Default to externally powered RPis

Addresses issues in #86
Andre Richter 3 years ago
parent dad68abdc6
commit 18c7259c60
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2116C1AB102F615E

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ init_uart_clock=48000000
- [bootcode.bin](
- [fixup.dat](
- [start.elf](
4. Run `make` and copy the [kernel8.img](kernel8.img) onto the SD card.
4. Run `make`.
### Pi 4
@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ init_uart_clock=48000000
- [fixup4.dat](
- [start4.elf](
- [bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb](
4. Run `BSP=rpi4 make` and copy the [kernel8.img](kernel8.img) onto the SD card.
4. Run `BSP=rpi4 make`.
_**Note**: Should it not work on your RPi4, try renaming `start4.elf` to `start.elf` (without the 4)
on the SD card._
### Common again
5. Insert the SD card into the RPi and connect the USB serial to your host PC.
- Wiring diagram at [top-level README](../
5. Copy the `kernel8.img` onto the SD card and insert it back into the RPi.
6. Run the `miniterm` target, which opens the UART device on the host:
@ -81,14 +81,16 @@ $ make miniterm
$ DEV_SERIAL=/dev/tty.usbserial-0001 make miniterm
7. Hit <kbd>Enter</kbd> after seeing "`Connected`" to kick off the kernel boot process and observe
the output:
7. Connect the USB serial to your host PC.
- Wiring diagram at [top-level README](../
- Make sure that you **DID NOT** connect the power pin of the USB serial. Only RX/TX and GND.
8. Connect the RPi to the (USB) power cable and observe the output:
Miniterm 1.0
[MT] ✅ Connected
[MT] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MT] ✅ Serial connected
[0] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[1] Drivers loaded:
@ -1212,7 +1214,7 @@ diff -uNr 05_safe_globals/src/ 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/
mod memory;
mod panic_wait;
mod print;
@@ -116,16 +126,53 @@
@@ -116,16 +126,46 @@
/// # Safety
/// - Only a single core must be active and running this function.
@ -1239,13 +1241,6 @@ diff -uNr 05_safe_globals/src/ 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/
+ use console::interface::All;
+ use driver::interface::DriverManager;
+ // Wait for user to hit Enter.
+ loop {
+ if bsp::console::console().read_char() == '\n' {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ println!("[0] Booting on: {}", bsp::board_name());
+ println!("[1] Drivers loaded:");

@ -147,13 +147,6 @@ fn kernel_main() -> ! {
use console::interface::All;
use driver::interface::DriverManager;
// Wait for user to hit Enter.
loop {
if bsp::console::console().read_char() == '\n' {
println!("[0] Booting on: {}", bsp::board_name());
println!("[1] Drivers loaded:");

