remove template pot and translated po files in the main repo

aternatively the resource file(pot file) in Transifex is updated
with `make pot` and the translated files(po files) is updated with
`make po`. `make pot po` will be handled automatically on the nightly
build machine.
chrox 10 years ago
parent f2c2657cd9
commit 1817a9190f

.gitignore vendored

@ -20,10 +20,15 @@ koreader-*.zip

@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ pot:
$(XGETTEXT_BIN) reader.lua `find frontend -iname "*.lua"` \
`find plugins -iname "*.lua"` \
# push source file to Transifex
$(MAKE) -i -C l10n bootstrap push
$(MAKE) -i -C l10n bootstrap update
$(MAKE) -i -C l10n bootstrap pull

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
all: update
tx pull -a -f
all: bootstrap push pull
tx set --auto-local -r koreader.koreader "<lang>/koreader.po" \
--source-language=en \
--source-file "templates/koreader.pot" --execute
tx pull -a -f
tx push -sl en
.PHONY: all clean

@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
2. configure the client:
3. pull changes from transifex: `make update`
3. pull changes from transifex: `make pull`

@ -1,837 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# mastnacek <>, 2013
# dsmid <>, 2014
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-03-09 12:11+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: dsmid <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) ("
"Language: cs_CZ\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#: reader.lua:118
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d spustit v režimu ladění"
#: reader.lua:120
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h zobrazit nápovědu"
#: reader.lua:119
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr "-p [řádky] umožnit profiling Lua kódu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 stupňů"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10 stupňů"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5 stupňů"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:124
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:131
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:294
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:147
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Přidat poznámku"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Použít"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:54
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Automatické narovnání"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Detekován Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Detekováno Kobo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Záložky"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:32
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Změna slovníku pro dělení slov na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Změnit písmo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Sloupce"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontrast"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:84
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopírovat"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:102
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Vystřihnout"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Snížit úroveň osvětlení na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Snížit gamu na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Snížit rozteč řádků na "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Neplatná velikost"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:109
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:186
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Smazat"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr "Model zařízení="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Jazyk dokumentu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Menu dokumentu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:193
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editovat"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded Style"
msgstr "Vložený styl"
#: reader.lua:66
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "Soubor neexistuje"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Menu správce souborů"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:20
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Správce souborů"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Jemné ladění"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr "Revize firmwaru"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font Weight"
msgstr "Styl písma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Úroveň osvětlení"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Nastavení osvětlení"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Celá obrazovka"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gama"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Jít na"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Jít na stránku nebo pozici"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Nápověda"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:286
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:140
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Zvýraznění"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:14
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historie"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Dělení slov"
#: reader.lua:125
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Pokud nezadáte jinou cestu, bude otevřen naposled zobrazený dokument"
#: reader.lua:122
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Zadáte-li jméno adresáře místo cesty k souboru, soubor"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Zvýšit úroveň osvětlení na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Zvýšit gamu na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Zvýšit rozteč řádků na "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Odsazení"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:96
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Invertovat"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "LTR"
msgstr "LTR"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Jazyk"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:84
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "Zesvětlit"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Řádkování"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Pozice"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:324
msgid "More"
msgstr "Více"
#: reader.lua:81
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Engine pro tento soubor nenalezen"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Nepodporovaný typ zařízení!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Stránka"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Stránka "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Oříznout stránku"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Okraje stránky"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:91
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Vložit"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at "
"the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr ""
"Chyby prosím hlašte na koreader/issues, "
"klikněte na spodní okraj pro více voleb"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr "Restartujte prosím KOReader, aby se změna jazyka projevila."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:28
msgid "Progress Bar"
msgstr "Spodní lišta"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "RTL"
msgstr "RTL"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "A přečtete všechny knihy na vaší čtečce"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Překresluji s písmem "
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Přeformátování (reflow)"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Kvalita vykreslení"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Režim zobrazení"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr "Výška displeje ="
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr "Šířka displeje ="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Režim posouvání"
#: reader.lua:128
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr ""
"Navštivte pro více informací."
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Vyberte položku menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Vyberte volbu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Nastavit velikost písma na "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:75
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr "Způsob zvýraznění "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:9
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Styl zobrazení"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:313
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Sdílet"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Uspávám"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Režim zvětšení"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:58
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr "TBLTR"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr "TBRTL"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:112
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Obsah"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:14
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Obsah"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:78
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Klikněte na tlačítko"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Zarovnání textu"
#: reader.lua:127
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Tento software podléhá licenci GPLv3."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Přepnout"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "Přepnout zobrazování skrytých souborů"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:75
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Přepínač"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:305
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Přeložit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:143
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr "Vypnout překrývání stránek"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:144
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr "Zapnout překrývání stránek"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:90
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr "Podtrhnout"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Svislý text"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View Mode"
msgstr "Režim zobrazení"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Mezery mezi slovy"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr "Směr psaní"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:34
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr "Ukládám snímek do "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zvětšit podle obsahu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zvětšit na výšku obsahu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zvětšit na šířku obsahu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zvětšit na stránku"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zvětšit na výšku stránky"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zvětšit na šířku stránky"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "zrušit"
#: reader.lua:123
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "zobrazí se dialog, jenž umožní výběr souboru"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "zvolena vybraná položka"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "zvolena vybraná volba"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:48
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "vyčistit všechny externí styly"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "zavřít nastavení"
#: frontend/ui/widget/buttondialog.lua:22
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "zavřít dialog"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "zavřít dokument"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "zavřít menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darker"
msgstr "tmavý"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "nejtmavší"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "snížit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "zmenšit velikost písma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "zmenšit řádkování"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "default"
msgstr "výchozí"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:59
msgid "full"
msgstr "plná"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "jít na 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "jít na 22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "jít na 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "jít na 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "jít na 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "jít na 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "jít na 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "jít na 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "jít na konec"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "jít na další pohled"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "jít na předešlý pohled"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "jít na začátek"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "jít na další stránku menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "jít na předešlou stránku menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "high"
msgstr "vysoká"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:19
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "zvýraznit text"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "increase"
msgstr "zvýšit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "zvětšit velikost písma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "zvětšit řádkování"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "na šířku"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "large"
msgstr "velké"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "světlejší"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "nejsvětlejší"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "low"
msgstr "nízká"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "manual"
msgstr "ručně"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "medium"
msgstr "střední"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:60
msgid "mini"
msgstr "mini"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "posunout pohled dolů"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "posunout pohled nahoru"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "posunout viditelnou oblast dolů"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "posunout viditelnou oblast doleva"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "posunout viditelnou oblast doprava"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "posunout viditelnou oblast nahoru"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "nejsou dostupné žádné volby"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "žádný text"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "off"
msgstr "vypnout"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "on"
msgstr "zapnout"
#: reader.lua:71
msgid "opening file"
msgstr "otevírám soubor"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "page"
msgstr "stránka"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "stránka "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "na šířku"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "otočit doleva o 90 stupňů"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "otočit doprava o 90 stupňů"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "posuv"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "vybrat aktuální položku menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "polo-auto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:22
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "zobrazit menu pro Obsah"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "zobrazit záložky"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "zobrazit konfigurační dialog"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "zobrazit menu pro písmo"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "zobrazit menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "small"
msgstr "malé"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "tučně"
#: reader.lua:115
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "použití: ./reader.lua [VOLBY] ... cesta"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "zvětšit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "zmenšit"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "zvětšit podle obsahu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "zvětšit podle obsahu na výšku"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "zvětšit podle obsahu na šířku"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zvětšit na šířku stránky"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "zvětšit na výšku stránky"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "zvětšit na šířku stránky"

