Add tutorial 14: Peripheral Interrupts

Andre Richter 4 years ago
parent 890442e8f1
commit 1d34a4e42e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2116C1AB102F615E

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
[target.'cfg(target_os = "none")']
runner = "target/"

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.rulers": [
"rust-analyzer.cargoFeatures.features": [
"rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.allTargets": false,
"rust-analyzer.cargo-watch.arguments": [

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
name = "array-init"
version = "0.0.4"
source = "registry+"
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"nodrop 0.1.14 (registry+",
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name = "cast"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+",
name = "cortex-a"
version = "2.9.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"register 0.5.0 (registry+",
name = "kernel"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"cortex-a 2.9.0 (registry+",
"qemu-exit 0.1.0 (registry+",
"register 0.5.0 (registry+",
"test-macros 0.1.0",
"test-types 0.1.0",
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"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
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"x86_64 0.7.7 (registry+",
name = "quote"
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source = "registry+"
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"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
name = "register"
version = "0.5.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"tock-registers 0.5.0 (registry+",
name = "rustc_version"
version = "0.2.3"
source = "registry+"
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"semver 0.9.0 (registry+",
name = "semver"
version = "0.9.0"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"semver-parser 0.7.0 (registry+",
name = "semver-parser"
version = "0.7.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "syn"
version = "1.0.11"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+",
name = "test-macros"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
"proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+",
"quote 1.0.2 (registry+",
"syn 1.0.11 (registry+",
"test-types 0.1.0",
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version = "0.1.0"
name = "tock-registers"
version = "0.5.0"
source = "registry+"
name = "unicode-xid"
version = "0.2.0"
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name = "ux"
version = "0.1.3"
source = "registry+"
name = "x86_64"
version = "0.7.7"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
"array-init 0.0.4 (registry+",
"bit_field 0.9.0 (registry+",
"bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+",
"cast 0.2.3 (registry+",
"ux 0.1.3 (registry+",
"checksum array-init 0.0.4 (registry+" = "23589ecb866b460d3a0f1278834750268c607e8e28a1b982c907219f3178cd72"
"checksum bit_field 0.9.0 (registry+" = "ed8765909f9009617974ab6b7d332625b320b33c326b1e9321382ef1999b5d56"
"checksum bitflags 1.2.1 (registry+" = "cf1de2fe8c75bc145a2f577add951f8134889b4795d47466a54a5c846d691693"
"checksum cast 0.2.3 (registry+" = "4b9434b9a5aa1450faa3f9cb14ea0e8c53bb5d2b3c1bfd1ab4fc03e9f33fbfb0"
"checksum cortex-a 2.9.0 (registry+" = "fd807a12241940332c7c9f6aeaf3f7539d4213853d32445d17c97f3e7eebe118"
"checksum nodrop 0.1.14 (registry+" = "72ef4a56884ca558e5ddb05a1d1e7e1bfd9a68d9ed024c21704cc98872dae1bb"
"checksum proc-macro2 1.0.6 (registry+" = "9c9e470a8dc4aeae2dee2f335e8f533e2d4b347e1434e5671afc49b054592f27"
"checksum qemu-exit 0.1.0 (registry+" = "6eef8966dfa42074458b801f4ca70c0a070a84a500022584cc11d7a3c1fdb105"
"checksum quote 1.0.2 (registry+" = "053a8c8bcc71fcce321828dc897a98ab9760bef03a4fc36693c231e5b3216cfe"
"checksum register 0.5.0 (registry+" = "6e10c2ba523bc81270ecb9b6ca6704f42cd1efec89fddbfe0e520ad0e218f401"
"checksum rustc_version 0.2.3 (registry+" = "138e3e0acb6c9fb258b19b67cb8abd63c00679d2851805ea151465464fe9030a"
"checksum semver 0.9.0 (registry+" = "1d7eb9ef2c18661902cc47e535f9bc51b78acd254da71d375c2f6720d9a40403"
"checksum semver-parser 0.7.0 (registry+" = "388a1df253eca08550bef6c72392cfe7c30914bf41df5269b68cbd6ff8f570a3"
"checksum syn 1.0.11 (registry+" = "dff0acdb207ae2fe6d5976617f887eb1e35a2ba52c13c7234c790960cdad9238"
"checksum tock-registers 0.5.0 (registry+" = "70323afdb8082186c0986da0e10f6e4ed103d681c921c00597e98d9806dac20f"
"checksum unicode-xid 0.2.0 (registry+" = "826e7639553986605ec5979c7dd957c7895e93eabed50ab2ffa7f6128a75097c"
"checksum ux 0.1.3 (registry+" = "88dfeb711b61ce620c0cb6fd9f8e3e678622f0c971da2a63c4b3e25e88ed012f"
"checksum x86_64 0.7.7 (registry+" = "1f27d9168654aee1b0c1b73746caeb4aa33248f8b8c8f6e100e697fcc2a794b2"

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
name = "kernel"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Andre Richter <>"]
edition = "2018"
sysroot_path = "../xbuild_sysroot"
# The features section is used to select the target board.
default = []
bsp_rpi3 = ["cortex-a", "register"]
bsp_rpi4 = ["cortex-a", "register"]
qemu-quirks = []
qemu-exit = "0.1.x"
test-types = { path = "test-types" }
# Optional dependencies
cortex-a = { version = "2.9.x", optional = true }
register = { version = "0.5.x", features=["no_std_unit_tests"], optional = true }
## Testing
test-macros = { path = "test-macros" }
# Unit tests are done in the library part of the kernel.
name = "libkernel"
test = true
# Disable unit tests for the kernel binary.
name = "kernel"
test = false
# List of tests without harness.
name = "00_console_sanity"
harness = false
name = "02_exception_sync_page_fault"
harness = false

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
## SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
## Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
# Default to the RPi3
ifndef BSP
BSP = rpi3
# Default to /dev/ttyUSB0
DEV_SERIAL = /dev/ttyUSB0
# BSP-specific arguments
ifeq ($(BSP),rpi3)
TARGET = aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
OUTPUT = kernel8.img
QEMU_BINARY = qemu-system-aarch64
QEMU_RELEASE_ARGS = -serial stdio -display none
OPENOCD_ARG = -f /openocd/tcl/interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h.cfg -f /openocd/rpi3.cfg
JTAG_BOOT_IMAGE = jtag_boot_rpi3.img
LINKER_FILE = src/bsp/raspberrypi/link.ld
RUSTC_MISC_ARGS = -C target-cpu=cortex-a53
else ifeq ($(BSP),rpi4)
TARGET = aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
OUTPUT = kernel8.img
# QEMU_BINARY = qemu-system-aarch64
# QEMU_RELEASE_ARGS = -serial stdio -display none
OPENOCD_ARG = -f /openocd/tcl/interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h.cfg -f /openocd/rpi4.cfg
JTAG_BOOT_IMAGE = jtag_boot_rpi4.img
LINKER_FILE = src/bsp/raspberrypi/link.ld
RUSTC_MISC_ARGS = -C target-cpu=cortex-a72
# Testing-specific arguments
ifdef TEST
ifeq ($(TEST),unit)
TEST_ARG = --lib
TEST_ARG = --test $(TEST)
QEMU_MISSING_STRING = "This board is not yet supported for QEMU."
RUSTFLAGS_PEDANTIC = $(RUSTFLAGS) -D warnings -D missing_docs
SOURCES = $(wildcard **/*.rs) $(wildcard **/*.S) $(wildcard **/*.ld)
X_CMD_ARGS = --target=$(TARGET) \
--features $(FEATURES) \
XRUSTC_CMD = cargo xrustc $(X_CMD_ARGS)
XTEST_CMD = cargo xtest $(X_CMD_ARGS)
CARGO_OUTPUT = target/$(TARGET)/release/kernel
OBJCOPY_CMD = cargo objcopy \
-- \
--strip-all \
-O binary
DOCKER_IMAGE = rustembedded/osdev-utils
DOCKER_CMD_TEST = docker run -i --rm
DOCKER_ARG_DIR_TUT = -v $(shell pwd):/work -w /work
DOCKER_ARG_DIR_UTILS = -v $(shell pwd)/../utils:/utils
DOCKER_ARG_DIR_JTAG = -v $(shell pwd)/../X1_JTAG_boot:/jtag
DOCKER_ARG_TTY = --privileged -v /dev:/dev
DOCKER_ARG_NET = --network host
DOCKER_EXEC_MINIPUSH = ruby /utils/minipush.rb
.PHONY: all doc qemu chainboot jtagboot openocd gdb gdb-opt0 clippy clean readelf objdump nm test
all: clean $(OUTPUT)
cp $< .
cargo xdoc --target=$(TARGET) --features bsp_$(BSP) --document-private-items --open
qemu: FEATURES += --features qemu-quirks
qemu: all
-kernel $(OUTPUT)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
$(OBJCOPY_CMD) $$1 $$1.img
TEST_BINARY=$$(echo $$1.img | sed -e 's/.*target/target/g')
ruby tests/runner.rb $(DOCKER_EXEC_QEMU) $(QEMU_TEST_ARGS) -kernel $$TEST_BINARY
test: FEATURES += --features qemu-quirks
test: $(SOURCES)
@mkdir -p target
@echo "$$KERNEL_TEST_RUNNER" > target/
@chmod +x target/
chainboot: all
openocd $(OPENOCD_ARG)
define gen_gdb
cp $(CARGO_OUTPUT) kernel_for_jtag
gdb-multiarch -q kernel_for_jtag
gdb: clean $(SOURCES)
$(call gen_gdb,-C debuginfo=2)
gdb-opt0: clean $(SOURCES)
$(call gen_gdb,-C debuginfo=2 -C opt-level=0)
RUSTFLAGS="$(RUSTFLAGS_PEDANTIC)" cargo xclippy --target=$(TARGET) --features bsp_$(BSP)
rm -rf target
readelf -a kernel
cargo objdump --target $(TARGET) -- -disassemble -no-show-raw-insn -print-imm-hex kernel
cargo nm --target $(TARGET) -- -print-size kernel | sort

