You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

809 lines
29 KiB

* This file is part of OpenTTD.
* OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
/** @file yapf_rail.cpp The rail pathfinding. */
#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "yapf.hpp"
#include "yapf_cache.h"
#include "yapf_node_rail.hpp"
#include "yapf_costrail.hpp"
#include "yapf_destrail.hpp"
#include "../../viewport_func.h"
#include "../../newgrf_station.h"
#include "../../tracerestrict.h"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../safeguards.h"
#if defined(UNIX) && defined(__GLIBC__)
#include <unistd.h>
template <typename Tpf> void DumpState(Tpf &pf1, Tpf &pf2)
DumpTarget dmp1, dmp2;
#if defined(UNIX) && defined(__GLIBC__)
static unsigned int num = 0;
int pid = getpid();
const char *fn1 = nullptr;
const char *fn2 = nullptr;
FILE *f1 = nullptr;
FILE *f2 = nullptr;
for(;;) {
fn1 = str_fmt("yapf-%d-%u-1.txt", pid, num);
f1 = fopen(fn1, "wx");
if (f1 == nullptr && errno == EEXIST) {
fn2 = str_fmt("yapf-%d-%u-2.txt", pid, num);
f2 = fopen(fn2, "w");
DEBUG(desync, 0, "Dumping YAPF state to %s and %s", fn1, fn2);
FILE *f1 = fopen("yapf1.txt", "wt");
FILE *f2 = fopen("yapf2.txt", "wt");
assert(f1 != nullptr);
assert(f2 != nullptr);
fwrite(dmp1.m_out.c_str(), 1, dmp1.m_out.size(), f1);
fwrite(dmp2.m_out.c_str(), 1, dmp2.m_out.size(), f2);
template <class Types>
class CYapfReserveTrack
typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
/** to access inherited pathfinder */
inline Tpf& Yapf()
return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
TileIndex m_res_dest; ///< The reservation target tile
Trackdir m_res_dest_td; ///< The reservation target trackdir
Node *m_res_node; ///< The reservation target node
TileIndex m_res_fail_tile; ///< The tile where the reservation failed
Trackdir m_res_fail_td; ///< The trackdir where the reservation failed
TileIndex m_origin_tile; ///< Tile our reservation will originate from
bool FindSafePositionProc(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
if (IsSafeWaitingPosition(Yapf().GetVehicle(), tile, td, true, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns())) {
m_res_dest = tile;
m_res_dest_td = td;
return false; // Stop iterating segment
return true;
/** Reserve a railway platform. Tile contains the failed tile on abort. */
bool ReserveRailStationPlatform(TileIndex &tile, DiagDirection dir)
TileIndex start = tile;
TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
do {
if (HasStationReservation(tile)) return false;
SetRailStationReservation(tile, true);
MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile, VMDF_NOT_MAP_MODE);
tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
} while (IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start) && tile != m_origin_tile);
TriggerStationRandomisation(nullptr, start, SRT_PATH_RESERVATION);
return true;
/** Try to reserve a single track/platform. */
bool ReserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
if (!ReserveRailStationPlatform(tile, TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)))) {
/* Platform could not be reserved, undo. */
m_res_fail_tile = tile;
m_res_fail_td = td;
} else {
if (!TryReserveRailTrackdir(Yapf().GetVehicle(), tile, td)) {
/* Tile couldn't be reserved, undo. */
m_res_fail_tile = tile;
m_res_fail_td = td;
return false;
return tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td;
/** Unreserve a single track/platform. Stops when the previous failer is reached. */
bool UnreserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
TileIndex start = tile;
TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)));
while ((tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start)) {
SetRailStationReservation(tile, false);
tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
} else if (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) {
UnreserveRailTrackdir(tile, td);
return (tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td) && (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td);
/** Set the target to where the reservation should be extended. */
inline void SetReservationTarget(Node *node, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
m_res_node = node;
m_res_dest = tile;
m_res_dest_td = td;
/** Check the node for a possible reservation target. */
inline void FindSafePositionOnNode(Node *node)
dbg_assert(node->m_parent != nullptr);
/* We will never pass more than two non-reserve-through signals, no need to check for a safe tile. */
if (node->m_parent->m_num_signals_passed - node->m_parent->m_num_signals_res_through_passed >= 2) return;
if (!node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::FindSafePositionProc)) {
m_res_node = node;
/** Try to reserve the path till the reservation target. */
bool TryReservePath(PBSTileInfo *target, TileIndex origin)
m_res_fail_tile = INVALID_TILE;
m_origin_tile = origin;
if (target != nullptr) {
target->tile = m_res_dest;
target->trackdir = m_res_dest_td;
target->okay = false;
