notebook

Create a notebook to host your notes. You are free to organize your notebook as you want, adding subdirectories if needed.

$ zk init my-notes
Initialized a notebook in my-notes

$ cd my-notes

Edit the configuration file

To customize your experience with zk, you may want to edit the user configuration file.

$ vim .zk/config.toml

Create your first notes

Now you are ready to write your very first note. Pick a subject, create a new note and write on!

$ zk new --title "An interesting concept"

Edit existing notes

After some time, hopefully you will have enough notes to be lost in it. Use zk's powerful filtering capabilities to find what you need.

$ zk edit --interactive --match "recipe pizza -pineapple"

# or with short flags
$ zk edit -i -m "recipe pizza -pineapple"

List existing notes

If you do not need to edit a note, use zk list instead to print context-sensitive results.

$ zk list -m "recipe pizza -pineapple"