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Architectural processor code.
use crate::{bsp, cpu};
use cortex_a::{asm, regs::*};
// Boot Code
/// The entry of the `kernel` binary.
/// The function must be named `_start`, because the linker is looking for this exact name.
/// # Safety
/// - Linker script must ensure to place this function at `0x80_000`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn _start() -> ! {
// Expect the boot core to start in EL2.
if (bsp::cpu::BOOT_CORE_ID == cpu::smp::core_id())
&& (CurrentEL.get() == CurrentEL::EL::EL2.value)
} else {
// If not core0, infinitely wait for events.
/// Transition from EL2 to EL1.
/// # Safety
/// - The HW state of EL1 must be prepared in a sound way.
/// - Exception return from EL2 must must continue execution in EL1 with
/// `runtime_init::runtime_init()`.
unsafe fn el2_to_el1_transition() -> ! {
use crate::runtime_init;
// Enable timer counter registers for EL1.
// No offset for reading the counters.
// Set EL1 execution state to AArch64.
// Set up a simulated exception return.
// First, fake a saved program status where all interrupts were masked and SP_EL1 was used as a
// stack pointer.
+ SPSR_EL2::A::Masked
+ SPSR_EL2::I::Masked
+ SPSR_EL2::F::Masked
+ SPSR_EL2::M::EL1h,
// Second, let the link register point to runtime_init().
ELR_EL2.set(runtime_init::runtime_init as *const () as u64);
// Set up SP_EL1 (stack pointer), which will be used by EL1 once we "return" to it.
// Use `eret` to "return" to EL1. This results in execution of runtime_init() in EL1.
// Public Code
pub use asm::nop;
/// Spin for `n` cycles.
pub fn spin_for_cycles(n: usize) {
for _ in 0..n {
/// Pause execution on the core.
pub fn wait_forever() -> ! {
loop {
// Testing
/// Make the host QEMU binary execute `exit(1)`.
pub fn qemu_exit_failure() -> ! {
/// Make the host QEMU binary execute `exit(0)`.
pub fn qemu_exit_success() -> ! {

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Architectural symmetric multiprocessing.
use cortex_a::regs::*;
// Public Code
/// Return the executing core's id.
pub fn core_id<T>() -> T
T: From<u8>,
const CORE_MASK: u64 = 0b11;
T::from((MPIDR_EL1.get() & CORE_MASK) as u8)

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
/// Call the function provided by parameter `\handler` after saving the exception context. Provide
/// the context as the first parameter to '\handler'.
.macro CALL_WITH_CONTEXT handler
// Make room on the stack for the exception context.
sub sp, sp, #16 * 17
// Store all general purpose registers on the stack.
stp x0, x1, [sp, #16 * 0]
stp x2, x3, [sp, #16 * 1]
stp x4, x5, [sp, #16 * 2]
stp x6, x7, [sp, #16 * 3]
stp x8, x9, [sp, #16 * 4]
stp x10, x11, [sp, #16 * 5]
stp x12, x13, [sp, #16 * 6]
stp x14, x15, [sp, #16 * 7]
stp x16, x17, [sp, #16 * 8]
stp x18, x19, [sp, #16 * 9]
stp x20, x21, [sp, #16 * 10]
stp x22, x23, [sp, #16 * 11]
stp x24, x25, [sp, #16 * 12]
stp x26, x27, [sp, #16 * 13]
stp x28, x29, [sp, #16 * 14]
// Add the exception link register (ELR_EL1) and the saved program status (SPSR_EL1).
mrs x1, ELR_EL1
mrs x2, SPSR_EL1
stp lr, x1, [sp, #16 * 15]
str w2, [sp, #16 * 16]
// x0 is the first argument for the function called through `\handler`.
mov x0, sp
// Call `\handler`.
bl \handler
// After returning from exception handling code, replay the saved context and return via `eret`.
b __exception_restore_context
1: wfe
b 1b
// The exception vector table.
.section .exception_vectors, "ax", @progbits
// Align by 2^11 bytes, as demanded by ARMv8-A. Same as ALIGN(2048) in an ld script.
.align 11
// Export a symbol for the Rust code to use.
// Current exception level with SP_EL0.
// .org sets the offset relative to section start.
// # Safety
// - It must be ensured that `CALL_WITH_CONTEXT` <= 0x80 bytes.
.org 0x000
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_el0_synchronous
.org 0x080
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_el0_irq
.org 0x100
.org 0x180
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_el0_serror
// Current exception level with SP_ELx, x > 0.
.org 0x200
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_elx_synchronous
.org 0x280
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_elx_irq
.org 0x300
.org 0x380
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT current_elx_serror
// Lower exception level, AArch64
.org 0x400
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch64_synchronous
.org 0x480
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch64_irq
.org 0x500
.org 0x580
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch64_serror
// Lower exception level, AArch32
.org 0x600
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch32_synchronous
.org 0x680
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch32_irq
.org 0x700
.org 0x780
CALL_WITH_CONTEXT lower_aarch32_serror
.org 0x800
// Helper functions
.section .text
ldr w19, [sp, #16 * 16]
ldp lr, x20, [sp, #16 * 15]
msr SPSR_EL1, x19
msr ELR_EL1, x20
ldp x0, x1, [sp, #16 * 0]
ldp x2, x3, [sp, #16 * 1]
ldp x4, x5, [sp, #16 * 2]
ldp x6, x7, [sp, #16 * 3]
ldp x8, x9, [sp, #16 * 4]
ldp x10, x11, [sp, #16 * 5]
ldp x12, x13, [sp, #16 * 6]
ldp x14, x15, [sp, #16 * 7]
ldp x16, x17, [sp, #16 * 8]
ldp x18, x19, [sp, #16 * 9]
ldp x20, x21, [sp, #16 * 10]
ldp x22, x23, [sp, #16 * 11]
ldp x24, x25, [sp, #16 * 12]
ldp x26, x27, [sp, #16 * 13]
ldp x28, x29, [sp, #16 * 14]
add sp, sp, #16 * 17

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Architectural synchronous and asynchronous exception handling.
use crate::{bsp, exception};
use core::fmt;
use cortex_a::{barrier, regs::*};
use register::InMemoryRegister;
// Assembly counterpart to this file.
// Private Definitions
/// Wrapper struct for memory copy of SPSR_EL1.
struct SpsrEL1(InMemoryRegister<u32, SPSR_EL1::Register>);
/// The exception context as it is stored on the stack on exception entry.
struct ExceptionContext {
/// General Purpose Registers.
gpr: [u64; 30],
/// The link register, aka x30.
lr: u64,
/// Exception link register. The program counter at the time the exception happened.
elr_el1: u64,
/// Saved program status.
spsr_el1: SpsrEL1,
/// Wrapper struct for pretty printing ESR_EL1.
struct EsrEL1;
// Private Code
/// Print verbose information about the exception and the panic.
fn default_exception_handler(e: &ExceptionContext) {
"\n\nCPU Exception!\n\
FAR_EL1: {:#018x}\n\
EsrEL1 {},
// Current, EL0
unsafe extern "C" fn current_el0_synchronous(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn current_el0_irq(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn current_el0_serror(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
// Current, ELx
unsafe extern "C" fn current_elx_synchronous(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn current_elx_irq(_e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
use exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager;
let token = &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext::new();
unsafe extern "C" fn current_elx_serror(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
// Lower, AArch64
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch64_synchronous(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch64_irq(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch64_serror(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
// Lower, AArch32
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch32_synchronous(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch32_irq(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
unsafe extern "C" fn lower_aarch32_serror(e: &mut ExceptionContext) {
// Pretty printing
/// Human readable ESR_EL1.
impl fmt::Display for EsrEL1 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let esr_el1 = ESR_EL1.extract();
// Raw print of whole register.
writeln!(f, "ESR_EL1: {:#010x}", esr_el1.get())?;
// Raw print of exception class.
write!(f, " Exception Class (EC) : {:#x}",;
// Exception class, translation.
let ec_translation = match esr_el1.read_as_enum(ESR_EL1::EC) {
Some(ESR_EL1::EC::Value::DataAbortCurrentEL) => "Data Abort, current EL",
_ => "N/A",
writeln!(f, " - {}", ec_translation)?;
// Raw print of instruction specific syndrome.
write!(f, " Instr Specific Syndrome (ISS): {:#x}",;
/// Human readable SPSR_EL1.
impl fmt::Display for SpsrEL1 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Raw value.
writeln!(f, "SPSR_EL1: {:#010x}", self.0.get())?;
let to_flag_str = |x| -> _ {
if x { "Set" } else { "Not set" }
writeln!(f, " Flags:")?;
writeln!(f, " Negative (N): {}", to_flag_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::N)))?;
writeln!(f, " Zero (Z): {}", to_flag_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::Z)))?;
writeln!(f, " Carry (C): {}", to_flag_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::C)))?;
writeln!(f, " Overflow (V): {}", to_flag_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::V)))?;
let to_mask_str = |x| -> _ {
if x { "Masked" } else { "Unmasked" }
writeln!(f, " Exception handling state:")?;
writeln!(f, " Debug (D): {}", to_mask_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::D)))?;
writeln!(f, " SError (A): {}", to_mask_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::A)))?;
writeln!(f, " IRQ (I): {}", to_mask_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::I)))?;
writeln!(f, " FIQ (F): {}", to_mask_str(self.0.is_set(SPSR_EL1::F)))?;
write!(f, " Illegal Execution State (IL): {}",
/// Human readable print of the exception context.
impl fmt::Display for ExceptionContext {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "ELR_EL1: {:#018x}", self.elr_el1)?;
writeln!(f, "{}", self.spsr_el1)?;
writeln!(f, "General purpose register:")?;
let alternating = |x| -> _ {
if x % 2 == 0 { " " } else { "\n" }
// Print two registers per line.
for (i, reg) in self.gpr.iter().enumerate() {
write!(f, " x{: <2}: {: >#018x}{}", i, reg, alternating(i))?;
write!(f, " lr : {:#018x}",;
// Public Code
use crate::exception::PrivilegeLevel;
/// The processing element's current privilege level.
pub fn current_privilege_level() -> (PrivilegeLevel, &'static str) {
let el = CurrentEL.read_as_enum(CurrentEL::EL);
match el {
Some(CurrentEL::EL::Value::EL2) => (PrivilegeLevel::Hypervisor, "EL2"),
Some(CurrentEL::EL::Value::EL1) => (PrivilegeLevel::Kernel, "EL1"),
Some(CurrentEL::EL::Value::EL0) => (PrivilegeLevel::User, "EL0"),
_ => (PrivilegeLevel::Unknown, "Unknown"),
/// Init exception handling by setting the exception vector base address register.
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW state of the executing core.
/// - The vector table and the symbol `__exception_vector_table_start` from the linker script must
/// adhere to the alignment and size constraints demanded by the ARMv8-A Architecture Reference
/// Manual.
pub unsafe fn handling_init() {
// Provided by exception.S.
extern "C" {
static mut __exception_vector_start: u64;
let addr: u64 = &__exception_vector_start as *const _ as u64;
// Force VBAR update to complete before next instruction.