/* Don't bother if the target is reserved. */
PBSWaitingPositionRestrictedSignalInfo restricted_signal_info;
if (!IsWaitingPositionFree(Yapf().GetVehicle(), m_res_dest, m_res_dest_td, false, &restricted_signal_info)) return false;
for (Node *node = m_res_node; node->m_parent != nullptr; node = node->m_parent) {
node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::ReserveSingleTrack);
if (m_res_fail_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
/* Reservation failed, undo. */
Node *fail_node = m_res_node;
TileIndex stop_tile = m_res_fail_tile;
do {
/* If this is the node that failed, stop at the failed tile. */
m_res_fail_tile = fail_node == node ? stop_tile : INVALID_TILE;
fail_node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::UnreserveSingleTrack);
} while (fail_node != node && (fail_node = fail_node->m_parent) != nullptr);
return false;
if (restricted_signal_info.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
const TraceRestrictProgram *prog = GetExistingTraceRestrictProgram(restricted_signal_info.tile, TrackdirToTrack(restricted_signal_info.trackdir));
if (prog && prog->actions_used_flags & TRPAUF_PBS_RES_END_SLOT) {
extern TileIndex VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback(const Train *v, const void *, TraceRestrictPBSEntrySignalAuxField mode);
TraceRestrictProgramResult out;
TraceRestrictProgramInput input(restricted_signal_info.tile, restricted_signal_info.trackdir, &VehiclePosTraceRestrictPreviousSignalCallback, nullptr);
input.permitted_slot_operations = TRPISP_PBS_RES_END_ACQUIRE | TRPISP_PBS_RES_END_RELEASE;
prog->Execute(Yapf().GetVehicle(), input, out);
if (target != nullptr) target->okay = true;
if (Yapf().CanUseGlobalCache(*m_res_node)) {
YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK);
return true;
static void stDesyncCheck(Tpf &pf1, Tpf &pf2, const char *name, bool check_res)
Node *n1 = pf1.GetBestNode();
Node *n2 = pf2.GetBestNode();
uint depth = 0;
for (;;) {
if ((n1 != nullptr) != (n2 != nullptr)) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "%s: node nonnull state at %u = [%d, %d]", name, depth, (n1 != nullptr), (n2 != nullptr));
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
if (n1 == nullptr) break;
if (n1->GetTile() != n2->GetTile()) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "%s tile mismatch at %u = [0x%X, 0x%X]", name, depth, n1->GetTile(), n2->GetTile());
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
if (n1->GetTrackdir() != n2->GetTrackdir()) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "%s trackdir mismatch at %u = [0x%X, 0x%X]", name, depth, n1->GetTrackdir(), n2->GetTrackdir());
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
n1 = n1->m_parent;
n2 = n2->m_parent;
if (check_res && (pf1.m_res_dest != pf2.m_res_dest || pf1.m_res_dest_td != pf2.m_res_dest_td)) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "%s reservation target mismatch = [(0x%X, %d), (0x%X, %d)]", name, pf1.m_res_dest, pf1.m_res_dest_td, pf2.m_res_dest, pf2.m_res_dest_td);
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT
typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables
/** to access inherited path finder */
inline Tpf& Yapf()
return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
* Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
* reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
* and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
const Train *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
TrackFollower F(v);
if (old_node.flags_u.flags_s.m_reverse_pending && old_node.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & (ESRB_SAFE_TILE | ESRB_DEPOT | ESRB_DEAD_END)) {
Node *rev_node = &old_node;
uint length = 0;
while (rev_node && !(rev_node->m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & ESRB_REVERSE)) {
length += rev_node->GetNodeLength(v, Yapf(), *this);
rev_node = rev_node->m_parent;
if (rev_node && length >= v->gcache.cached_total_length) {
if (F.Follow(rev_node->GetLastTile(), ReverseTrackdir(rev_node->GetLastTrackdir()))) {
Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F, [&](Node &n) {
n.flags_u.flags_s.m_reverse_pending = false;
n.flags_u.flags_s.m_teleport = true;
} else if (old_node.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & (ESRB_DEPOT | ESRB_DEAD_END)) {
if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
inline char TransportTypeChar() const
return 't';
static FindDepotData stFindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty)
Tpf pf1;
* With caching enabled it simply cannot get a reliable result when you
* have limited the distance a train may travel. This means that the
* cached result does not match uncached result in all cases and that
* causes desyncs. So disable caching when finding for a depot that is
* nearby. This only happens with automatic servicing of vehicles,
* so it will only impact performance when you do not manually set
* depot orders and you do not disable automatic servicing.