@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# Yim4, 2013
# hwhw <>, 2013
# hwhw <>, 2013
# Yim4, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d im Debug-Modus starten"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h diesen Hilfetext anzeigen"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0°"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10°"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5°"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Auto-Begradigen"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Automatisch erkannter Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Lesezeichen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Aendern Silbentrennung zu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Schriftart aendern"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Spalten"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontrast"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Verringern der Lichtintensität"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Gamma-Wert verringern auf"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Zeilenabstand verringern auf"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Stoerflecken-Groeße"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Dokument-Menue"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Eingebetteter Stil"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Datei-Manager"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Feineinstellung"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Schriftgrad"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Vollbild"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hilfe"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Silbentrennung"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Wenn Sie keinen Dateipfad angeben, wird das zuletzt angesehene Dokument geoeffnet"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Wenn Sie statt eines Dateipfads ein Verzeichnis angeben, "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Erhoehen der Lichtintensität"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Gamma-Wert erhoehen auf"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Zeilenabstand erhoehen auf"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Einrueckung"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Zeilenabstand"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Kein Lese-Modul fuer diese Datei"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Nicht unterstuetztes Geraete-Modell!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Seite"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Seiten-Beschnitt"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Seitenrand"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Bitte melden Sie Fehler hier: - Klicken Sie auf den unteren Seitenteil, um mehr Optionen zu zeigen"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Lesen Sie alle Ihre Buecher auf Ihrem E-Ink-Lesegeraet"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Neu anzeigen mit Schriftart"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Auto-Umbrechen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Darstellungsqualitaet"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Bildschirmmodus"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Scroll-Modus"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Besuchen Sie fuer weitere Informationen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Menuepunkt auswaehlen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Option auswaehlen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Schriftgroeße setzen auf"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Darstellungs-Stil setzen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Zoom-Modus wechseln"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Inhaltsverzeichnis"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Inhaltsverzeichnis"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Button antippen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Textausrichtung"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Diese Software ist unter der GPLv3 lizensiert."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Umschalter"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Vertikaler Text"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Anzeige-Modus"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Wortabstand"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seiteninhalt anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zoom auf Hoehe des Seiteninhalts anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zoom auf Breite des Seiteninhalts anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitengroeße anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitenhoehe anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitenbreite anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "Abbruch"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "Eine Auswahl wird gezeigt und erlaubt Ihnen, eine Datei auszuwaehlen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "Eintragsauswahl bestaetigen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "Optionsauswahl bestaetigen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "Externe Stile bereinigen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "Konfigurationsmenue schließen"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "Dialog schließen"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "Dokument schließen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "Menue schließen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "dunkler"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "dunkelstes"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "verringern"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "Schriftgroeße verringern"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "Zeilenabstand verringern"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "normal"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "Springe zu 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "Springe zu 22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "Springe zu 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "Springe zu 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "Springe zu 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "Springe zu 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "Springe zu 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "Springe zu 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "zum Ende springen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "zur naechsten Ansicht springen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "zur vorangegangenen Ansicht springen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "zum Start springen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "Zur naechsten Seite des Menues springen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "Zur vorangegangenen Seite des Menues springen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "hoch"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "Text markieren"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "erhoehen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "Schriftgroeße erhoehen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "Zeilenabstand erhoehen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "Querformat"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "groß"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "heller"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "hellstes"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "niedrig"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "manuell"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "mittel"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "Sicht nach unten bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "Sicht nach oben bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "Sichtbaren Bereich nach unten bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "Sichtbaren Bereich nach links bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "Sichtbaren Bereich nach rechts bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "Sichtbaren Bereich nach oben bewegen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "Keine Auswahl verfuegbar"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "Kein Text"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "aus"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "an"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "Seite"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "Seite"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "Hochformat"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "90° nach links drehen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "90° nach rechts drehen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "scrollen"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "Aktuellen Menueeintrag auswaehlen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "Inhaltsverzeichnis anzeigen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "Lesezeichen anzeigen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "Konfigurationsdialog anzeigen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "Schriftart-Menue anzeigen"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "Menue anzeigen"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "klein"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "Schrift fett an/aus"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "Verwendung: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... Pfad"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "hineinzoomen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "herauszoomen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seiteninhalt anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zoom auf Hoehe des Seiteninhalts anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zoom auf Breite des Seiteninhalts anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitengroeße anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitenhoehe anpassen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zoom auf Seitenbreite anpassen"