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Architectural asynchronous exception handling.
use cortex_a::regs::*;
// Private Definitions
mod daif_bits {
pub const IRQ: u8 = 0b0010;
trait DaifField {
fn daif_field() -> register::Field<u32, DAIF::Register>;
struct Debug;
struct SError;
struct IRQ;
struct FIQ;
// Private Code
impl DaifField for Debug {
fn daif_field() -> register::Field<u32, DAIF::Register> {
impl DaifField for SError {
fn daif_field() -> register::Field<u32, DAIF::Register> {
impl DaifField for IRQ {
fn daif_field() -> register::Field<u32, DAIF::Register> {
impl DaifField for FIQ {
fn daif_field() -> register::Field<u32, DAIF::Register> {
fn is_masked<T: DaifField>() -> bool {
// Public Code
/// Returns whether IRQs are masked on the executing core.
pub fn is_local_irq_masked() -> bool {
/// Unmask IRQs on the executing core.
/// It is not needed to place an explicit instruction synchronization barrier after the `msr`.
/// Quoting the Architecture Reference Manual for ARMv8-A, section C5.1.3:
/// "Writes to PSTATE.{PAN, D, A, I, F} occur in program order without the need for additional
/// synchronization."
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW state of the executing core.
pub unsafe fn local_irq_unmask() {
asm!("msr DAIFClr, $0"
: // outputs
: "i"(daif_bits::IRQ) // inputs
: // clobbers
: "volatile" // options
/// Mask IRQs on the executing core.
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW state of the executing core.
pub unsafe fn local_irq_mask() {
asm!("msr DAIFSet, $0"
: // outputs
: "i"(daif_bits::IRQ) // inputs
: // clobbers
: "volatile" // options
/// Mask IRQs on the executing core and return the previously saved interrupt mask bits (DAIF).
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW state of the executing core.
pub unsafe fn local_irq_mask_save() -> u32 {
let saved = DAIF.get();
/// Restore the interrupt mask bits (DAIF) using the callee's argument.
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW state of the executing core.
/// - No sanity checks on the input.
pub unsafe fn local_irq_restore(saved: u32) {
/// Print the AArch64 exceptions status.
pub fn print_state() {
use crate::info;
let to_mask_str = |x| -> _ {
if x { "Masked" } else { "Unmasked" }
info!(" Debug: {}", to_mask_str(is_masked::<Debug>()));
info!(" SError: {}", to_mask_str(is_masked::<SError>()));
info!(" IRQ: {}", to_mask_str(is_masked::<IRQ>()));
info!(" FIQ: {}", to_mask_str(is_masked::<FIQ>()));

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Memory Management Unit Driver.
//! Static page tables, compiled on boot; Everything 64 KiB granule.
use super::{AccessPermissions, AttributeFields, MemAttributes};
use crate::{bsp, memory};
use core::convert;
use cortex_a::{barrier, regs::*};
use register::register_bitfields;
// Private Definitions
// A table descriptor, as per ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual Figure D4-15.
register_bitfields! {u64,
/// Physical address of the next page table.
Block = 0,
Table = 1
False = 0,
True = 1
// A level 3 page descriptor, as per ARMv8-A Architecture Reference Manual Figure D4-17.
register_bitfields! {u64,
/// Privileged execute-never.
False = 0,
True = 1
/// Physical address of the next page table (lvl2) or the page descriptor (lvl3).
OUTPUT_ADDR_64KiB OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(32) [], // [47:16]
/// Access flag.
False = 0,
True = 1
/// Shareability field.
OuterShareable = 0b10,
InnerShareable = 0b11
/// Access Permissions.
RW_EL1 = 0b00,
RW_EL1_EL0 = 0b01,
RO_EL1 = 0b10,
RO_EL1_EL0 = 0b11
/// Memory attributes index into the MAIR_EL1 register.
AttrIndx OFFSET(2) NUMBITS(3) [],
Block = 0,
Table = 1
False = 0,
True = 1
const SIXTYFOUR_KIB_SHIFT: usize = 16; // log2(64 * 1024)
const FIVETWELVE_MIB_SHIFT: usize = 29; // log2(512 * 1024 * 1024)
/// A table descriptor for 64 KiB aperture.
/// The output points to the next table.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct TableDescriptor(u64);
/// A page descriptor with 64 KiB aperture.
/// The output points to physical memory.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct PageDescriptor(u64);
/// Big monolithic struct for storing the page tables. Individual levels must be 64 KiB aligned,
/// hence the "reverse" order of appearance.
struct PageTables<const N: usize> {
/// Page descriptors, covering 64 KiB windows per entry.
lvl3: [[PageDescriptor; 8192]; N],
/// Table descriptors, covering 512 MiB windows.
lvl2: [TableDescriptor; N],
/// Usually evaluates to 1 GiB for RPi3 and 4 GiB for RPi 4.
const ENTRIES_512_MIB: usize = bsp::memory::mmu::addr_space_size() >> FIVETWELVE_MIB_SHIFT;
/// The page tables.
/// # Safety
/// - Supposed to land in `.bss`. Therefore, ensure that they boil down to all "0" entries.
static mut TABLES: PageTables<{ ENTRIES_512_MIB }> = PageTables {
lvl3: [[PageDescriptor(0); 8192]; ENTRIES_512_MIB],
lvl2: [TableDescriptor(0); ENTRIES_512_MIB],
trait BaseAddr {
fn base_addr_u64(&self) -> u64;
fn base_addr_usize(&self) -> usize;
/// Constants for indexing the MAIR_EL1.
mod mair {
pub const DEVICE: u64 = 0;
pub const NORMAL: u64 = 1;
// Public Definitions
/// Memory Management Unit type.
pub struct MemoryManagementUnit;
// Global instances
static MMU: MemoryManagementUnit = MemoryManagementUnit;
// Private Code
impl<T, const N: usize> BaseAddr for [T; N] {
fn base_addr_u64(&self) -> u64 {
self as *const T as u64
fn base_addr_usize(&self) -> usize {
self as *const T as usize
impl convert::From<usize> for TableDescriptor {
fn from(next_lvl_table_addr: usize) -> Self {
let shifted = next_lvl_table_addr >> SIXTYFOUR_KIB_SHIFT;
/// Convert the kernel's generic memory range attributes to HW-specific attributes of the MMU.
impl convert::From<AttributeFields>
for register::FieldValue<u64, STAGE1_PAGE_DESCRIPTOR::Register>
fn from(attribute_fields: AttributeFields) -> Self {
// Memory attributes.
let mut desc = match attribute_fields.mem_attributes {
MemAttributes::CacheableDRAM => {
MemAttributes::Device => {
// Access Permissions.
desc += match attribute_fields.acc_perms {
AccessPermissions::ReadOnly => STAGE1_PAGE_DESCRIPTOR::AP::RO_EL1,
AccessPermissions::ReadWrite => STAGE1_PAGE_DESCRIPTOR::AP::RW_EL1,
// Execute Never.
desc += if attribute_fields.execute_never {
} else {
impl PageDescriptor {
fn new(output_addr: usize, attribute_fields: AttributeFields) -> Self {
let shifted = output_addr >> SIXTYFOUR_KIB_SHIFT;
+ attribute_fields.into()
+ STAGE1_PAGE_DESCRIPTOR::OUTPUT_ADDR_64KiB.val(shifted as u64))
/// Setup function for the MAIR_EL1 register.
fn set_up_mair() {
// Define the memory types being mapped.
// Attribute 1 - Cacheable normal DRAM.
+ MAIR_EL1::Attr1_LOW_MEMORY::InnerWriteBack_NonTransient_ReadAlloc_WriteAlloc
// Attribute 0 - Device.
+ MAIR_EL1::Attr0_HIGH::Device
+ MAIR_EL1::Attr0_LOW_DEVICE::Device_nGnRE,
/// Iterates over all static page table entries and fills them at once.
/// # Safety
/// - Modifies a `static mut`. Ensure it only happens from here.
unsafe fn populate_pt_entries() -> Result<(), &'static str> {
for (l2_nr, l2_entry) in TABLES.lvl2.iter_mut().enumerate() {
*l2_entry = TABLES.lvl3[l2_nr].base_addr_usize().into();
for (l3_nr, l3_entry) in TABLES.lvl3[l2_nr].iter_mut().enumerate() {
let virt_addr = (l2_nr << FIVETWELVE_MIB_SHIFT) + (l3_nr << SIXTYFOUR_KIB_SHIFT);
let (output_addr, attribute_fields) =
*l3_entry = PageDescriptor::new(output_addr, attribute_fields);
/// Configure various settings of stage 1 of the EL1 translation regime.
fn configure_translation_control() {
let ips =;
+ TCR_EL1::IPS.val(ips)
+ TCR_EL1::TG0::KiB_64
+ TCR_EL1::SH0::Inner
+ TCR_EL1::ORGN0::WriteBack_ReadAlloc_WriteAlloc_Cacheable
+ TCR_EL1::IRGN0::WriteBack_ReadAlloc_WriteAlloc_Cacheable
+ TCR_EL1::EPD0::EnableTTBR0Walks
+ TCR_EL1::T0SZ.val(32), // TTBR0 spans 4 GiB total.
// Public Code
/// Return a reference to the MMU.
pub fn mmu() -> &'static impl memory::mmu::interface::MMU {
// OS Interface Code
impl memory::mmu::interface::MMU for MemoryManagementUnit {
unsafe fn init(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
// Fail early if translation granule is not supported. Both RPis support it, though.
if !ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1.matches_all(ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1::TGran64::Supported) {
return Err("64 KiB translation granule not supported");
// Prepare the memory attribute indirection register.
// Populate page tables.
// Set the "Translation Table Base Register".
// Switch the MMU on.
// First, force all previous changes to be seen before the MMU is enabled.
// Enable the MMU and turn on data and instruction caching.
SCTLR_EL1.modify(SCTLR_EL1::M::Enable + SCTLR_EL1::C::Cacheable + SCTLR_EL1::I::Cacheable);
// Force MMU init to complete before next instruction.