if (max_penalty != 0) pf1.DisableCache(true);
FindDepotData result1 = pf1.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_penalty, reverse_penalty);
if (_debug_yapfdesync_level > 0 || _debug_desync_level >= 2) {
Tpf pf2;
FindDepotData result2 = pf2.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_penalty, reverse_penalty);
if (result1.tile != result2.tile || (result1.reverse != result2.reverse)) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "CACHE ERROR: FindNearestDepotTwoWay() = [%s, %s]",
result1.tile != INVALID_TILE ? "T" : "F",
result2.tile != INVALID_TILE ? "T" : "F");
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
return result1;
inline FindDepotData FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty)
/* set origin and destination nodes */
Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, true);
/* find the best path */
if (!Yapf().FindPath(v)) return FindDepotData();
/* Some path found. */
Node *n = Yapf().GetBestNode();
/* walk through the path back to the origin */
Node *pNode = n;
while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
pNode = pNode->m_parent;
/* if the origin node is our front vehicle tile/Trackdir then we didn't reverse
* but we can also look at the cost (== 0 -> not reversed, == reverse_penalty -> reversed) */
return FindDepotData(n->GetLastTile(), n->m_cost, pNode->m_cost != 0);
template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables
/** to access inherited path finder */
inline Tpf& Yapf()
return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
* Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
* reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
* and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf().GetCompatibleRailTypes());
if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir()) && F.MaskReservedTracks()) {
Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
/** Return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
inline char TransportTypeChar() const
return 't';
static bool stFindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
/* Create pathfinder instance */
Tpf pf1;
bool result1;
if (_debug_yapfdesync_level < 1 && _debug_desync_level < 2) {
result1 = pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false);
} else {
bool found_path_1, found_path_2;
pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, true, &found_path_1);
Tpf pf2;
result1 = pf2.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false, &found_path_2);
if (found_path_1 != found_path_2) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "CACHE ERROR: FindSafeTile() = [%s, %s]", found_path_1 ? "T" : "F", found_path_2 ? "T" : "F");
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
} else if (found_path_2) {
CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT::stDesyncCheck(pf1, pf2, "CACHE ERROR: FindSafeTile()", true);
return result1;
bool FindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype, bool dont_reserve, bool *found_path = nullptr)
/* Set origin and destination. */
Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td);
Yapf().SetDestination(v, override_railtype);
bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
if (found_path) *found_path = bFound;
if (!bFound) return false;
/* Found a destination, set as reservation target. */
Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());
/* Walk through the path back to the origin. */
Node *pPrev = nullptr;
while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
pPrev = pNode;
pNode = pNode->m_parent;
return dont_reserve || this->TryReservePath(nullptr, pNode->GetLastTile());
template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
typedef typename Node::Key Key; ///< key to hash tables
/** to access inherited path finder */
inline Tpf& Yapf()
return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
* Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
* reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
* and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
const Train *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
TrackFollower F(v);
if (old_node.flags_u.flags_s.m_reverse_pending && old_node.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & (ESRB_SAFE_TILE | ESRB_DEPOT | ESRB_DEAD_END)) {
Node *rev_node = &old_node;
uint length = 0;
while (rev_node && !(rev_node->m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & ESRB_REVERSE)) {
length += rev_node->GetNodeLength(v, Yapf(), *this);
rev_node = rev_node->m_parent;
if (rev_node && length >= v->gcache.cached_total_length) {
if (F.Follow(rev_node->GetLastTile(), ReverseTrackdir(rev_node->GetLastTrackdir()))) {
Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F, [&](Node &n) {
n.flags_u.flags_s.m_reverse_pending = false;
n.flags_u.flags_s.m_teleport = true;
} else if (old_node.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason & (ESRB_DEPOT | ESRB_DEAD_END)) {
if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
inline char TransportTypeChar() const
return 't';
static Trackdir stChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target, TileIndex *dest)