@ -1,832 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# Piperclassique <>, 2013
# heliox <>, 2013
# heliox <>, 2013
# Piperclassique <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: French (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d démarrer en mode débogage"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h montrer cette aide à l'utilisation"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 degré"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10 degrés"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5 degrés"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Ajouter une annotation"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Appliquer"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Automatique"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Redressement automatique"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Kindle 2 auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Kindle 3 auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Kindle 4 auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Kindle DXG auto-détecté "
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Kindle PaperWhite auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Kindle Touch auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Kobo auto-détecté"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Marque-pages"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Modifier la césure à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Changer la police"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Colonnes"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Contraste"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Diminuer l'intensité d'éclairage intégré à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Réduire le gamma à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Réduire l'interligne à"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Taille du défaut"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Langue du document"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Menu des documents"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Style intégré"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Menu du Gestionnaire de fichiers"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de fichiers"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Réglage fin"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Graisse de police"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Niveau de l'éclairage intégré"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Réglages de l'éclairage intégré"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Plein écran"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Aller à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Aller à la page ou emplacement"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Surligner"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historique"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "La césure"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Si vous n'indiquez aucun chemin d'accès le dernier document consulté sera ouvert"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Si vous indiquez le nom de dossier au lieu d'un chemin d'accès ou un fichier"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Augmenter l'intensité d'éclairage intégré à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Augmenter le gamma à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Augmenter l'interligne à"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Retrait"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Interligne"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Emplacement"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Pas de moteur de lecture pour ce fichier"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr " Appareil non pris en charge"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Valider"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Page"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Page"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Recadrage de la page"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Marges"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Veuillez signaler des problèmes à . Cliquez en bas de la page pour d'autres options"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Lire tous les livres présents sur votre liseuse numérique"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Redéfinition en cours avec la police"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Reformater"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Qualité de rendu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Mode de l'écran"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Mode de défilement"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Consulter pour plus d'informations."
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Sélectionner dans le menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Choisir une option"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Définir la taille de police à"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Définir le style de rendu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Partager"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Veille"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Changer mode de zoom"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Sommaire"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Sommaire"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Bouton d'activation"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Alignement texte"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Ce logiciel est sous licence GPLv3"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Basculer"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Bouton de sélection"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Traduire"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Texte vertical"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Mode d'affichage"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Espacement des mots"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zoom au contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zoom à la hauteur de contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zoom à la largeur de contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zoom à la page entière"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zoom à la hauteur de page"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zoom à la largeur de page"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "automatique"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "un sélecteur apparaîtra pour vous permettre de choisir un fichier"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "choisir l'objet en surbrillance"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "choisir l'option en surbrillance"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "enlever tous les styles externes"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "fermer le menu de configuration"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "fermer le dialogue"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "fermer le document"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "fermer le menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "plus foncé"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "le plus foncé"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "diminuer"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "réduire la taille de police"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "Réduire l'interligne"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "défaut"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "aller à 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "aller à 22%'"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "aller à 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "aller à 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "aller à 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "aller à 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "aller à 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "aller à 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "aller à la fin"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "aller à la vue suivante"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "aller à la vue précédente"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "aller au début"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "aller à la page suivante du menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "aller à la page précédente du menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "haut"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "surligner le texte"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "augmenter"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "agrandir la taille de police"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "augmenter l'interligne"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "paysage"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "grand"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "plus clair"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "le plus clair"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "bas"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "manuel"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "moyen"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "déplacer la vue vers le bas"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "déplacer la vue vers le haut"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "déplacer zone visible vers le bas"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "déplacer zone visible à gauche"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "déplacer zone visible à droite"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "déplacer zone visible vers le haut"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "Pas de choix disponibles"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "pas de texte"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "désactivé"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "activé"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "page"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "page"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "portrait"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "Pivoter à gauche de 90 degrés"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "pivoter à droite de 90 degrés"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "faire défiler"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "sélectionner l'entrée actuelle du menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "Semi-automatique"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "montrer le menu du Sommaire"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "montrer les marque-pages"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "montrer le dialogue de configuration"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "montrer le menu des polices"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "montrer le menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "petit"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "basculer gras"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "utilisation: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... chemin d'accès"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "zoom avant"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "zoom arrière"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "zoom au contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "zoom à la hauteur de contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "zoom à la largeur de contenu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "zoom à la page entière"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "zoom à la hauteur de page"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "zoom à la largeur de page"

@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# Kobudera_HUN <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Segitség"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""

@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# automaticjack <>, 2013
# automaticjack <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (Italy) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: it_IT\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d avvio in modalità debug"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h mostra come si usa laiuto"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0°"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10°"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5°"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Aggiungi nota"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Applica"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Automatico"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Auto raddrizzamento"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Auto-rilevamento Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Autorilevazione Kobo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Segnalibri"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Cambia sillabazione"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Cambia font"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Colonne"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Contrasto"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Diminuisci intensità luce"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Diminuisci gamma a"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Diminuisci interlinea a"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Difetti di scansione"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Lingua documento"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Menu documento"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifica"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Stile incorporato"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Menu gestione file"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Gestione file"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Aggiustamento fine"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Spessore font"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Livello luce"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Regolazione luce"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Tutto schermo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Vai a"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Vai alla pagina o posizione"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aiuto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Evidenzia"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "Cronologia"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Sillabazione"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Se non passi nessun percorso, lultimo documento che hai visionato sarà aperto"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Se dai un nome alla directory invece di un percorso file, un file"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Aumenta intensità luce"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Aumento gamma a"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Aumento interlinea a"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Rientro"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Interlinea"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Posizione"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr "Più opzioni"
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Nessun motore di lettura per questo file"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Modello non supportato!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Pagina"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Pagina"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Ritaglia pagina"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Margine pagina"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Segnalate problemi su koreader/issues, cliccare parte bassa della pagina per ulteriori opzioni"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Legge tutti gli ebook sul tuo lettore E-Ink"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Ridisegna con font"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Reflow-adatta testo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Qualità rendering"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Modalità schermo"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Modalità scorrimento"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Visita per ulteriori informazioni."
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Seleziona le voci del menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Seleziona le voci delle opzioni"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Cambia dimensione carattere"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "cambia modalità di rendering"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Condividi"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Attesa"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Cambia livello di zoom"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Sommario"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Sommario"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Premi a fondo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Allineamento testo"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Questo software è sotto licenza GPLv3."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Attivare"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "Attivare i file nascosti"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Attivare interruttore "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Traduci"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Testo verticale"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Visualizza"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Spazio tra parole"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zoom adattato al testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zoom adattato all'altezza del testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zoom adattato alla larghezza del testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zoom adattato alla pagina"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zoom adattato all'altezza della pagina"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zoom adattato alla larghezza della pagina"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "Automatico"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "chooser apparirà e permetterà di selezionare un file"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "scegli la voce selezionata"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "scegli lopzione selezionata"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "cancella tutti gli stili esterni"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "chiudi menu configura"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "Chiudi"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "Chiudi documento"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "chiudi menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "scuro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "più scuro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "diminuisci"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "Diminuisci dimensione carattere a"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "diminuisci interlinea"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "predefinito"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "Vai a 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "Vai a 22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "Vai a 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "Vai a 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "Vai a 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "Vai a 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "Vai a 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "Vai a 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "Vai alla fine"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "vista successiva"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "visualizzazione precedente"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "vai all'inizio"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "pagina successiva"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "Vai alla pagina precedente del menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "alto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "Evidenzia"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "aumenta"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "aumento dimensione carattere"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "aumento interlinea"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "orizzontale"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "largo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "chiaro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "più chiaro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "basso"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "manuale"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "medio"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "sposta vista in basso"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "sposta vista in alto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "sposta area visibile in basso"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "sposta area visibile a sinistra"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "sposta area visibile a destra"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "sposta area visibile in alto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "nessuna scelta disponibile"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "niente testo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "spento"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "acceso"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "pagina"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "pagina"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "verticale"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "ruota 90° a sinistra"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "ruota 90° a destra"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "scorrimento"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "seleziona il menu delle voci attuali "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "Mostra Sommario"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "mostra segnalibri"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "mosta dialogo config"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "mostra menu font"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "mostra menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "piccolo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "Attivare grassetto"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "utilizzo: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... percorso"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "zoom acceso"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "zoom spento"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "zoom adattato al testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "zoom adattato all'altezza del testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "zoom adattato alla larghezza del testo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "zoom adattato alla pagina"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "zoom adattato all'altezza della pagina"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "zoom adattato alla larghezza della pagina"