@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ Our chainloader is called `MiniLoad` and is inspired by [raspbootin].
You can try it with this tutorial already:
1. Depending on your target hardware:`make` or `BSP=rpi4 make`.
2. Copy `kernel8.img` to the SD card.
3. Execute `make chainboot` or `BSP=rpi4 make chainboot`.
4. Now plug in the USB Serial.
5. Observe the loader fetching a kernel over `UART`:
1. Copy `kernel8.img` to the SD card.
1. Execute `make chainboot` or `BSP=rpi4 make chainboot`.
1. Connect the USB serial to your host PC.
- Wiring diagram at [top-level README](../
- Make sure that you **DID NOT** connect the power pin of the USB serial. Only RX/TX and GND.
1. Connect the RPi to the (USB) power cable.
1. Observe the loader fetching a kernel over `UART`:
> ❗ **NOTE**: By default, `make chainboot` tries to connect to `/dev/ttyUSB0`.
> Should the USB serial on your system have a different name, you have to provide it explicitly. For
@ -44,7 +47,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ Minipush 1.0
Raspberry Pi 3
[ML] Requesting binary
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 7 KiB ==========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 6 KiB ==========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[0] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
@ -429,18 +433,23 @@ diff -uNr 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/ 07_uart_chainloader/src/
mod runtime_init;
mod synchronization;
@@ -144,35 +148,52 @@
@@ -144,28 +148,52 @@
/// The main function running after the early init.
fn kernel_main() -> ! {
+ use bsp::console::console;
use console::interface::All;
- use driver::interface::DriverManager;
- println!("[0] Booting on: {}", bsp::board_name());
- // Wait for user to hit Enter.
- loop {
- if bsp::console::console().read_char() == '\n' {
- break;
- println!("[1] Drivers loaded:");
- for (i, driver) in bsp::driver::driver_manager()
- .all_device_drivers()
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- {
- println!(" {}. {}", i + 1, driver.compatible());
+ println!(" __ __ _ _ _ _ ");
+ println!("| \\/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |");
+ println!("| |\\/| | | ' \\| | |__/ _ \\/ _` / _` |");
@ -458,8 +467,17 @@ diff -uNr 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/ 07_uart_chainloader/src/
+ // Notify `Minipush` to send the binary.
+ for _ in 0..3 {
+ console().write_char(3 as char);
+ }
- println!(
- "[2] Chars written: {}",
- bsp::console::console().chars_written()
- );
- println!("[3] Echoing input now");
- loop {
- let c = bsp::console::console().read_char();
- bsp::console::console().write_char(c);
+ // Read the binary's size.
+ let mut size: u32 = u32::from(console().read_char() as u8);
+ size |= u32::from(console().read_char() as u8) << 8;
@ -475,34 +493,15 @@ diff -uNr 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/ 07_uart_chainloader/src/
+ // Read the kernel byte by byte.
+ for i in 0..size {
+ core::ptr::write_volatile(kernel_addr.offset(i as isize), console().read_char() as u8)
+ }
- println!("[0] Booting on: {}", bsp::board_name());
+ println!("[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now\n");
+ console().flush();
- println!("[1] Drivers loaded:");
- for (i, driver) in bsp::driver::driver_manager()
- .all_device_drivers()
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- {
- println!(" {}. {}", i + 1, driver.compatible());
- }
+ // Use black magic to get a function pointer.
+ let kernel: fn() -> ! = unsafe { core::mem::transmute(kernel_addr) };
- println!(
- "[2] Chars written: {}",
- bsp::console::console().chars_written()
- );
- println!("[3] Echoing input now");
- loop {
- let c = bsp::console::console().read_char();
- bsp::console::console().write_char(c);
- }
+ // Jump to loaded kernel!
+ kernel()
@ -583,4 +582,18 @@ diff -uNr 06_drivers_gpio_uart/src/ 07_uart_chainloader/src/runti
pub unsafe fn runtime_init() -> ! {
diff -uNr 06_drivers_gpio_uart/ 07_uart_chainloader/
--- 06_drivers_gpio_uart/
+++ 07_uart_chainloader/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+cd ../06_drivers_gpio_uart
+BSP=rpi4 make
+cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi4.img
+cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi3.img
+rm kernel8.img

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd ../06_drivers_gpio_uart
BSP=rpi4 make
cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi4.img
cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi3.img
rm kernel8.img

@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -24,19 +25,18 @@ Minipush 1.0
Raspberry Pi 3
[ML] Requesting binary
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 12 KiB =========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 11 KiB =========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 0.586140] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 0.587227] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 0.589530] Drivers loaded:
[ 0.590876] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 0.592309] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[W 0.594005] Spin duration smaller than architecturally supported, skipping
[ 0.597392] Spinning for 1 second
[ 1.599001] Spinning for 1 second
[ 2.599872] Spinning for 1 second
[ 0.543941] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 0.545059] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 0.547358] Drivers loaded:
[ 0.548703] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 0.550135] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[W 0.551828] Spin duration smaller than architecturally supported, skipping
[ 0.555212] Spinning for 1 second
[ 1.556818] Spinning for 1 second
[ 2.557690] Spinning for 1 second
## Diff to previous
@ -754,4 +754,17 @@ diff -uNr 07_uart_chainloader/src/ 08_timestamps/src/
+ }
diff -uNr 07_uart_chainloader/ 08_timestamps/
--- 07_uart_chainloader/
+++ 08_timestamps/
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-cd ../06_drivers_gpio_uart
-BSP=rpi4 make
-cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi4.img
-cp kernel8.img ../07_uart_chainloader/demo_payload_rpi3.img
-rm kernel8.img

@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ $ make jtagboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -166,10 +167,10 @@ Minipush 1.0
Raspberry Pi 3
[ML] Requesting binary
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 8 KiB ==========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 7 KiB ==========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 0.372110] Parking CPU core. Please connect over JTAG now.
[ 0.394532] Parking CPU core. Please connect over JTAG now.
It is important to keep the USB serial connected and the terminal with the `jtagboot` open and