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Architectural timer primitives.
use crate::{time, warn};
use core::time::Duration;
use cortex_a::regs::*;
// Private Definitions
const NS_PER_S: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
// Public Definitions
/// ARMv8 Generic Timer.
pub struct GenericTimer;
// Global instances
static TIME_MANAGER: GenericTimer = GenericTimer;
// Public Code
/// Return a reference to the time manager.
pub fn time_manager() -> &'static impl time::interface::TimeManager {
// OS Interface Code
impl time::interface::TimeManager for GenericTimer {
fn resolution(&self) -> Duration {
Duration::from_nanos(NS_PER_S / (CNTFRQ_EL0.get() as u64))
fn uptime(&self) -> Duration {
let frq: u64 = CNTFRQ_EL0.get() as u64;
let current_count: u64 = CNTPCT_EL0.get() * NS_PER_S;
Duration::from_nanos(current_count / frq)
fn spin_for(&self, duration: Duration) {
// Instantly return on zero.
if duration.as_nanos() == 0 {
// Calculate the register compare value.
let frq = CNTFRQ_EL0.get() as u64;
let x = match frq.checked_mul(duration.as_nanos() as u64) {
None => {
warn!("Spin duration too long, skipping");
Some(val) => val,
let tval = x / NS_PER_S;
// Check if it is within supported bounds.
let warn: Option<&str> = if tval == 0 {
} else if tval > u32::max_value().into() {
} else {
if let Some(w) = warn {
"Spin duration {} than architecturally supported, skipping",
// Set the compare value register.
CNTP_TVAL_EL0.set(tval as u32);
// Kick off the counting. // Disable timer interrupt.
// ISTATUS will be '1' when cval ticks have passed. Busy-check it.
while !CNTP_CTL_EL0.matches_all(CNTP_CTL_EL0::ISTATUS::SET) {}
// Disable counting again.

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Conditional re-exporting of Board Support Packages.
mod device_driver;
#[cfg(any(feature = "bsp_rpi3", feature = "bsp_rpi4"))]
mod raspberrypi;
#[cfg(any(feature = "bsp_rpi3", feature = "bsp_rpi4"))]
pub use raspberrypi::*;
// Testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_macros::kernel_test;
/// Ensure the kernel's virtual memory layout is free of overlaps.
fn virt_mem_layout_has_no_overlaps() {
let layout = memory::mmu::virt_mem_layout().inner();
for (i, first) in layout.iter().enumerate() {
for second in layout.iter().skip(i + 1) {
let first_range = first.virtual_range;
let second_range = second.virtual_range;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Device driver.
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
mod arm;
#[cfg(any(feature = "bsp_rpi3", feature = "bsp_rpi4"))]
mod bcm;
mod common;
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
pub use arm::*;
#[cfg(any(feature = "bsp_rpi3", feature = "bsp_rpi4"))]
pub use bcm::*;

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! ARM driver top level.
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
pub mod gicv2;
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
pub use gicv2::*;

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! GICv2 Driver - ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v2.
//! The following is a collection of excerpts with useful information from
//! - `Programmer's Guide for ARMv8-A`
//! - `ARM Generic Interrupt Controller Architecture Specification`
//! # Programmer's Guide - 10.6.1 Configuration
//! The GIC is accessed as a memory-mapped peripheral.
//! All cores can access the common Distributor, but the CPU interface is banked, that is, each core
//! uses the same address to access its own private CPU interface.
//! It is not possible for a core to access the CPU interface of another core.
//! # Architecture Specification - 10.6.2 Initialization
//! Both the Distributor and the CPU interfaces are disabled at reset. The GIC must be initialized
//! after reset before it can deliver interrupts to the core.
//! In the Distributor, software must configure the priority, target, security and enable individual
//! interrupts. The Distributor must subsequently be enabled through its control register
//! (GICD_CTLR). For each CPU interface, software must program the priority mask and preemption
//! settings.
//! Each CPU interface block itself must be enabled through its control register (GICD_CTLR). This
//! prepares the GIC to deliver interrupts to the core.
//! Before interrupts are expected in the core, software prepares the core to take interrupts by
//! setting a valid interrupt vector in the vector table, and clearing interrupt mask bits in
//! PSTATE, and setting the routing controls.
//! The entire interrupt mechanism in the system can be disabled by disabling the Distributor.
//! Interrupt delivery to an individual core can be disabled by disabling its CPU interface.
//! Individual interrupts can also be disabled (or enabled) in the distributor.
//! For an interrupt to reach the core, the individual interrupt, Distributor and CPU interface must
//! all be enabled. The interrupt also needs to be of sufficient priority, that is, higher than the
//! core's priority mask.
//! # Architecture Specification - 1.4.2 Interrupt types
//! - Peripheral interrupt
//! - Private Peripheral Interrupt (PPI)
//! - This is a peripheral interrupt that is specific to a single processor.
//! - Shared Peripheral Interrupt (SPI)
//! - This is a peripheral interrupt that the Distributor can route to any of a specified
//! combination of processors.
//! - Software-generated interrupt (SGI)
//! - This is an interrupt generated by software writing to a GICD_SGIR register in the GIC. The
//! system uses SGIs for interprocessor communication.
//! - An SGI has edge-triggered properties. The software triggering of the interrupt is
//! equivalent to the edge transition of the interrupt request signal.
//! - When an SGI occurs in a multiprocessor implementation, the CPUID field in the Interrupt
//! Acknowledge Register, GICC_IAR, or the Aliased Interrupt Acknowledge Register, GICC_AIAR,
//! identifies the processor that requested the interrupt.
//! # Architecture Specification - 2.2.1 Interrupt IDs
//! Interrupts from sources are identified using ID numbers. Each CPU interface can see up to 1020
//! interrupts. The banking of SPIs and PPIs increases the total number of interrupts supported by
//! the Distributor.
//! The GIC assigns interrupt ID numbers ID0-ID1019 as follows:
//! - Interrupt numbers 32..1019 are used for SPIs.
//! - Interrupt numbers 0..31 are used for interrupts that are private to a CPU interface. These
//! interrupts are banked in the Distributor.
//! - A banked interrupt is one where the Distributor can have multiple interrupts with the
//! same ID. A banked interrupt is identified uniquely by its ID number and its associated
//! CPU interface number. Of the banked interrupt IDs:
//! - 00..15 SGIs
//! - 16..31 PPIs
mod gicc;
mod gicd;
use crate::{bsp, cpu, driver, exception, synchronization, synchronization::InitStateLock};
// Private Definitions
type HandlerTable = [Option<exception::asynchronous::IRQDescriptor>; GICv2::NUM_IRQS];
// Public Definitions
/// Used for the associated type of trait [`exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager`].
pub type IRQNumber = exception::asynchronous::IRQNumber<{ GICv2::MAX_IRQ_NUMBER }>;
/// Representation of the GIC.
pub struct GICv2 {
/// The Distributor.
gicd: gicd::GICD,
/// The CPU Interface.
gicc: gicc::GICC,
/// Stores registered IRQ handlers. Writable only during kernel init. RO afterwards.
handler_table: InitStateLock<HandlerTable>,
// Public Code
impl GICv2 {
const MAX_IRQ_NUMBER: usize = 300; // Normally 1019, but keep it lower to save some space.
const NUM_IRQS: usize = Self::MAX_IRQ_NUMBER + 1;
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(gicd_base_addr: usize, gicc_base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
gicd: gicd::GICD::new(gicd_base_addr),
gicc: gicc::GICC::new(gicc_base_addr),
handler_table: InitStateLock::new([None; Self::NUM_IRQS]),
// OS Interface Code
use synchronization::interface::ReadWriteEx;
impl driver::interface::DeviceDriver for GICv2 {
fn compatible(&self) -> &str {
"GICv2 (ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v2)"
fn init(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
if cpu::smp::core_id::<usize>() == bsp::cpu::BOOT_CORE_ID {
impl exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager for GICv2 {
type IRQNumberType = IRQNumber;
fn register_handler(
irq_number: Self::IRQNumberType,
descriptor: exception::asynchronous::IRQDescriptor,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut r = &self.handler_table;
r.write(|table| {
let irq_number = irq_number.get();
if table[irq_number].is_some() {
return Err("IRQ handler already registered");
table[irq_number] = Some(descriptor);
fn enable(&self, irq_number: Self::IRQNumberType) {
fn handle_pending_irqs<'irq_context>(
&'irq_context self,
ic: &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
) {
// Extract the highest priority pending IRQ number from the Interrupt Acknowledge Register
// (IAR).
let irq_number = self.gicc.get_pending_number(ic);
// Guard against spurious interrupts.
if irq_number > GICv2::MAX_IRQ_NUMBER {
// Call the IRQ handler. Panic if there is none.
let mut r = &self.handler_table;|table| {
match table[irq_number] {
None => panic!("No handler registered for IRQ {}", irq_number),
Some(descriptor) => {
// Call the IRQ handler. Panics on failure.
descriptor.handler.handle().expect("Error handling IRQ");
// Signal completion of handling.
self.gicc.mark_comleted(irq_number as u32, ic);
fn print_handler(&self) {
use crate::info;
info!(" Peripheral handler:");
let mut r = &self.handler_table;|table| {
for (i, opt) in table.iter().skip(32).enumerate() {
if let Some(handler) = opt {
info!(" {: >3}. {}", i + 32,;