@ -1,835 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# danan72 <>, 2013
# danan_72 <>, 2013
# danan_72 <>, 2013-2014
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-06 16:41+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-08 17:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: danan_72 <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#: reader.lua:119
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d uruchomienie w trybie debugowania"
#: reader.lua:121
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h wyświetlenie pomocy dotyczącej użycia"
#: reader.lua:120
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr "-p [wiersze] włączenie profilowania kodu Lua"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 stopni"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10 stopni"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5 stopni"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:124
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:131
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:294
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:147
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Dodaj notatkę"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:107
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Zatwierdź"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertypeset.lua:54
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Automatycznie"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Automatyczne wyrównanie"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Automatycznie wykryty Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Autom. wykryte Kobo"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Zakładki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readergoto.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Anuluj"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhyphenation.lua:32
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Zmień dzielenie wyrazów na "
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Zmiana czcionki"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Kolumny"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontrast"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:84
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopiuj"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:102
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Wytnij"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Zmniejsz gamma do "
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Zmniejsz odstęp między liniami do "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Rozmiar defektu"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:109
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:186
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr "Model urządzenia="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Dewatermark"
msgstr "Usuwanie znaku wodnego"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Język tłumaczenia"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Menu dokumentu"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:193
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edycja"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Embedded Style"
msgstr "Wbudowany styl"
#: reader.lua:66
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "Plik nie istnieje"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Menu menadżera plików"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:20
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Menedżer plików"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Dostrajanie"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr "Korekta oprogramowania"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Font Weight"
msgstr "Grubość czcionki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:94
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Poziom oświetlenia"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:62
msgid "Frontlight intensity is set to "
msgstr "Intensywność oświetlenia jest ustawiona na"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:84
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia oświetlenia"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Pełny ekran"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Idź do"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Idź do strony lub lokacji"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Pomoc"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:286
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:140
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Podkreślenie"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:14
msgid "History"
msgstr "Historia"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Dzielenie wyrazów"
#: reader.lua:126
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Jeśli nie wskażesz żadnej ścieżki, zostanie otwarty ostatnio używany dokument"
#: reader.lua:123
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Jeśli podasz nazwę katalogu zamiast ścieżki do pliku, plik"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Zwiększ gamma do "
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Zwiększ odstęp między liniami do "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Wcięcie"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:96
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Odwrócenie"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "LTR"
msgstr "LTR"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Język"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:84
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "Podświetlenie"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Odstępy między liniami"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lokacja"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:324
msgid "More"
msgstr "Więcej"
#: reader.lua:81
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Brak obsługi dla tego pliku"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Nieobsługiwany model urządzenia!"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:114
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Strona"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Strona"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Przycięcie strony"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Margines strony"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:91
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Wklej"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Proszę zgłosić błąd na koreader/issues. Więcej opcji po kliknięciu przy dolnej krawędzi strony"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr "Uruchom ponownie aby zmiana ustawienia języka odniosła skutek."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "Progress Bar"
msgstr "Pasek postępu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "RTL"
msgstr "RTL"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Czytaj wszystkie książki na swoim czytniku E-Ink"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Odśwież z czcionką "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Funkcja \"Reflow\""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Jakość renderowania"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Orientacja ekranu"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr "Wysokość ekranu="
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr "Szerokość ekranu="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Tryb przewijania"
#: reader.lua:129
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Więcej informacji na stronie"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Wybierz pozycję menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Wybierz opcję"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Ustaw rozmiar czcionki na "
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:75
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr "Ustaw typ zaznaczenia"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertypeset.lua:9
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Ustaw tryb renderowania"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:313
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Udostępnij"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Tryb gotowości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Włącz tryb powiększenia"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:59
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr "TBLTR"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:58
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr "TBRTL"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertoc.lua:122
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Spis treści"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertoc.lua:14
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Spis treści"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:78
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Przycisk"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Wyrównanie tekstu"
#: reader.lua:128
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Ten program jest na licencji GPLv3."
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfrontlight.lua:99
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Przełącz"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "Włącz/wyłącz ukryte pliki"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:75
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Przełącznik"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:305
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Tłumacz"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpaging.lua:143
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr "Wyłącz nakładanie strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpaging.lua:144
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr "Włącz nakładanie strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:90
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr "Podkreślenie"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Wersja"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Tekst pionowy"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "View Mode"
msgstr "Tryb przeglądania"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Odstęp między słowami"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:28
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr "Kierunek tekstu"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerscreenshot.lua:34
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr "Pisz po ekranie aby"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do wysokości tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do szerokości tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do wysokości strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Dopasowanie do szerokości strony"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "anuluj"
#: reader.lua:124
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "pojawi się okno wyboru pliku"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "wybierz zaznaczony element"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "wybierz zaznaczoną opcję"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertypeset.lua:48
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "wyczyść wszystkie zewnętrzne style"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "wybierz menu konfiguracji"
#: frontend/ui/widget/buttondialog.lua:22
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "zamknij dialog"
#: frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:44 frontend/apps/reader/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "zamknij dokument"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:449
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "zamknij menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "darker"
msgstr "ciemniejszy"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "najciemn."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "zmniejsz"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "zmniejsz rozmiar czcionki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "zmniejsz odstęp między liniami"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "default"
msgstr "domyślny"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:60
msgid "full"
msgstr "pełny"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "idź do 11%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "idź do 22%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "idź do 33%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "idź do 44%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "idź do 55%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "idź do 66%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "idź do 77%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "idź do 88%"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "idź na koniec"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "idź do następnego widoku"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "idź do poprzedniego widoku"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "wróć do początku"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:451
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "idź do następnej strony menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:454
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "idź do poprzedniej strony menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "high"
msgstr "wysoki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerhighlight.lua:19
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "podkreśl tekst"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "increase"
msgstr "zwiększ"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "zwiększ rozmiar czcionki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "zwiększ odstępy między liniami"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "pozioma"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "large"
msgstr "duży"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "jaśniejszy"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "najjaśn."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "low"
msgstr "niski"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "manual"
msgstr "ręcznie"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "medium"
msgstr "średni"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:61
msgid "mini"
msgstr "minimalny"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "przesuń widok w dół"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "przesuń widok do góry"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "przesuń widoczny obszar w dół"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "przesuń widoczny obszar w lewo"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "przesuń widoczny obszar w prawo"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "przesuń widoczny obszar do góry"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:538
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "brak możliwości wyboru"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "brak tekstu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "off"
msgstr "wyłącz"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "on"
msgstr "włącz"
#: reader.lua:71
msgid "opening file"
msgstr "otwieranie pliku"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "page"
msgstr "strona"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:532
msgid "page "
msgstr "strona"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "pionowa"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "obróć o 90 st. w lewo"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "obróć o 90 st. w prawo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "przewijanie"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:463
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "wybierz aktualną pozycję menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "pół-auto"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readertoc.lua:22
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "wybierz menu spisu treści"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "pokaż zakładki"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "pokaż konfigurację"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "pokaż menu czcionki"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "pokaż menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "small"
msgstr "mały"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "przełącz grubość"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "użycie: ./reader.lua [OPCJE] ... ścieżka"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "powiększenie"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "pomniejszenie"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "dopasuj do tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "dopasuj do wysokości tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "dopasuj do szerokości tekstu/zawartości"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "dopasuj do strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "dopasuj do wysokości strony"
#: frontend/apps/reader/modules/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "dopasuj do szerokości strony"