@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -201,22 +202,22 @@ Minipush 1.0
Raspberry Pi 3
[ML] Requesting binary
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 15 KiB =========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 13 KiB =========================================🦀 100% 0 KiB/s Time: 00:00:00
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 0.703812] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 0.704900] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 0.706811] Exception handling state:
[ 0.708592] Debug: Masked
[ 0.710156] SError: Masked
[ 0.711719] IRQ: Masked
[ 0.713283] FIQ: Masked
[ 0.714848] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 0.717149] Drivers loaded:
[ 0.718496] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 0.719929] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 0.721623] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ 1.723753] Echoing input now
[ 0.637617] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 0.638737] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 0.640645] Exception handling state:
[ 0.642424] Debug: Masked
[ 0.643986] SError: Masked
[ 0.645548] IRQ: Masked
[ 0.647110] FIQ: Masked
[ 0.648672] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 0.650971] Drivers loaded:
[ 0.652316] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 0.653748] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 0.655440] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ 1.657567] Echoing input now
## Diff to previous

@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -276,24 +277,24 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 64 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 32 KiB/s Time: 00:00:02
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.085343] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.086427] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.088339] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.092422] 0x1fff0000 - 0x1fffffff | 64 KiB | Dev RW PXN | Remapped Device MMIO
[ 3.096375] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.099937] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.101848] Exception handling state:
[ 3.103629] Debug: Masked
[ 3.105192] SError: Masked
[ 3.106756] IRQ: Masked
[ 3.108320] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.109884] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.112186] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.113532] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.114966] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.116660] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ 3.175017] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.176100] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.178009] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.182088] 0x1fff0000 - 0x1fffffff | 64 KiB | Dev RW PXN | Remapped Device MMIO
[ 3.186036] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.189594] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.191502] Exception handling state:
[ 3.193281] Debug: Masked
[ 3.194843] SError: Masked
[ 3.196405] IRQ: Masked
[ 3.197967] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.199529] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.201828] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.203173] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.204605] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.206297] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ !!! ] Writing through the remapped UART at 0x1FFF_1000
[ 4.120828] Echoing input now
[ 4.210458] Echoing input now
## Diff to previous

