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Integration with fzf

fzf is an awesome and versatile fuzzy finder powering zk's interactive filtering mode.

Besides the standard fzf configuration options documented on its website, zk offers additional options you can set in the [tool] configuration section.

If you wish to customize more of fzf behavior, please post a feature request.

Preview command

You can customize the command used to preview a note with fzf-preview. The special placeholder {-1} will be expanded to the note file path.

By default, zk uses cat for preview, which is a bit boring. A much better option would be to use bat which supports syntax highlighting.

fzf-preview = "bat -p --color always {-1}"

Or, if you prefer to preview more metadata, you can use a nested zk command.

fzf-preview = "zk list --quiet --format full --limit 1 {-1}"