@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# Antoine Kamel <>, 2013
# Carcara <>, 2013
# thotypous, 2014
# thotypous, 2014
# Carcara <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-21 02:21+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thotypous\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d iniciar em modo de depuração"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h mostrar esse guia de uso"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr "-p [linhas] gerar perfil de desempenho do código Lua"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0º"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10º"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5º"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Adicionar nota"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Aplicar"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Automático"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Autoalinhar"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle Paperwhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Autodetectado Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Kobo detectado"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Marcadores"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Mudar hifenação para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Mudar fonte"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Colunas"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Contraste"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Cortar"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Diminuir intensidade da luz para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Diminuir gamute para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Diminuir entrelinhas para "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Tamanho do defeito"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Excluir"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr "Modelo do dispositivo="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Idioma do documento"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Menu do documento"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Estilo embutido"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "Arquivo inexistente"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Menu do gerenciador de arquivos"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Gerenciador de Arquivos"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "Ajuste Fino"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr "Versão do firmware"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Espessura da fonte"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Intensidade da iluminação"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Configuração da iluminação"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Tela Cheia"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamute"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Ir para"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Ir para página ou posição"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Ajuda"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Destaque"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "História"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Hifenação"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Se você não informar nenhuma localização, será aberto o último documento visto"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Se você der o nome de um diretório ao invés de um caminho para um arquivo, o gerenciador de arquivos"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Aumentar intensidade da luz para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Aumentar gamute para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Aumentar entrelinhas para "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Indentação"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Inverter"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr "ED"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Língua"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "Brilhar"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Entrelinhas"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Posição"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr "Mais"
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Não há suporte para esse arquivo"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Modelo de aparelho não suportado!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Página"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Página "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Cortar Página"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Margem da Página"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Colar"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Reporte falhas em koreader/issues. Clique na parte inferior da página para mais opções"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr "Por favor reinicie o leitor para que a tradução tenha efeito."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr "DE"
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Leia todos os livros no seu aparelho e-ink"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Redesenhar com fonte "
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Fluir"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Qualidade"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Modo de Tela"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr "Altura da tela="
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr "Largura da tela="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Modo rolagem"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Visite para mais informações."
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Escolher Item do Menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Selecionar Item de Opção"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Mudar tamanho de fonte para "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr "Escolher estilo de realce "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Escolher estilo de exibição"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Compartilhar"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Stand-b"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Mudar o zoom"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr "CBED"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr "CBDE"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Sumário"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Sumário"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Tocar no Botão"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Alinhamento de texto"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Este software está sob a licença GPLv3."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Liga/Desliga"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "Arquivos ocultos"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Alternar seleção"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Traduzir"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr "Desabilitar pontuação flutuante"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr "Não clarear áreas já lidas"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr "Habilitar pontuação flutuante"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr "Clarear áreas já lidas"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr "Sublinhar"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versão"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Texto Vertical"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Modo de exibição"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Vácuo entre palavras"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr "Direção de escrita"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr "Gravando a tela em "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Zoom no conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Zoom na altura do conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Zoom na largura do conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Zoom na página"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Zoom na altura da página"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Zoom na largura da página"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "cancelar"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "será exibido para você escolher um arquivo"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "escolhido o item selecionado"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "escolhida a opção selecionada"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "limpar todos os estilos externos"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "fechar menu de configuração"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "fechar diálogo"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "fechar documento"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "fechar menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "escuro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "mais escuro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "diminuir"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "diminuir tamanho da fonte"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "diminuir entrelinhas"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "padrão"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "ir para 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "ir para 22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "ir para 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "ir para 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "ir para 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "ir para 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "ir para 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "ir para 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "ir para o fim"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "ir para próxima vista"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "ir para vista anterior"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "ir para o início"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "ir para próxima página do menu"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "ir para página anterior do menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "alto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "Destacar texto"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "aumentar"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "aumentar tamanho da fonte"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "aumentar entrelinhas"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "paisagem"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "grande"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "claro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "mais claro"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "baixo"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "manual"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "médio"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "mover vista para baixo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "mover vista para cima"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "mover área visível para baixo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "mover área visível para a esquerda"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "mover área visível para a direita"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "mover área visível para cima"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "não há opções disponíveis"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "sem texto"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "desligado"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "ligado"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr "abrindo o arquivo "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "página"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "página "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "retrato"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "Rodar para a esquerda 90º"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "Rodar para a direita 90º"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "rolar"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "selecione o item do menu atual"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "semiauto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "mostrar menu do Sumário"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "mostrar marcadores"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "exibir diálogo configuração"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "mostrar menu da fonte"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "mostrar menu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "pequeno"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "alternar negrito"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "usage: ./reader.lua [OPÇÃO] ... caminho"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "aproximar zoom"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "afastar zoom"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "zoom no conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "zoom na altura do conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "zoom na largura do conteúdo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "zoom na página"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "zoom na altura da página"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "zoom na largura da página"

@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# varnie <>, 2013
# varnie <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d запустить в отладочном режиме"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h показать справку"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 градусов"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10 градусов"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5 градусов"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Авто"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Авто-определение Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Закладки"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Отмена"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Изменить шрифт"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Колонки"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Контраст"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Уменьшить гамму до"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Уменьшить межстрочное расстояние до"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Defect Size"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Меню документа"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Встроенные стили"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "Менеджер файлов"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Вес шрифта"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Полноэкранный режим"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Гамма"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Помощь"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Если Вы не укажете путь, будет открыт последний просмотренный документ"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Если Вы укажете имя папки вместо пути до файла, файл"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Увеличить гамму до"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Увеличить межстрочное расстояние до"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Подчеркивание"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Строковое расстояние"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Нет движка ридера для этого файла"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Модель устройства не поддерживается!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "ОК"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "страница"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Обрезка Страницы"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Отступы Страницы"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, отправляйте багрепорты сюда: . Кликните внизу страницы для подробной информации"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Читать все книги на Вашем E-ink ридере"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Перерисовка с шрифтом"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Рефлоу"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "Качество Отрисовки"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Экранный Режим"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Режим Скролла"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь сюда: "
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Выбрать Пункт меню"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Выбрать Пункт меню"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Установить размер шрифта"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "Установить стиль отрисовки"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Изменить режим масштабирования"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "Оглавление"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "Оглавление"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Нажать Кнопку"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Выравнивание Текста"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Это программное обеспечение распространяется под лицензией GPLv3."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Выбрать переключение"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Вертикальный Текст"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Режим Просмотра"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Промежуток между словами"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошло всё содержимое"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошло все содержимое по высоте"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошло всё содержимое по ширине"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошла вся страница"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошла вся страница по высоте"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Отмасштабировать чтобы вошла вся страница по ширине"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "авто"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "отмена"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "появится окно выбора где можно выбрать файл"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "выбранный пункт"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "выбранная опция"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "очистить все внешние стили"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "закрыть меню конфигов"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "закрыть диалог"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "закрыть документ"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "закрыть меню"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "темнее"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "самый тёмный"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "уменьшить"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "уменьшить размер шрифта"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "уменьшить строчное расстояние"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "по-умолчанию"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "увеличить до 11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "увеличить до 22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "увеличить до 33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "увеличить до 44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "увеличить до 55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "увеличить до 66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "увеличить до 77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "увеличить до 88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "перейти в конец"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "перейти к следующему просмотру"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "перейти к предыдущему просмотру"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "перейти к началу"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "перейти к следующей странице меню"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "перейти к предыдущей странице меню"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "выше"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "увеличить"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "Увеличить размер шрифта"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "Увеличить строковое расстояние"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "ландшафт"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "больше"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "ярче"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "самый яркий"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "ниже"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "вручную"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "средний"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "Переместить просмотр вниз"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "Переместить просмотр вверх"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "сдвинуть видимую область вниз"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "сдвинуть видимую область влево"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "сдвинуть видимую область вправо"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "сдвинуть видимую область вверх"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "нет доступных опций"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "нет текста"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "выключено"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "включено"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "страница"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "страница"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "портрет"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "повернуть налево на 90 градусов"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "повернуть направо на 90 градусов"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "скролл"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "выбрать текущий пункт меню"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "показать меню с Оглавлением"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "показать закладки"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "показать диалог конфигов"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "показать меню шрифтов"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "показать меню"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "меньше"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "выбрать жирный"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "использование: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... путь"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "увеличить"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "уменьшить"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошло содержимое"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошло содержимое по высоте"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошло содержимое по ширине"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошла страница"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошла страница по высоте"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "увеличить чтобы вошла страница по ширине"