@ -399,7 +399,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -411,29 +412,29 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 64 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 32 KiB/s Time: 00:00:02
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.006343] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.007428] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.009339] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.013422] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.016985] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.018895] Exception handling state:
[ 3.020676] Debug: Masked
[ 3.022240] SError: Masked
[ 3.023804] IRQ: Masked
[ 3.025368] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.026931] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.029234] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.030580] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.032014] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.033708] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ 4.035837]
[ 4.035841] Trying to write to address 8 GiB...
[ 4.038006] ************************************************
[ 4.040785] Whoa! We recovered from a synchronous exception!
[ 4.043565] ************************************************
[ 4.046345]
[ 4.047040] Let's try again
[ 4.048387] Trying to write to address 9 GiB...
[ 3.090618] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.091701] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.093610] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.097688] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.101246] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.103155] Exception handling state:
[ 3.104934] Debug: Masked
[ 3.106496] SError: Masked
[ 3.108058] IRQ: Masked
[ 3.109619] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.111181] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.113481] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.114826] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.116257] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.117950] Timer test, spinning for 1 second
[ 4.120076]
[ 4.120079] Trying to write to address 8 GiB...
[ 4.122242] ************************************************
[ 4.125018] Whoa! We recovered from a synchronous exception!
[ 4.127795] ************************************************
[ 4.130571]
[ 4.131266] Let's try again
[ 4.132611] Trying to write to address 9 GiB...
Kernel panic:
@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ FAR_EL1: 0x0000000240000000
ESR_EL1: 0x96000004
Exception Class (EC) : 0x25 - Data Abort, current EL
Instr Specific Syndrome (ISS): 0x4
ELR_EL1: 0x0000000000080db4
ELR_EL1: 0x0000000000081454
SPSR_EL1: 0x600003c5
Negative (N): Not set
@ -457,22 +458,22 @@ SPSR_EL1: 0x600003c5
Illegal Execution State (IL): Not set
General purpose register:
x0 : 0x0000000000000000 x1 : 0x00000000000858f6
x2 : 0x0000000000000026 x3 : 0x0000000000082a0c
x4 : 0x000000000007fc7c x5 : 0x0000000000000003
x6 : 0x0000000000000000 x7 : 0x7f91bc052b2b0208
x8 : 0x0000000240000000 x9 : 0x00000000000858f6
x10: 0x000000000000041d x11: 0x000000003f201000
x12: 0x0000000000000019 x13: 0x000000000007fc7d
x14: 0x000000000007fdc8 x15: 0x0000000000000040
x16: 0x0000000000000000 x17: 0x0000000000000040
x18: 0x9e06782800000028 x19: 0x000000003b9aca00
x20: 0x00000000000003e8 x21: 0x0000000000082f58
x22: 0x00000000000830cc x23: 0x0000000000090008
x24: 0x00000000000f4240 x25: 0x0000000000085248
x26: 0x00000000000856e0 x27: 0x00000000000857c0
x28: 0x00000000000830cc x29: 0x0000000000085530
lr : 0x0000000000080da8
x0 : 0x0000000000000000 x1 : 0x0000000000085726
x2 : 0x0000000000000026 x3 : 0x0000000000083bf0
x4 : 0x0000000000000003 x5 : 0xfb4f101900000000
x6 : 0x0000000000000000 x7 : 0x7e9198052b2b0200
x8 : 0x0000000240000000 x9 : 0x000000003f201000
x10: 0x0000000000000019 x11: 0x0000000000000000
x12: 0x0000000000000006 x13: 0x0000000000000031
x14: 0x000000000007fc2d x15: 0x0000000000000000
x16: 0x0000000000000040 x17: 0xb557f006f276cfb6
x18: 0x0000000000000003 x19: 0x0000000000090008
x20: 0x0000000000085510 x21: 0x000000003b9aca00
x22: 0x00000000000003e8 x23: 0x000000000008160c
x24: 0x0000000000082264 x25: 0x00000000000f4240
x26: 0xffffffffc4653600 x27: 0x00000000000855f0
x28: 0x0000000000083f84 x29: 0x0000000000086810
lr : 0x0000000000081448
## Diff to previous

@ -665,7 +665,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -677,25 +678,25 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 66 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 33 KiB/s Time: 00:00:02
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.134937] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.136023] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.137934] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.142017] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.145579] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.147490] Exception handling state:
[ 3.149271] Debug: Masked
[ 3.150835] SError: Masked
[ 3.152398] IRQ: Unmasked
[ 3.154049] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.155613] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.157915] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.159262] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.160695] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.162389] 3. BCM Interrupt Controller
[ 3.164518] Registered IRQ handlers:
[ 3.166255] Peripheral handler:
[ 3.168038] 57. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.170078] Echoing input now
[ 3.203172] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.204255] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.206164] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.210242] 0x3f000000 - 0x4000ffff | 16 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.213800] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.215709] Exception handling state:
[ 3.217487] Debug: Masked
[ 3.219049] SError: Masked
[ 3.220611] IRQ: Unmasked
[ 3.222260] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.223822] Architectural timer resolution: 52 ns
[ 3.226121] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.227466] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.228898] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.230590] 3. BCM Interrupt Controller
[ 3.232716] Registered IRQ handlers:
[ 3.234451] Peripheral handler:
[ 3.236232] 57. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.238269] Echoing input now
Raspberry Pi 4:
@ -706,7 +707,8 @@ $ BSP=rpi4 make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -718,25 +720,25 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 73 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 24 KiB/s Time: 00:00:03
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.413865] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 4
[ 3.414255] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.416166] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.420249] 0xfe000000 - 0xff84ffff | 24 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.423811] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.425722] Exception handling state:
[ 3.427503] Debug: Masked
[ 3.429067] SError: Masked
[ 3.430630] IRQ: Unmasked
[ 3.432281] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.433845] Architectural timer resolution: 18 ns
[ 3.436147] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.437494] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.438927] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.440621] 3. GICv2 (ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v2)
[ 3.443575] Registered IRQ handlers:
[ 3.445312] Peripheral handler:
[ 3.447096] 153. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.449136] Echoing input now
[ 3.486234] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 4
[ 3.486623] MMU online. Special regions:
[ 3.488532] 0x00080000 - 0x0008ffff | 64 KiB | C RO PX | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.492610] 0xfe000000 - 0xff84ffff | 24 MiB | Dev RW PXN | Device MMIO
[ 3.496167] Current privilege level: EL1
[ 3.498076] Exception handling state:
[ 3.499855] Debug: Masked
[ 3.501417] SError: Masked
[ 3.502979] IRQ: Unmasked
[ 3.504628] FIQ: Masked
[ 3.506189] Architectural timer resolution: 18 ns
[ 3.508489] Drivers loaded:
[ 3.509834] 1. BCM GPIO
[ 3.511266] 2. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.512958] 3. GICv2 (ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v2)
[ 3.515908] Registered IRQ handlers:
[ 3.517643] Peripheral handler:
[ 3.519425] 153. BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.521463] Echoing input now
## Diff to previous