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! GICC Driver - GIC CPU interface.
use crate::exception;
use core::ops;
use register::{mmio::*, register_bitfields, register_structs};
// Private Definitions
register_bitfields! {
/// CPU Interface Control Register
Enable OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) []
/// Interrupt Priority Mask Register
Priority OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) []
/// Interrupt Acknowledge Register
InterruptID OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(10) []
/// End of Interrupt Register
// Public Definitions
register_structs! {
pub RegisterBlock {
(0x000 => CTLR: ReadWrite<u32, CTLR::Register>),
(0x004 => PMR: ReadWrite<u32, PMR::Register>),
(0x008 => _reserved1),
(0x00C => IAR: ReadWrite<u32, IAR::Register>),
(0x010 => EOIR: ReadWrite<u32, EOIR::Register>),
(0x014 => @END),
/// Representation of the GIC CPU interface.
pub struct GICC {
base_addr: usize,
// Public Code
impl ops::Deref for GICC {
type Target = RegisterBlock;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*self.ptr() }
impl GICC {
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self { base_addr }
/// Return a pointer to the associated MMIO register block.
fn ptr(&self) -> *const RegisterBlock {
self.base_addr as *const _
/// Accept interrupts of any priority.
/// Quoting the GICv2 Architecture Specification:
/// "Writing 255 to the GICC_PMR always sets it to the largest supported priority field
/// value."
/// # Safety
/// - GICC MMIO registers are banked per CPU core. It is therefore safe to have `&self` instead
/// of `&mut self`.
pub fn priority_accept_all(&self) {
self.PMR.write(PMR::Priority.val(255)); // Comment in arch spec.
/// Enable the interface - start accepting IRQs.
/// # Safety
/// - GICC MMIO registers are banked per CPU core. It is therefore safe to have `&self` instead
/// of `&mut self`.
pub fn enable(&self) {
/// Extract the number of the highest-priority pending IRQ.
/// Can only be called from IRQ context, which is ensured by taking an `IRQContext` token.
/// # Safety
/// - GICC MMIO registers are banked per CPU core. It is therefore safe to have `&self` instead
/// of `&mut self`.
pub fn get_pending_number<'irq_context>(
_ic: &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
) -> usize { as usize
/// Complete handling of the currently active IRQ.
/// Can only be called from IRQ context, which is ensured by taking an `IRQContext` token.
/// To be called after `get_pending_number()`.
/// # Safety
/// - GICC MMIO registers are banked per CPU core. It is therefore safe to have `&self` instead
/// of `&mut self`.
pub fn mark_comleted<'irq_context>(
irq_number: u32,
_ic: &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
) {

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! GICD Driver - GIC Distributor.
//! # Glossary
//! - SPI - Shared Peripheral Interrupt.
use crate::{
bsp::device_driver::common::MMIODerefWrapper, state, synchronization,
use register::{mmio::*, register_bitfields, register_structs};
// Private Definitions
register_bitfields! {
/// Distributor Control Register
Enable OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(1) []
/// Interrupt Controller Type Register
ITLinesNumber OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(5) []
/// Interrupt Processor Targets Registers
Offset3 OFFSET(24) NUMBITS(8) [],
Offset2 OFFSET(16) NUMBITS(8) [],
Offset1 OFFSET(8) NUMBITS(8) [],
Offset0 OFFSET(0) NUMBITS(8) []
register_structs! {
SharedRegisterBlock {
(0x000 => CTLR: ReadWrite<u32, CTLR::Register>),
(0x004 => TYPER: ReadOnly<u32, TYPER::Register>),
(0x008 => _reserved1),
(0x104 => ISENABLER: [ReadWrite<u32>; 31]),
(0x108 => _reserved2),
(0x820 => ITARGETSR: [ReadWrite<u32, ITARGETSR::Register>; 248]),
(0xBFC => @END),
register_structs! {
BankedRegisterBlock {
(0x000 => _reserved1),
(0x100 => ISENABLER: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x104 => _reserved2),
(0x800 => ITARGETSR: [ReadOnly<u32, ITARGETSR::Register>; 8]),
(0xBFC => @END),
/// Abstraction for the non-banked parts of the associated MMIO registers.
type SharedRegs = MMIODerefWrapper<SharedRegisterBlock>;
/// Abstraction for the banked parts of the associated MMIO registers.
type BankedRegs = MMIODerefWrapper<BankedRegisterBlock>;
// Public Definitions
/// Representation of the GIC Distributor.
pub struct GICD {
/// Access to shared registers is guarded with a lock.
shared_regs: IRQSafeNullLock<SharedRegs>,
/// Access to banked registers is unguarded.
banked_regs: BankedRegs,
// Private Code
impl SharedRegs {
/// Return the number of IRQs that this HW implements.
fn num_irqs(&mut self) -> usize {
// Query number of implemented IRQs.
// Refer to GICv2 Architecture Specification, Section 4.3.2.
(( as usize) + 1) * 32
/// Return a slice of the implemented ITARGETSR.
fn implemented_itargets_slice(&mut self) -> &[ReadWrite<u32, ITARGETSR::Register>] {
assert!(self.num_irqs() >= 36);
// Calculate the max index of the shared ITARGETSR array.
// The first 32 IRQs are private, so not included in `shared_regs`. Each ITARGETS
// register has four entries, so shift right by two. Subtract one because we start
// counting at zero.
let spi_itargetsr_max_index = ((self.num_irqs() - 32) >> 2) - 1;
// Rust automatically inserts slice range sanity check, i.e. max >= min.
// Public Code
use synchronization::interface::Mutex;
impl GICD {
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
shared_regs: IRQSafeNullLock::new(SharedRegs::new(base_addr)),
banked_regs: BankedRegs::new(base_addr),
/// Use a banked ITARGETSR to retrieve the executing core's GIC target mask.
/// Quoting the GICv2 Architecture Specification:
/// "GICD_ITARGETSR0 to GICD_ITARGETSR7 are read-only, and each field returns a value that
/// corresponds only to the processor reading the register."
fn local_gic_target_mask(&self) -> u32 {
/// Route all SPIs to the boot core and enable the distributor.
pub fn boot_core_init(&self) {
state::state_manager().state() == state::State::Init,
"Only allowed during kernel init phase"
// Target all SPIs to the boot core only.
let mask = self.local_gic_target_mask();
let mut r = &self.shared_regs;
r.lock(|regs| {
for i in regs.implemented_itargets_slice().iter() {
+ ITARGETSR::Offset2.val(mask)
+ ITARGETSR::Offset1.val(mask)
+ ITARGETSR::Offset0.val(mask),
/// Enable an interrupt.
pub fn enable(&self, irq_num: super::IRQNumber) {
let irq_num = irq_num.get();
// Each bit in the u32 enable register corresponds to one IRQ number. Shift right by 5
// (division by 32) and arrive at the index for the respective ISENABLER[i].
let enable_reg_index = irq_num >> 5;
let enable_bit: u32 = 1u32 << (irq_num % 32);
// Check if we are handling a private or shared IRQ.
match irq_num {
// Private.
0..=31 => {
let enable_reg = &self.banked_regs.ISENABLER;
enable_reg.set(enable_reg.get() | enable_bit);
// Shared.
_ => {
let enable_reg_index_shared = enable_reg_index - 1;
let mut r = &self.shared_regs;
r.lock(|regs| {
let enable_reg = &regs.ISENABLER[enable_reg_index_shared];
enable_reg.set(enable_reg.get() | enable_bit);

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BCM driver top level.
mod bcm2xxx_gpio;
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
mod bcm2xxx_interrupt_controller;
mod bcm2xxx_pl011_uart;
pub use bcm2xxx_gpio::*;
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
pub use bcm2xxx_interrupt_controller::*;
pub use bcm2xxx_pl011_uart::*;