@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# thomass <>, 2013-2014
# thomass <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d hata ayıklama modunda başlat"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h yardım sayfasını göster"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0 °"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10 °"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5 °"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "Not Ekle"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Uygula"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Oto"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "Oto Doğrultma"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "Kindle 2 olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "Kindle 3 olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "Kindle 4 olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "Kindle DXG olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "Kindle PaperWhite olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "Kindle Touch olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "Kobo olarak belirlendi"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Yer imleri"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "İptal"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Tirelemeyi şuna değiştir: "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "Fontu değiştir"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Sütunlar"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontrast"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopyala"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Yapıştır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr "Işık şiddetini şuna düşür:"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "Gama değerini şuna düşür:"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "Satır boşluğunu şuna düşür:"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "Bozukluk Büyüklüğü"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Sil"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr "Cihaz modeli="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "Döküman Dili"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "Belge menüsü"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Düzenle"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "Gömülü stil"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr "Dosya bulunamadı"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "Dosya yönetici menüsü"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "DosyaYöneticisi"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "İnce Ayarlama"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr "Yazılım versiyonu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "Font kalınlığı"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "Aydnlatma Seviyesi"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "Aydınlatma ayarları"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "Tam Ekran"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gama"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "Git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "Sayfa veya Konuma Git"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Yardım"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Vurgula"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "Geçmiş"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "Tireleme"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "Eğer hiç bir dosya yolu belirtmezseniz en son görüntülenen belge açılacak"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "Dosya yolu yerine bir klasör ismi belirtmişseniz, bir dosya "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr "Işık şiddetini şuna yükselt:"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Gama değerini şuna yükselt:"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "Satır boşluğunu şuna yükselt:"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "Girinti"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr "Tersine çevir"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr "Soldan"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Dil"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr "Hafiflet"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "Satır aralığı"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Konum"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr "Diğer"
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "Bu dosya türü desteklenmiyor"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "Cihaz modeli desteklenmiyor!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "Tamam"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Sayfa"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "Sayfa "
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "Sayfa Kırpma"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "Kenar Boşluğu"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Yapıştır"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Lütfen sorunları buraya bildirin: koreader/issues,"
"Ekranın alt bölgesine tıklayarak daha fazla seçeneğe ulaşabilirsiniz."
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr "Yeni dilin uygulanabilmesi için uygulamayı yeniden başlatın."
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr "Sağdan"
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "Tüm kitaplarınızı E-ink okuyucuda okuyun"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "Fon ile tekrar oluşturuluyor"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "Ekrana Uyarlama"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "İşleme Kalitesi"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "Ekran Modu"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr "Ekran yüksekliği ="
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr "Ekran genişliği ="
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "Kaydırma Modu"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "Daha fazla bilgi bu sayfada: ."
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "Menü Ögesini Seçin"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "Seçenek Ögesini Seçin"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "Font boyutunu şuna ayarla:"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr "Vurgulama yöntemini seçin "
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "İşleme Stilini Ayarla"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Paylaş"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "Beklemeye al"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "Yakınlaştırma modunu değiştir"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "İçindekiler"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "İçindekiler"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "Butona Tıklayın"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "Yazı Hizalama"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "Bu yazılım GPLv3 ile lisanslanmıştır."
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "Değiştir"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "Gizlileri göstermeyi değiştir"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "Geçiş yap"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Çevir"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr "Sayfa çakışmasını kapat"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr "Sayfa çakışmasını aç"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr "Altını çiz"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versiyon"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "Dikey yazı"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "Görüntüleme modu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "Kelime Boşluğu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr "Yazı yönü"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "İçeriği sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "İçeriğin genişliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "İçeriğin yüksekliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "Sayfayı sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "Sayfa yüksekliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "Sayfa genişliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "oto"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "iptal"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "seçim ekranıılacak ve bir dosya seçebileceksiniz"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "işaretli ögeyi seç"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "işaretli seçeneği seç"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "Harici stilleri temizle"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "Ayar menüsünü kapat"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "Dialogu kapat"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "belgeyi kapat"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "menüyü kapat"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "az koyu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "en koyu"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "azalt"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "font boyutunu azalt"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "satır boşluğunu azalt"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "normal"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "%11'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "%22'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "%33'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "%44'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "%55'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "%66'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "%77'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "%88'e git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "en sona git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "sonraki ekrana git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "önceki ekrana git"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "en başa git"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "menünün sonraki sayfasına git"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "menünün önceki sayfasına git"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "yüksek"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "yazıyı vurgula"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "arttır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "font boyutunu arttır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "satır boşluğunu arttır"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "yatay"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "geniş"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "az açık"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "en açık"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "düşük"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "el ile"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "orta"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "görüntüyü aşağı kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "görüntüyü yukarı kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "görüntülenen alanı aşağı kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "görüntülenen alanı sola kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "görüntülenen alanı sağa kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "görüntülenen alanı yukarı kaydır"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "hiçbir seçenek yok"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "yazı yok"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "kapalı"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "açık"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr "dosya açılıyor"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "sayfa"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "sayfa"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "dikey"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "sola 90 derece döndür"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "sağa 90 derece döndür"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "kaydırma"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "mevcut menü ögesini seç"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "yarı-oto"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "İçindekileri görüntüle"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "yerimlerini göster"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "ayar diyalogunu göster"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "font menüsünü göster"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "menüyü göster"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "küçük"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "kalınlığı değiştir"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "kullanım şekli: ./reader.lua [Seçenekler] ... dosyayolu"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "yakınlaştır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "uzaklaştır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "içeriği sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "içerik yüksekliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "içerik genişliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "sayfayı sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "sayfa yüksekliğini sığdır"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "sayfa genişliğini sığdır"

@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: vi\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""