@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ $ make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -256,18 +257,18 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 67 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 33 KiB/s Time: 00:00:02
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.041355] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.042438] MMU online:
[ 3.043609] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.049466] Virtual Physical Size Attr Entity
[ 3.055323] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.061183] 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF --> 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF | 64 KiB | C RW XN | Kernel boot-core stack
[ 3.066476] 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF --> 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF | 64 KiB | C RO X | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.071812] 0x000090000..0x0001AFFFF --> 0x000090000..0x0001AFFFF | 1 MiB | C RW XN | Kernel data and bss
[ 3.076975] 0x1F0000000..0x1F000FFFF --> 0x03F200000..0x03F20FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM GPIO
[ 3.081658] | BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.086606] 0x1F0010000..0x1F001FFFF --> 0x03F000000..0x03F00FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM Peripheral Interrupt Controller
[ 3.092462] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.064756] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 3
[ 3.065839] MMU online:
[ 3.067010] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.072868] Virtual Physical Size Attr Entity
[ 3.078725] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.084585] 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF --> 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF | 64 KiB | C RW XN | Kernel boot-core stack
[ 3.089877] 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF --> 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF | 64 KiB | C RO X | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.095213] 0x000090000..0x0001BFFFF --> 0x000090000..0x0001BFFFF | 1 MiB | C RW XN | Kernel data and bss
[ 3.100376] 0x1F0000000..0x1F000FFFF --> 0x03F200000..0x03F20FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM GPIO
[ 3.105060] | BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.110008] 0x1F0010000..0x1F001FFFF --> 0x03F000000..0x03F00FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM Peripheral Interrupt Controller
[ 3.115863] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Raspberry Pi 4:
@ -278,7 +279,8 @@ $ BSP=rpi4 make chainboot
Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏳ Waiting for /dev/ttyUSB0
[MP] ✅ Connected
[MP] ✅ Serial connected
[MP] 🔌 Please power the target now
__ __ _ _ _ _
| \/ (_)_ _ (_) | ___ __ _ __| |
| |\/| | | ' \| | |__/ _ \/ _` / _` |
@ -290,19 +292,19 @@ Minipush 1.0
[MP] ⏩ Pushing 74 KiB ========================================🦀 100% 24 KiB/s Time: 00:00:03
[ML] Loaded! Executing the payload now
[ 3.376642] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 4
[ 3.377030] MMU online:
[ 3.378202] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.384059] Virtual Physical Size Attr Entity
[ 3.389916] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.395775] 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF --> 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF | 64 KiB | C RW XN | Kernel boot-core stack
[ 3.401069] 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF --> 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF | 64 KiB | C RO X | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.406404] 0x000090000..0x0001AFFFF --> 0x000090000..0x0001AFFFF | 1 MiB | C RW XN | Kernel data and bss
[ 3.411566] 0x1F0000000..0x1F000FFFF --> 0x0FE200000..0x0FE20FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM GPIO
[ 3.416251] | BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.421198] 0x1F0010000..0x1F001FFFF --> 0x0FF840000..0x0FF84FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | GICD
[ 3.425709] | GICC
[ 3.430221] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.379342] Booting on: Raspberry Pi 4
[ 3.379731] MMU online:
[ 3.380902] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.386759] Virtual Physical Size Attr Entity
[ 3.392616] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ 3.398475] 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF --> 0x000070000..0x00007FFFF | 64 KiB | C RW XN | Kernel boot-core stack
[ 3.403768] 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF --> 0x000080000..0x00008FFFF | 64 KiB | C RO X | Kernel code and RO data
[ 3.409104] 0x000090000..0x0001BFFFF --> 0x000090000..0x0001BFFFF | 1 MiB | C RW XN | Kernel data and bss
[ 3.414267] 0x1F0000000..0x1F000FFFF --> 0x0FE200000..0x0FE20FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | BCM GPIO
[ 3.418951] | BCM PL011 UART
[ 3.423898] 0x1F0010000..0x1F001FFFF --> 0x0FF840000..0x0FF84FFFF | 64 KiB | Dev RW XN | GICD
[ 3.428409] | GICC
[ 3.432921] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Diff to previous