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! GPIO Driver.
use crate::{
bsp::device_driver::common::MMIODerefWrapper, cpu, driver, synchronization,
use register::{mmio::*, register_bitfields, register_structs};
// Private Definitions
// GPIO registers.
// Descriptions taken from
register_bitfields! {
/// GPIO Function Select 1
/// Pin 15
Input = 0b000,
Output = 0b001,
AltFunc0 = 0b100 // PL011 UART RX
/// Pin 14
Input = 0b000,
Output = 0b001,
AltFunc0 = 0b100 // PL011 UART TX
/// GPIO Pull-up/down Clock Register 0
/// Pin 15
NoEffect = 0,
AssertClock = 1
/// Pin 14
NoEffect = 0,
AssertClock = 1
register_structs! {
RegisterBlock {
(0x00 => GPFSEL0: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x04 => GPFSEL1: ReadWrite<u32, GPFSEL1::Register>),
(0x08 => GPFSEL2: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x0C => GPFSEL3: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x10 => GPFSEL4: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x14 => GPFSEL5: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x18 => _reserved1),
(0x94 => GPPUD: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x98 => GPPUDCLK0: ReadWrite<u32, GPPUDCLK0::Register>),
(0x9C => GPPUDCLK1: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0xA0 => @END),
/// Abstraction for the associated MMIO registers.
type Regs = MMIODerefWrapper<RegisterBlock>;
// Public Definitions
/// Representation of the GPIO HW.
pub struct GPIO {
inner: IRQSafeNullLock<Regs>,
// Public Code
impl GPIO {
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
inner: IRQSafeNullLock::new(Regs::new(base_addr)),
/// Map PL011 UART as standard output.
/// TX to pin 14
/// RX to pin 15
pub fn map_pl011_uart(&self) {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| {
// Map to pins.
.modify(GPFSEL1::FSEL14::AltFunc0 + GPFSEL1::FSEL15::AltFunc0);
// Enable pins 14 and 15.
.write(GPPUDCLK0::PUDCLK14::AssertClock + GPPUDCLK0::PUDCLK15::AssertClock);
// OS Interface Code
use synchronization::interface::Mutex;
impl driver::interface::DeviceDriver for GPIO {
fn compatible(&self) -> &str {

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Interrupt Controller Driver.
mod peripheral_ic;
use crate::{driver, exception};
// Private Definitions
/// Wrapper struct for a bitmask indicating pending IRQ numbers.
struct PendingIRQs {
bitmask: u64,
// Public Definitions
pub type LocalIRQ =
exception::asynchronous::IRQNumber<{ InterruptController::MAX_LOCAL_IRQ_NUMBER }>;
pub type PeripheralIRQ =
exception::asynchronous::IRQNumber<{ InterruptController::MAX_PERIPHERAL_IRQ_NUMBER }>;
/// Used for the associated type of trait [`exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum IRQNumber {
/// Representation of the Interrupt Controller.
pub struct InterruptController {
periph: peripheral_ic::PeripheralIC,
// Private Code
impl PendingIRQs {
pub fn new(bitmask: u64) -> Self {
Self { bitmask }
impl Iterator for PendingIRQs {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
use core::intrinsics::cttz;
let next = cttz(self.bitmask);
if next == 64 {
return None;
self.bitmask &= !(1 << next);
Some(next as usize)
// Public Code
impl InterruptController {
const MAX_LOCAL_IRQ_NUMBER: usize = 11;
const MAX_PERIPHERAL_IRQ_NUMBER: usize = 63;
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(_local_base_addr: usize, periph_base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
periph: peripheral_ic::PeripheralIC::new(periph_base_addr),
// OS Interface Code
impl driver::interface::DeviceDriver for InterruptController {
fn compatible(&self) -> &str {
"BCM Interrupt Controller"
impl exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager for InterruptController {
type IRQNumberType = IRQNumber;
fn register_handler(
irq: Self::IRQNumberType,
descriptor: exception::asynchronous::IRQDescriptor,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
match irq {
IRQNumber::Local(_) => unimplemented!("Local IRQ controller not implemented."),
IRQNumber::Peripheral(pirq) => self.periph.register_handler(pirq, descriptor),
fn enable(&self, irq: Self::IRQNumberType) {
match irq {
IRQNumber::Local(_) => unimplemented!("Local IRQ controller not implemented."),
IRQNumber::Peripheral(pirq) => self.periph.enable(pirq),
fn handle_pending_irqs<'irq_context>(
&'irq_context self,
ic: &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
) {
// It can only be a peripheral IRQ pending because enable() does not support local IRQs yet.
fn print_handler(&self) {

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Peripheral Interrupt regsler Driver.
use super::{InterruptController, PendingIRQs, PeripheralIRQ};
use crate::{
exception, synchronization,
synchronization::{IRQSafeNullLock, InitStateLock},
use register::{mmio::*, register_structs};
// Private Definitions
register_structs! {
WORegisterBlock {
(0x00 => _reserved1),
(0x10 => ENABLE_1: WriteOnly<u32>),
(0x14 => ENABLE_2: WriteOnly<u32>),
(0x24 => @END),
register_structs! {
RORegisterBlock {
(0x00 => _reserved1),
(0x04 => PENDING_1: ReadOnly<u32>),
(0x08 => PENDING_2: ReadOnly<u32>),
(0x0c => @END),
/// Abstraction for the WriteOnly parts of the associated MMIO registers.
type WriteOnlyRegs = MMIODerefWrapper<WORegisterBlock>;
/// Abstraction for the ReadOnly parts of the associated MMIO registers.
type ReadOnlyRegs = MMIODerefWrapper<RORegisterBlock>;
type HandlerTable =
[Option<exception::asynchronous::IRQDescriptor>; InterruptController::NUM_PERIPHERAL_IRQS];
// Public Definitions
/// Representation of the peripheral interrupt regsler.
pub struct PeripheralIC {
/// Access to write registers is guarded with a lock.
wo_regs: IRQSafeNullLock<WriteOnlyRegs>,
/// Register read access is unguarded.
ro_regs: ReadOnlyRegs,
/// Stores registered IRQ handlers. Writable only during kernel init. RO afterwards.
handler_table: InitStateLock<HandlerTable>,
// Public Code
impl PeripheralIC {
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
wo_regs: IRQSafeNullLock::new(WriteOnlyRegs::new(base_addr)),
ro_regs: ReadOnlyRegs::new(base_addr),
handler_table: InitStateLock::new([None; InterruptController::NUM_PERIPHERAL_IRQS]),
/// Query the list of pending IRQs.
fn get_pending(&self) -> PendingIRQs {
let pending_mask: u64 = (u64::from(self.ro_regs.PENDING_2.get()) << 32)
| u64::from(self.ro_regs.PENDING_1.get());
// OS Interface Code
use synchronization::interface::{Mutex, ReadWriteEx};
impl exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager for PeripheralIC {
type IRQNumberType = PeripheralIRQ;
fn register_handler(
irq: Self::IRQNumberType,
descriptor: exception::asynchronous::IRQDescriptor,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut r = &self.handler_table;
r.write(|table| {
let irq_number = irq.get();
if table[irq_number].is_some() {
return Err("IRQ handler already registered");
table[irq_number] = Some(descriptor);
fn enable(&self, irq: Self::IRQNumberType) {
let mut r = &self.wo_regs;
r.lock(|regs| {
let enable_reg = if irq.get() <= 31 {
} else {
let enable_bit: u32 = 1 << (irq.get() % 32);
// Writing a 1 to a bit will set the corresponding IRQ enable bit. All other IRQ enable
// bits are unaffected. So we don't need read and OR'ing here.
fn handle_pending_irqs<'irq_context>(
&'irq_context self,
_ic: &exception::asynchronous::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
) {
let mut r = &self.handler_table;|table| {
for irq_number in self.get_pending() {
match table[irq_number] {
None => panic!("No handler registered for IRQ {}", irq_number),
Some(descriptor) => {
// Call the IRQ handler. Panics on failure.
descriptor.handler.handle().expect("Error handling IRQ");
fn print_handler(&self) {
use crate::info;
info!(" Peripheral handler:");
let mut r = &self.handler_table;|table| {
for (i, opt) in table.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(handler) = opt {
info!(" {: >3}. {}", i,;