@ -1,828 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese (Viet Nam) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: vi_VN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr ""
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr ""

@ -1,830 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 KOReader Development Team
# Translators:
# chrox <>, 2013-2014
# houqp <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KOReader\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-18 17:24+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-19 08:55+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: thomass <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (China) (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: reader.lua:107
msgid "-d start in debug mode"
msgstr "-d 开启调试模式"
#: reader.lua:109
msgid "-h show this usage help"
msgstr "-h 显示帮助信息"
#: reader.lua:108
msgid "-p [rows] enable Lua code profiling"
msgstr "-p [rows] 开启Lua代码性能分析"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:46
msgid "0 deg"
msgstr "0度"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:48
msgid "10 deg"
msgstr "10度"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:47
msgid "5 deg"
msgstr "5度"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:122
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:129
msgid ">>"
msgstr ">>"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:336
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:145
msgid "Add Note"
msgstr "添加笔记"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:83
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "应用"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:58
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "自动"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:21
msgid "Auto Straighten"
msgstr "水平校正"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:392
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 2"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle 2"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:385
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 3"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle 3"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:381
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle 4"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle 4"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:389
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle DXG"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle DXG"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:289 frontend/ui/input.lua:293
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle PaperWhite"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle PaperWhite"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:317
msgid "Auto-detected Kindle Touch"
msgstr "自动检测为Kindle Touch"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:323
msgid "Auto-detected Kobo"
msgstr "自动检测为Kobo"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:14
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "书签"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:36 frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:26
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "取消"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:25
msgid "Change Hyphenation to "
msgstr "Hyphenation设置为"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:18
msgid "Change font"
msgstr "选择字体"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:11
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "分栏数"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:14
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "字体黑度"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:133
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:151
msgid "Cut"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:44
msgid "Decrease front light intensity to "
msgstr " 前光亮度设置为"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:188
msgid "Decrease gamma to "
msgstr "灰度系数设置为"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:159
msgid "Decrease line space to "
msgstr "行距设置为"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:19
msgid "Defect Size"
msgstr "页面污点"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:158
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:231
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "删除"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:324
msgid "Device model="
msgstr "设备型号"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:16
msgid "Document Language"
msgstr "文档语言"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:114
msgid "Document menu"
msgstr "文档菜单"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:238
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "编辑"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:26
msgid "Embedded style"
msgstr "内置CSS"
#: reader.lua:55
msgid "File does not exist"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:114
msgid "File manager menu"
msgstr "文件管理器菜单"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:69
msgid "FileManager"
msgstr "文件管理器"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:13
msgid "Fine Tuning"
msgstr "微调"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:326
msgid "Firmware revision"
msgstr "固件版本"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:23
msgid "Font weight"
msgstr "粗体显示"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:70
msgid "Frontlight Level"
msgstr "前光亮度"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:60
msgid "Frontlight settings"
msgstr "前光设置"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:7
msgid "Full Screen"
msgstr "全屏模式"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:24
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "灰度系数"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:10
msgid "Go To"
msgstr "前往"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:11
msgid "Go to Page or Location"
msgstr "前往页码或位置"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:74
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:72
msgid "Help"
msgstr "帮助"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:328
#: frontend/ui/widget/dictquicklookup.lua:138
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "标注"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:11
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagerhistory.lua:30
msgid "History"
msgstr "历史记录"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhyphenation.lua:7
msgid "Hyphenation"
msgstr "断字"
#: reader.lua:114
msgid "If you don't pass any path, the last viewed document will be opened"
msgstr "如果不提供路径参数将会打开最后关闭的文档"
#: reader.lua:111
msgid "If you give the name of a directory instead of a file path, a file"
msgstr "如果提供的是路径参数,"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:41
msgid "Increase front light intensity to "
msgstr " 前光亮度设置为"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:185
msgid "Increase gamma to "
msgstr "Gamma校正为"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:163
msgid "Increase line space to "
msgstr "行距设置为"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:22
msgid "Indentation"
msgstr "缩进"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:145
msgid "Invert"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:54
msgid "LTR"
msgstr "左至右"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:31
msgid "Language"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:133
msgid "Lighten"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:10
msgid "Line Spacing"
msgstr "行间距"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:50
msgid "Location"
msgstr "位置"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:366
msgid "More"
msgstr "更多"
#: reader.lua:70
msgid "No reader engine for this file"
msgstr "无渲染组件解析此文档"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:395
msgid "Not supported device model!"
msgstr "无法支持此设备型号!"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:90
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:25
msgid "OK"
msgstr "确认"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readergoto.lua:43
msgid "Page"
msgstr "页码"
#: frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:345
msgid "Page "
msgstr "页码"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:6
msgid "Page Crop"
msgstr "切边"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:9
msgid "Page Margin"
msgstr "页边距"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:140
msgid "Paste"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:77
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:75
msgid ""
"Please report bugs to koreader/issues, Click at"
" the bottom of the page for more options"
msgstr "Bug反馈请访问 koreader/issues。更多设置选项请点击屏幕下方。"
#: frontend/ui/language.lua:13
msgid "Please restart reader for new language setting to take effect."
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:55
msgid "RTL"
msgstr "右至左"
#: reader.lua:105
msgid "Read all the books on your E-Ink reader"
msgstr "使用本软件在E-ink设备上阅读你的电子文档"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:211
msgid "Redrawing with font "
msgstr "重绘使用字体"
#: frontend/ui/data/koptoptions.lua:126 frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:15
msgid "Reflow"
msgstr "页面重排"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:20
msgid "Render Quality"
msgstr "渲染质量"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:5
msgid "Screen Mode"
msgstr "屏幕方向"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:328
msgid "Screen height ="
msgstr "屏幕高度"
#: frontend/ui/input.lua:330
msgid "Screen width ="
msgstr "屏幕宽度"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:8
msgid "Scroll Mode"
msgstr "卷轴模式"
#: reader.lua:117
msgid "See for more info."
msgstr "更多信息请访问"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:38 frontend/ui/widget/touchmenu.lua:40
msgid "Select Menu Item"
msgstr "选择菜单项"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:84
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:120
msgid "Select Option Item"
msgstr "选择选项"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:144
msgid "Set font size to "
msgstr "设置字体大小"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:124
msgid "Set highlight drawer "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:8
msgid "Set render style"
msgstr "设置渲染样式"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:355
msgid "Share"
msgstr "分享"