/* create pathfinder instance */
Tpf pf1;
Trackdir result1;
if (_debug_yapfdesync_level < 1 && _debug_desync_level < 2) {
result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target, dest);
} else {
result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, false, nullptr, nullptr);
Tpf pf2;
Trackdir result2 = pf2.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target, dest);
if (result1 != result2) {
DEBUG(desync, 0, "CACHE ERROR: ChooseRailTrack() = [%d, %d]", result1, result2);
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
} else if (result1 != INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
CYapfFollowRailT::stDesyncCheck(pf1, pf2, "CACHE ERROR: ChooseRailTrack()", true);
return result1;
inline Trackdir ChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target, TileIndex *dest)
if (target != nullptr) target->tile = INVALID_TILE;
if (dest != nullptr) *dest = INVALID_TILE;
/* set origin and destination nodes */
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v, nullptr, FTRF_OKAY_UNUSED);
Yapf().SetOrigin(origin.tile, origin.trackdir, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, 1, true);
/* find the best path */
path_found = Yapf().FindPath(v);
/* if path not found - return INVALID_TRACKDIR */
Trackdir next_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
if (pNode != nullptr) {
/* reserve till end of path */
this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());
/* path was found or at least suggested
* walk through the path back to the origin */
Node *pPrev = nullptr;
while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
pPrev = pNode;
pNode = pNode->m_parent;
/* return trackdir from the best origin node (one of start nodes) */
Node &best_next_node = *pPrev;
next_trackdir = best_next_node.GetTrackdir();
if (reserve_track && path_found) {
if (dest != nullptr) *dest = Yapf().GetBestNode()->GetLastTile();
this->TryReservePath(target, pNode->GetLastTile());
/* Treat the path as found if stopped on the first two way signal(s). */
path_found |= Yapf().m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal;
return next_trackdir;
static bool stCheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
Tpf pf1;
bool result1 = pf1.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);
if (_debug_yapfdesync_level > 0 || _debug_desync_level >= 2) {
Tpf pf2;
bool result2 = pf2.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);
if (result1 != result2) {
DEBUG(desync, 2, "CACHE ERROR: CheckReverseTrain() = [%s, %s]", result1 ? "T" : "F", result2 ? "T" : "F");
DumpState(pf1, pf2);
} else if (result1) {
CYapfFollowRailT::stDesyncCheck(pf1, pf2, "CACHE ERROR: CheckReverseTrain()", false);
return result1;
inline bool CheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
/* create pathfinder instance
* set origin and destination nodes */
Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, false);
/* find the best path */
bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
if (!bFound) return false;
/* path was found
* walk through the path back to the origin */
Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
pNode = pNode->m_parent;
/* check if it was reversed origin */
Node &best_org_node = *pNode;
bool reversed = (best_org_node.m_cost != 0);
return reversed;
template <class Tpf_, class Ttrack_follower, class Tnode_list, template <class Types> class TdestinationT, template <class Types> class TfollowT>
struct CYapfRail_TypesT
typedef CYapfRail_TypesT<Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list, TdestinationT, TfollowT> Types;
typedef Tpf_ Tpf;
typedef Ttrack_follower TrackFollower;
typedef Tnode_list NodeList;
typedef Train VehicleType;
typedef CYapfBaseT<Types> PfBase;
typedef TfollowT<Types> PfFollow;
typedef CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT<Types> PfOrigin;
typedef TdestinationT<Types> PfDestination;
typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT<Types> PfCache;
typedef CYapfCostRailT<Types> PfCost;
struct CYapfRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail1 , CFollowTrackRail , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};
struct CYapfRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail2 , CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnyDepotRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnyDepotRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};
Track YapfTrainChooseTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target, TileIndex *dest)
/* default is YAPF type 2 */
typedef Trackdir (*PfnChooseRailTrack)(const Train*, TileIndex, DiagDirection, TrackBits, bool&, bool, PBSTileInfo*, TileIndex*);
PfnChooseRailTrack pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail1::stChooseRailTrack;
/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
if ( {
pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail2::stChooseRailTrack; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
Trackdir td_ret = pfnChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target, dest);