@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! PL011 UART driver.
//! # FIFO fill level IRQ hack
//! For learning purposes, we want the UART to raise an IRQ on _every_ received character.
//! Unfortunately, this rather common mode of operation is not supported by the PL011 when operating
//! in FIFO mode. It is only possible to set a fill level fraction on which the IRQ is triggered.
//! The lowest fill level is 1/8.
//! On the RPi3, the RX FIFO is 16 chars deep, so the IRQ would trigger after 2 chars have been
//! received. On the RPi4, the FIFO seems to be 32 chars deep, because experiments showed that the
//! RX IRQ triggers after receiving 4 chars.
//! Fortunately, the PL011 has a test mode which allows to push characters into the FIFOs. We make
//! use of this testing facilities to employ a little hack that pushes (fill-level - 1) chars into
//! the RX FIFO by default. This way, we get an IRQ for the first received char that arrives from
//! external.
//! To make things even more complicated, QEMU is not honoring the fill-level dependent IRQ
//! generation. Instead, QEMU creates an IRQ on every received char.
//! We use conditional compilation to differentiate between the three modes of operation (RPi3,
//! RPI4, QEMU) respectively.
use crate::{
bsp, console, cpu, driver, exception, synchronization, synchronization::IRQSafeNullLock,
use core::{fmt, ops};
use register::{mmio::*, register_bitfields, register_structs};
// Private Definitions
// PL011 UART registers.
// Descriptions taken from
register_bitfields! {
/// Flag Register
FR [
/// Transmit FIFO empty. The meaning of this bit depends on the state of the FEN bit in the
/// Line Control Register, UARTLCR_ LCRH.
/// If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set when the transmit holding register is empty. If
/// the FIFO is enabled, the TXFE bit is set when the transmit FIFO is empty. This bit does
/// not indicate if there is data in the transmit shift register.
/// Transmit FIFO full. The meaning of this bit depends on the state of the FEN bit in the
/// UARTLCR_ LCRH Register.
/// If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set when the transmit holding register is full. If
/// the FIFO is enabled, the TXFF bit is set when the transmit FIFO is full.
/// Receive FIFO empty. The meaning of this bit depends on the state of the FEN bit in the
/// UARTLCR_H Register.
/// If the FIFO is disabled, this bit is set when the receive holding register is empty. If
/// the FIFO is enabled, the RXFE bit is set when the receive FIFO is empty.
/// Integer Baud rate divisor
/// Integer Baud rate divisor
/// Fractional Baud rate divisor
/// Fractional Baud rate divisor
/// Line Control register
/// Word length. These bits indicate the number of data bits transmitted or received in a
/// frame.
FiveBit = 0b00,
SixBit = 0b01,
SevenBit = 0b10,
EightBit = 0b11
/// Enable FIFOs:
/// 0 = FIFOs are disabled (character mode) that is, the FIFOs become 1-byte-deep holding
/// registers
/// 1 = transmit and receive FIFO buffers are enabled (FIFO mode).
FifosDisabled = 0,
FifosEnabled = 1
/// Control Register
CR [
/// Receive enable. If this bit is set to 1, the receive section of the UART is enabled.
/// Data reception occurs for UART signals. When the UART is disabled in the middle of
/// reception, it completes the current character before stopping.
Disabled = 0,
Enabled = 1
/// Transmit enable. If this bit is set to 1, the transmit section of the UART is enabled.
/// Data transmission occurs for UART signals. When the UART is disabled in the middle of
/// transmission, it completes the current character before stopping.
Disabled = 0,
Enabled = 1
/// UART enable
/// If the UART is disabled in the middle of transmission or reception, it completes the
/// current character before stopping.
Disabled = 0,
Enabled = 1
/// Interrupt FIFO Level Select Register
/// Receive interrupt FIFO level select. The trigger points for the receive interrupt are as
/// follows.
OneEigth = 0b000,
OneQuarter = 0b001,
OneHalf = 0b010,
ThreeQuarters = 0b011,
SevenEights = 0b100
/// Interrupt Mask Set Clear Register
/// Receive interrupt mask. A read returns the current mask for the UARTRXINTR interrupt. On
/// a write of 1, the mask of the interrupt is set. A write of 0 clears the mask.
Disabled = 0,
Enabled = 1
/// Interrupt Clear Register
/// Meta field for all pending interrupts
/// Test Control Register
/// Test FIFO enable. When this bit it 1, a write to the Test Data Register, UART_DR writes
/// data into the receive FIFO, and reads from the UART_DR register reads data out of the
/// transmit FIFO. When this bit is 0, data cannot be read directly from the transmit FIFO
/// or written directly to the receive FIFO (normal operation).
Disabled = 0,
Enabled = 1
// Public Definitions
register_structs! {
pub RegisterBlock {
(0x00 => DR: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x04 => _reserved1),
(0x18 => FR: ReadOnly<u32, FR::Register>),
(0x1c => _reserved2),
(0x24 => IBRD: WriteOnly<u32, IBRD::Register>),
(0x28 => FBRD: WriteOnly<u32, FBRD::Register>),
(0x2c => LCRH: WriteOnly<u32, LCRH::Register>),
(0x30 => CR: WriteOnly<u32, CR::Register>),
(0x34 => IFLS: ReadWrite<u32, IFLS::Register>),
(0x38 => IMSC: ReadWrite<u32, IMSC::Register>),
(0x3C => _reserved3),
(0x44 => ICR: WriteOnly<u32, ICR::Register>),
(0x48 => _reserved4),
(0x80 => ITCR: ReadWrite<u32, ITCR::Register>),
(0x84 => _reserved5),
(0x8c => TDR: ReadWrite<u32>),
(0x90 => @END),
pub struct PL011UartInner {
base_addr: usize,
chars_written: usize,
chars_read: usize,
// Export the inner struct so that BSPs can use it for the panic handler.
pub use PL011UartInner as PanicUart;
/// Representation of the UART.
pub struct PL011Uart {
inner: IRQSafeNullLock<PL011UartInner>,
irq_number: bsp::device_driver::IRQNumber,
// Public Code
/// Deref to RegisterBlock.
/// Allows writing
/// ```
/// ```
/// instead of something along the lines of
/// ```
/// unsafe { (*PL011UartInner::ptr()) }
/// ```
impl ops::Deref for PL011UartInner {
type Target = RegisterBlock;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*self.ptr() }
impl PL011UartInner {
/// Create an instance.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
chars_written: 0,
chars_read: 0,
/// Set up baud rate and characteristics.
/// Results in 8N1 and 230400 baud (if the clk has been previously set to 48 MHz by the
/// firmware).
pub fn init(&mut self) {
// Turn it off temporarily.
.write(LCRH::WLEN::EightBit + LCRH::FEN::FifosEnabled); // 8N1 + Fifo on
.write(CR::UARTEN::Enabled + CR::TXE::Enabled + CR::RXE::Enabled);
// Trigger the RX interrupt at 1/8 of the FIFO fill level (this is the lowest possible) and
// enable RX interrupts.
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
/// Return a pointer to the register block.
fn ptr(&self) -> *const RegisterBlock {
self.base_addr as *const _
/// Send a character.
fn write_char(&mut self, c: char) {
// Spin while TX FIFO full is set, waiting for an empty slot.
while self.FR.matches_all(FR::TXFF::SET) {
// Write the character to the buffer.
self.DR.set(c as u32);
self.chars_written += 1;
/// Retrieve a character.
fn read_char_converting(&mut self, blocking: bool) -> Option<char> {
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
// If blocking, spin while RX FIFO empty is set, else return None.
while self.FR.matches_all(FR::RXFE::SET) {
if !blocking {
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
return None;
// Read one character.
let mut ret = self.DR.get() as u8 as char;
// Convert carrige return to newline.
if ret == '\r' {
ret = '\n'
// Update statistics.
self.chars_read += 1;
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
/// Push characters into the receive FIFO.
/// See top level comments why this is needed.
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
fn fill_hack_push(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
self.TDR.set(b'X' as u32);
self.TDR.set(b'Y' as u32);
self.TDR.set(b'Z' as u32);
/// Pop characters from the receive FIFO.
/// See top level comments why this is needed.
#[cfg(not(feature = "qemu-quirks"))]
fn fill_hack_pop(&mut self) {
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
/// Implementing `core::fmt::Write` enables usage of the `format_args!` macros, which in turn are
/// used to implement the `kernel`'s `print!` and `println!` macros. By implementing `write_str()`,
/// we get `write_fmt()` automatically.
/// The function takes an `&mut self`, so it must be implemented for the inner struct.
/// See [`src/`].
/// [`src/`]: ../../print/index.html
impl fmt::Write for PL011UartInner {
fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
for c in s.chars() {
impl PL011Uart {
/// # Safety
/// - The user must ensure to provide the correct `base_addr`.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize, irq_number: bsp::device_driver::IRQNumber) -> Self {
Self {
inner: IRQSafeNullLock::new(PL011UartInner::new(base_addr)),
// OS Interface Code
use synchronization::interface::Mutex;
impl driver::interface::DeviceDriver for PL011Uart {
fn compatible(&self) -> &str {
fn init(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| inner.init());
fn register_and_enable_irq_handler(&'static self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
use bsp::exception::asynchronous::irq_manager;
use exception::asynchronous::{interface::IRQManager, IRQDescriptor};
let descriptor = IRQDescriptor {
name: "BCM PL011 UART",
handler: self,
irq_manager().register_handler(self.irq_number, descriptor)?;
impl console::interface::Write for PL011Uart {
/// Passthrough of `args` to the `core::fmt::Write` implementation, but guarded by a Mutex to
/// serialize access.
fn write_char(&self, c: char) {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| inner.write_char(c));
fn write_fmt(&self, args: core::fmt::Arguments) -> fmt::Result {
// Fully qualified syntax for the call to `core::fmt::Write::write:fmt()` to increase
// readability.
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| fmt::Write::write_fmt(inner, args))
fn flush(&self) {
// Spin until TX FIFO empty is set.
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| {
while !inner.FR.matches_all(FR::TXFE::SET) {
impl console::interface::Read for PL011Uart {
fn read_char(&self) -> char {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| inner.read_char_converting(true).unwrap())
fn clear(&self) {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| {
// Read from the RX FIFO until it is indicating empty.
while !inner.FR.matches_all(FR::RXFE::SET) {
impl console::interface::Statistics for PL011Uart {
fn chars_written(&self) -> usize {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| inner.chars_written)
fn chars_read(&self) -> usize {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| inner.chars_read)
impl exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQHandler for PL011Uart {
fn handle(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let mut r = &self.inner;
r.lock(|inner| {
// Echo any received characters.
loop {
match inner.read_char_converting(false) {
None => break,
Some(c) => inner.write_char(c),

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Common device driver code.
use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops};
pub struct MMIODerefWrapper<T> {
base_addr: usize,
phantom: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T> MMIODerefWrapper<T> {
/// Create an instance.
pub const unsafe fn new(base_addr: usize) -> Self {
Self {
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Return a pointer to the associated MMIO register block.
fn ptr(&self) -> *const T {
self.base_addr as *const _
impl<T> ops::Deref for MMIODerefWrapper<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
unsafe { &*self.ptr() }

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Top-level BSP file for the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4.
pub mod console;
pub mod cpu;
pub mod driver;
pub mod exception;
pub mod memory;
// Global instances
use super::device_driver;
static GPIO: device_driver::GPIO =
unsafe { device_driver::GPIO::new(memory::map::mmio::GPIO_BASE) };
static PL011_UART: device_driver::PL011Uart = unsafe {
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
static INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER: device_driver::InterruptController = unsafe {
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
static INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER: device_driver::GICv2 = unsafe {
device_driver::GICv2::new(memory::map::mmio::GICD_BASE, memory::map::mmio::GICC_BASE)
// Public Code
/// Board identification.
pub fn board_name() -> &'static str {
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
"Raspberry Pi 3"
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
"Raspberry Pi 4"