#: frontend/ui/uimanager.lua:297
msgid "Standby"
msgstr "进入待机状态"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:292
msgid "Switch zoom mode"
msgstr "设置缩放模式"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:57
msgid "TBLTR"
msgstr "竖排"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:56
msgid "TBRTL"
msgstr "竖排"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:95
msgid "Table of Contents"
msgstr "目录"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:12
msgid "Table of contents"
msgstr "目录"
#: frontend/ui/widget/button.lua:77
msgid "Tap Button"
msgstr "点击按钮"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:12
msgid "Text Align"
msgstr "文本对齐"
#: reader.lua:116
msgid "This software is licensed under the GPLv3."
msgstr "本软件在GPLv3许可证下发布。"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfrontlight.lua:75
msgid "Toggle"
msgstr "开关"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:63
msgid "Toggle hidden files"
msgstr "打开/关闭显示隐藏文件"
#: frontend/ui/widget/toggleswitch.lua:74
msgid "Toggle switch"
msgstr "选择开关"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:347
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "翻译"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:127
msgid "Turn off floating punctuation"
msgstr "关闭标点浮动"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:153
msgid "Turn off page overlap"
msgstr "关闭页面重叠"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:128
msgid "Turn on floating punctuation"
msgstr "打开标点浮动"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpaging.lua:154
msgid "Turn on page overlap"
msgstr "打开页面重叠"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:139
msgid "Underscore"
msgstr ""
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:82
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:80
msgid "Version"
msgstr "版本"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:17
msgid "Vertical Text"
msgstr "竖排文本"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:25
msgid "View mode"
msgstr "显示模式"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:18
msgid "Word Gap"
msgstr "字符间距"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:27
msgid "Writing Direction"
msgstr "文字方向"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerscreenshot.lua:31
msgid "Writing screen to "
msgstr ""
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:311
msgid "Zoom to fit content"
msgstr "适应内容缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:299
msgid "Zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "适应内容高度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:295
msgid "Zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "适应内容宽度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:315
msgid "Zoom to fit page"
msgstr "适应页面缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:307
msgid "Zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "适应页面高度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:303
msgid "Zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "适应页面宽度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:31
msgid "auto"
msgstr "自动"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:37
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "取消"
#: reader.lua:112
msgid "chooser will show up and let you select a file"
msgstr "从文件选择器选择要打开的文件"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:43
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:89
msgid "chose selected item"
msgstr "按键选择项目"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:38
msgid "chose selected option"
msgstr "按键选择选项"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertypeset.lua:52
msgid "clear all external styles"
msgstr "清除外置样式"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:436
msgid "close config menu"
msgstr "关闭设置菜单"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanager.lua:31
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:24
#: frontend/ui/widget/infomessage.lua:32
msgid "close dialog"
msgstr "关闭对话框"
#: frontend/ui/readerui.lua:44 frontend/ui/readerui.lua:73
msgid "close document"
msgstr "关闭文档"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:443
msgid "close menu"
msgstr "关闭菜单"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:42
msgid "darker"
msgstr "较深"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:43
msgid "darkest"
msgstr "最深"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:37
msgid "decrease"
msgstr "减小"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:35
msgid "decrease font size"
msgstr "减小字体大小"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:43
msgid "decrease line space"
msgstr "减小行距"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:41
msgid "default"
msgstr "默认"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:51
msgid "go to 11%"
msgstr "跳转到11%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:53
msgid "go to 22%"
msgstr "跳转到22%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:55
msgid "go to 33%"
msgstr "跳转到33%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:57
msgid "go to 44%"
msgstr "跳转到44%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:59
msgid "go to 55%"
msgstr "跳转到55%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:61
msgid "go to 66%"
msgstr "跳转到66%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:63
msgid "go to 77%"
msgstr "跳转到77%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:65
msgid "go to 88%"
msgstr "跳转到88%"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:67
msgid "go to end"
msgstr "跳转到末尾"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:30
msgid "go to next view"
msgstr "跳转到下一视图"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:35
msgid "go to previous view"
msgstr "跳转到上一视图"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:49
msgid "go to start"
msgstr "跳转到开头"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:445
msgid "goto next page of the menu"
msgstr "转到菜单下一页"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:448
msgid "goto previous page of the menu"
msgstr "转到菜单上一页"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:45
msgid "high"
msgstr "高"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerhighlight.lua:68
msgid "highlight text"
msgstr "标注文字"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:38
msgid "increase"
msgstr "增加"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:31
msgid "increase font size"
msgstr "增加字体大小"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:39
msgid "increase line space"
msgstr "增加行距"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:50
msgid "landscape"
msgstr "横屏"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:36
msgid "large"
msgstr "大"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:40
msgid "lighter"
msgstr "较浅"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:39
msgid "lightest"
msgstr "最浅"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:44
msgid "low"
msgstr "低"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:32
msgid "manual"
msgstr "手动"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:35
msgid "medium"
msgstr "中等"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:45
msgid "move view down"
msgstr "向下移动视图"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrolling.lua:40
msgid "move view up"
msgstr "向上移动视图"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:25
msgid "move visible area down"
msgstr "向下移动可视区域"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:28
msgid "move visible area left"
msgstr "向左移动可视区域"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:31
msgid "move visible area right"
msgstr "向右移动可视区域"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerpanning.lua:22
msgid "move visible area up"
msgstr "向上移动可视区域"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:530
msgid "no choices available"
msgstr "没有可选选项"
#: frontend/ui/widget/confirmbox.lua:23
msgid "no text"
msgstr "没有文本"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:30
msgid "off"
msgstr "关闭"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:29
msgid "on"
msgstr "开启"
#: reader.lua:60
msgid "opening file"
msgstr "正在打开文件"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:53
msgid "page"
msgstr "分页模式"
#: frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:524
msgid "page "
msgstr "页码"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:49
msgid "portrait"
msgstr "竖屏"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:20
msgid "rotate left by 90 degrees"
msgstr "向左旋转90度"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerrotation.lua:24
msgid "rotate right by 90 degrees"
msgstr "向右旋转90度"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:52
msgid "scroll"
msgstr "卷轴模式"
#: frontend/ui/widget/configdialog.lua:440 frontend/ui/widget/menu.lua:457
msgid "select current menu item"
msgstr "选择当前菜单项目"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:33
msgid "semi-auto"
msgstr "半自动"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readertoc.lua:20
msgid "show Table of Content menu"
msgstr "显示目录菜单"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerbookmark.lua:23
msgid "show bookmarks"
msgstr "显示书签"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerconfig.lua:18
msgid "show config dialog"
msgstr "显示设置对话框"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerfont.lua:28
msgid "show font menu"
msgstr "显示字体选择菜单"
#: frontend/apps/filemanager/filemanagermenu.lua:36
#: frontend/ui/reader/readermenu.lua:45
msgid "show menu"
msgstr "显示菜单"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:34
msgid "small"
msgstr "小"
#: frontend/ui/data/strings.lua:51
msgid "toggle bold"
msgstr "粗体"
#: reader.lua:104
msgid "usage: ./reader.lua [OPTION] ... path"
msgstr "用法: ./reader.lua [选项] ... [文件|路径]"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:25
msgid "zoom in"
msgstr "放大"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:30
msgid "zoom out"
msgstr "缩小"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:40
msgid "zoom to fit content"
msgstr "适应内容缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:60
msgid "zoom to fit content height"
msgstr "适应内容高度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:50
msgid "zoom to fit content width"
msgstr "适应内容宽度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:35
msgid "zoom to fit page"
msgstr "适应页面缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:55
msgid "zoom to fit page height"
msgstr "适应页面高度缩放"
#: frontend/ui/reader/readerzooming.lua:45
msgid "zoom to fit page width"
msgstr "适应页面宽度缩放"