return (td_ret != INVALID_TRACKDIR) ? TrackdirToTrack(td_ret) : FindFirstTrack(tracks);
bool YapfTrainCheckReverse(const Train *v)
const Train *last_veh = v->Last();
/* get trackdirs of both ends */
Trackdir td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());
/* tiles where front and back are */
TileIndex tile = v->tile;
TileIndex tile_rev = last_veh->tile;
int reverse_penalty = 0;
if (v->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* front in tunnel / on bridge */
DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);
/* Current position of the train in the wormhole */
TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the forward path, i.e. bonus for the reverse path
* Note: Negative penalties are ok for the start tile. */
if (TrackdirToExitdir(td) == dir_into_wormhole) {
reverse_penalty += DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
} else {
reverse_penalty -= DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
if (last_veh->track & TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
/* back in tunnel / on bridge */
DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile_rev);
/* Current position of the last wagon in the wormhole */
TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(last_veh->x_pos, last_veh->y_pos);
/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the revere path. */
if (TrackdirToExitdir(td_rev) == dir_into_wormhole) {
reverse_penalty -= DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile_rev) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
} else {
reverse_penalty += DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile_rev) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
typedef bool (*PfnCheckReverseTrain)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int);
PfnCheckReverseTrain pfnCheckReverseTrain = CYapfRail1::stCheckReverseTrain;
/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
if ( {
pfnCheckReverseTrain = &CYapfRail2::stCheckReverseTrain; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
/* slightly hackish: If the pathfinders finds a path, the cost of the first node is tested to distinguish between forward- and reverse-path. */
if (reverse_penalty == 0) reverse_penalty = 1;
bool reverse = pfnCheckReverseTrain(v, tile, td, tile_rev, td_rev, reverse_penalty);
return reverse;
bool YapfTrainCheckDepotReverse(const Train *v, TileIndex forward_depot, TileIndex reverse_depot)
typedef bool (*PfnCheckReverseTrain)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int);
PfnCheckReverseTrain pfnCheckReverseTrain = CYapfRail1::stCheckReverseTrain;
/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
if ( {
pfnCheckReverseTrain = &CYapfRail2::stCheckReverseTrain; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
bool reverse = pfnCheckReverseTrain(v, forward_depot, DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetRailDepotDirection(forward_depot)),
reverse_depot, DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(GetRailDepotDirection(reverse_depot)), 1);
return reverse;
FindDepotData YapfTrainFindNearestDepot(const Train *v, int max_penalty)
const Train *last_veh = v->Last();
PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v, nullptr, FTRF_OKAY_UNUSED);
TileIndex last_tile = last_veh->tile;
Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());
typedef FindDepotData (*PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int, int);
PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail1::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay;
/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
if ( {
pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail2::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
return pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir, last_tile, td_rev, max_penalty, YAPF_INFINITE_PENALTY);
bool YapfTrainFindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestSafeTile)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, bool);
PfnFindNearestSafeTile pfnFindNearestSafeTile = CYapfAnySafeTileRail1::stFindNearestSafeTile;
/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
if ( {
pfnFindNearestSafeTile = &CYapfAnySafeTileRail2::stFindNearestSafeTile;
return pfnFindNearestSafeTile(v, tile, td, override_railtype);
/** if any track changes, this counter is incremented - that will invalidate segment cost cache */
int CSegmentCostCacheBase::s_rail_change_counter = 0;
void YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile, Track track)
CSegmentCostCacheBase::NotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
void YapfCheckRailSignalPenalties()
bool negative = false;
int p0 =;
int p1 =;
int p2 =;
for (int i = 0; i < (int); i++) {
if (p0 + i * (p1 + i * p2) < 0) negative = true;
if (negative) {
DEBUG(misc, 0, "Settings: pf.yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p0, pf.yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p1, pf.yapf.rail_look_ahead_signal_p2 and pf.yapf.rail_look_ahead_max_signal "
"are set to incorrect values (i.e. resulting in hegative penalties), negative penalties will be truncated");