@ -120,11 +120,10 @@ provided container, please refer to the repository's [docker](docker) folder.
## 📟 USB Serial Output
Since the kernel developed in the tutorials runs on the real hardware, it is highly recommended to
get a USB serial debug cable to get the full experience. The cable also powers the Raspberry once
you connect it, so you don't need extra power over the dedicated power-USB.
get a USB serial cable to get the full experience.
- You can find USB-to-serial cables that should work right away at [\[1\]] [\[2\]].
- You connect it to the GPIO pins `14/15` as shown below.
- You connect it to `GND` and GPIO pins `14/15` as shown below.
- [Tutorial 6](06_drivers_gpio_uart) is the first where you can use it. Check it out for
instructions on how to prepare the SD card to boot your self-made kernel from it.
- Starting with [tutorial 7](07_uart_chainloader), booting kernels on your Raspberry is getting

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 79 KiB

@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ class DevTool
def make_xtra
return if @user_has_supplied_crates
puts 'Make Xtra crates'.light_blue
puts 'Make Xtra stuff'.light_blue
system('cd 07_uart_chainloader && bash')
system('cd X1_JTAG_boot && bash')

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class MiniPush < MiniTerm
def initialize(serial_name, binary_image_path)
@name_short = 'MP'
@name_short = 'MP' # override
@binary_image_path = binary_image_path
@binary_size = nil
@binary_image = nil
@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ class MiniPush < MiniTerm
# The three characters signaling the request token are expected to arrive as the last three
# characters _at the end_ of a character stream (e.g. after a header print from Miniload).
def wait_for_binary_request
Timeout.timeout(30) do
loop do
received = @target_serial.readpartial(4096)
puts "[#{@name_short}] 🔌 Please power the target now"
raise ConnectionError if received.nil?
# Timeout for the request token starts after the first sign of life was received.
received = @target_serial.readpartial(4096)
Timeout.timeout(10) do
loop do
raise ProtocolError if received.nil?
if received.chars.last(3) == ["\u{3}", "\u{3}", "\u{3}"]
# Print the last chunk minus the request token.
@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ class MiniPush < MiniTerm
print received
received = @target_serial.readpartial(4096)
@ -70,18 +74,20 @@ class MiniPush < MiniTerm
# When the serial is still powered.
def handle_protocol_error
# override
def handle_reconnect
puts "[#{@name_short}] ⚡ " \
"#{'Protocol Error: Remove and insert the USB serial again'.light_red}"
"#{'Connection or protocol Error: '.light_red}" \
"#{'Remove power and USB serial. Reinsert serial first, then power'.light_red}"
sleep(1) while serial_connected?
# override
def run
@ -89,12 +95,9 @@ class MiniPush < MiniTerm
rescue ConnectionError, EOFError, Errno::EIO
rescue ConnectionError, EOFError, Errno::EIO, ProtocolError, Timeout::Error
rescue ProtocolError, Timeout::Error
rescue StandardError => e

@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ class MiniTerm
def wait_for_serial
loop do
break if serial_connected?
return if serial_connected?
print "\r[#{@name_short}] ⏳ Waiting for #{@target_serial_name}"
puts "[#{@name_short}] ⏳ Waiting for #{@target_serial_name}"
loop do
break if serial_connected?
@ -45,12 +46,10 @@ class MiniTerm
# Ensure all output is immediately flushed to the device.
@target_serial.sync = true
rescue Errno::EACCES => e
puts "[#{@name_short}] 🚫 #{e.message} - Maybe try with 'sudo'"
puts "[#{@name_short}] ✅ Connected"
puts "[#{@name_short}] ✅ Serial connected"
def terminal