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP console facilities.
use super::memory;
use crate::{bsp::device_driver, console};
use core::fmt;
// Public Code
/// In case of a panic, the panic handler uses this function to take a last shot at printing
/// something before the system is halted.
/// # Safety
/// - Use only for printing during a panic.
pub unsafe fn panic_console_out() -> impl fmt::Write {
let mut uart = device_driver::PanicUart::new(memory::map::mmio::PL011_UART_BASE);
/// Return a reference to the console.
pub fn console() -> &'static impl console::interface::All {
// Testing
/// Minimal code needed to bring up the console in QEMU (for testing only). This is often less steps
/// than on real hardware due to QEMU's abstractions.
/// For the RPi, nothing needs to be done.
pub fn qemu_bring_up_console() {}

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP Processor code.
// Public Definitions
/// Used by `arch` code to find the early boot core.
pub const BOOT_CORE_ID: usize = 0;
/// The early boot core's stack address.
pub const BOOT_CORE_STACK_START: u64 = 0x80_000;
/// The number of processor cores.
pub const NUM_CORES: usize = 4;

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP driver support.
use crate::driver;
// Public Definitions
/// Device Driver Manager type.
pub struct BSPDriverManager {
device_drivers: [&'static (dyn DeviceDriver + Sync); 3],
// Global instances
static BSP_DRIVER_MANAGER: BSPDriverManager = BSPDriverManager {
device_drivers: [
// Public Code
/// Return a reference to the driver manager.
pub fn driver_manager() -> &'static impl driver::interface::DriverManager {
// OS Interface Code
use driver::interface::DeviceDriver;
impl driver::interface::DriverManager for BSPDriverManager {
fn all_device_drivers(&self) -> &[&'static (dyn DeviceDriver + Sync)] {
fn post_device_driver_init(&self) {
// Configure PL011Uart's output pins.

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP synchronous and asynchronous exception handling.
pub mod asynchronous;

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP asynchronous exception handling.
use crate::{bsp, exception};
// Public Definitions
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
pub(in crate::bsp) mod irq_map {
use super::bsp::device_driver::{IRQNumber, PeripheralIRQ};
pub const PL011_UART: IRQNumber = IRQNumber::Peripheral(PeripheralIRQ::new(57));
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
pub(in crate::bsp) mod irq_map {
use super::bsp::device_driver::IRQNumber;
pub const PL011_UART: IRQNumber = IRQNumber::new(153);
// Public Code
/// Return a reference to the IRQ manager.
pub fn irq_manager() -> &'static impl exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager<
IRQNumberType = bsp::device_driver::IRQNumber,
> {

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
/* Set current address to the value from which the RPi starts execution */
. = 0x80000;
__ro_start = .;
.text :
*(.text._start) *(.text*)
.rodata :
. = ALIGN(65536); /* Fill up to 64 KiB */
__ro_end = .;
.data :
/* Section is zeroed in u64 chunks, align start and end to 8 bytes */
.bss ALIGN(8):
__bss_start = .;
. = ALIGN(8);
__bss_end = .;
/DISCARD/ : { *(.comment*) }

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP Memory Management.
pub mod mmu;
// Public Definitions
/// The board's memory map.
pub(super) mod map {
pub const END_INCLUSIVE: usize = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
pub const GPIO_OFFSET: usize = 0x0020_0000;
pub const UART_OFFSET: usize = 0x0020_1000;
/// Physical devices.
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi3")]
pub mod mmio {
use super::*;
pub const BASE: usize = 0x3F00_0000;
pub const GPIO_BASE: usize = BASE + GPIO_OFFSET;
pub const PL011_UART_BASE: usize = BASE + UART_OFFSET;
pub const LOCAL_INTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_BASE: usize = 0x4000_0000;
pub const END_INCLUSIVE: usize = 0x4000_FFFF;
/// Physical devices.
#[cfg(feature = "bsp_rpi4")]
pub mod mmio {
use super::*;
pub const BASE: usize = 0xFE00_0000;
pub const GPIO_BASE: usize = BASE + GPIO_OFFSET;
pub const PL011_UART_BASE: usize = BASE + UART_OFFSET;
pub const GICD_BASE: usize = 0xFF84_1000;
pub const GICC_BASE: usize = 0xFF84_2000;
pub const END_INCLUSIVE: usize = 0xFF84_FFFF;

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! BSP Memory Management Unit.
use super::map as memory_map;
use crate::memory::mmu::*;
use core::ops::RangeInclusive;
// Public Definitions
const NUM_MEM_RANGES: usize = 2;
/// The virtual memory layout.
/// The layout must contain only special ranges, aka anything that is _not_ normal cacheable DRAM.
/// It is agnostic of the paging granularity that the architecture's MMU will use.
pub static LAYOUT: KernelVirtualLayout<{ NUM_MEM_RANGES }> = KernelVirtualLayout::new(
RangeDescriptor {
name: "Kernel code and RO data",
virtual_range: || {
// Using the linker script, we ensure that the RO area is consecutive and 64 KiB
// aligned, and we export the boundaries via symbols:
// [__ro_start, __ro_end)
extern "C" {
// The inclusive start of the read-only area, aka the address of the first
// byte of the area.
static __ro_start: usize;
// The exclusive end of the read-only area, aka the address of the first
// byte _after_ the RO area.
static __ro_end: usize;
unsafe {
// Notice the subtraction to turn the exclusive end into an inclusive end.
&__ro_start as *const _ as usize,
&__ro_end as *const _ as usize - 1,
translation: Translation::Identity,
attribute_fields: AttributeFields {
mem_attributes: MemAttributes::CacheableDRAM,
acc_perms: AccessPermissions::ReadOnly,
execute_never: false,
RangeDescriptor {
name: "Device MMIO",
virtual_range: || {
RangeInclusive::new(memory_map::mmio::BASE, memory_map::mmio::END_INCLUSIVE)
translation: Translation::Identity,
attribute_fields: AttributeFields {
mem_attributes: MemAttributes::Device,
acc_perms: AccessPermissions::ReadWrite,
execute_never: true,
// Public Code
/// Return the address space size in bytes.
pub const fn addr_space_size() -> usize {
memory_map::END_INCLUSIVE + 1
/// Return a reference to the virtual memory layout.
pub fn virt_mem_layout() -> &'static KernelVirtualLayout<{ NUM_MEM_RANGES }> {
// Testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_macros::kernel_test;
/// Check 64 KiB alignment of the kernel's virtual memory layout sections.
fn virt_mem_layout_sections_are_64KiB_aligned() {
const SIXTYFOUR_KIB: usize = 65536;
for i in LAYOUT.inner().iter() {
let start: usize = *(i.virtual_range)().start();
let end: usize = *(i.virtual_range)().end() + 1;
assert_eq!(start % SIXTYFOUR_KIB, 0);
assert_eq!(end % SIXTYFOUR_KIB, 0);
assert!(end >= start);

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! System console.
// Public Definitions
/// Console interfaces.
pub mod interface {
use core::fmt;
/// Console write functions.
pub trait Write {
/// Write a single character.
fn write_char(&self, c: char);
/// Write a Rust format string.
fn write_fmt(&self, args: fmt::Arguments) -> fmt::Result;
/// Block execution until the last character has been physically put on the TX wire
/// (draining TX buffers/FIFOs, if any).
fn flush(&self);
/// Console read functions.
pub trait Read {
/// Read a single character.
fn read_char(&self) -> char {
' '
/// Clear RX buffers, if any.
fn clear(&self);
/// Console statistics.
pub trait Statistics {
/// Return the number of characters written.
fn chars_written(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the number of characters read.
fn chars_read(&self) -> usize {
/// Trait alias for a full-fledged console.
pub trait All = Write + Read + Statistics;

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Processor code.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "_arch/aarch64/"]
mod arch_cpu;
pub use arch_cpu::*;
pub mod smp;

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Symmetric multiprocessing.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "../_arch/aarch64/cpu/"]
mod arch_cpu_smp;
pub use arch_cpu_smp::*;

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Driver support.
// Public Definitions
/// Driver interfaces.
pub mod interface {
/// Device Driver functions.
pub trait DeviceDriver {
/// Return a compatibility string for identifying the driver.
fn compatible(&self) -> &str;
/// Called by the kernel to bring up the device.
fn init(&self) -> Result<(), ()> {
/// Called by the kernel to register and enable the device's IRQ handlers, if any.
/// Rust's type system will prevent a call to this function unless the calling instance
/// itself has static lifetime.
fn register_and_enable_irq_handler(&'static self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
/// Device driver management functions.
/// The `BSP` is supposed to supply one global instance.
pub trait DriverManager {
/// Return a slice of references to all `BSP`-instantiated drivers.
/// # Safety
/// - The order of devices is the order in which `DeviceDriver::init()` is called.
fn all_device_drivers(&self) -> &[&'static (dyn DeviceDriver + Sync)];
/// Initialization code that runs after driver init.
/// For example, device driver code that depends on other drivers already being online.
fn post_device_driver_init(&self);

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Synchronous and asynchronous exception handling.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "_arch/aarch64/"]
mod arch_exception;
pub use arch_exception::*;
pub mod asynchronous;
// Public Definitions
/// Kernel privilege levels.
pub enum PrivilegeLevel {
// Testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_macros::kernel_test;
/// Libkernel unit tests must execute in kernel mode.
fn test_runner_executes_in_kernel_mode() {
let (level, _) = current_privilege_level();
assert!(level == PrivilegeLevel::Kernel)

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Asynchronous exception handling.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "../_arch/aarch64/exception/"]
mod arch_exception_async;
pub use arch_exception_async::*;
use core::{fmt, marker::PhantomData};
// Public Definitions
/// Asynchronous exception handling interfaces.
pub mod interface {
/// Implemented by types that handle IRQs.
pub trait IRQHandler {
/// Called when the corresponding interrupt is asserted.
fn handle(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str>;
/// IRQ management functions.
/// The `BSP` is supposed to supply one global instance. Typically implemented by the
/// platform's interrupt controller.
pub trait IRQManager {
/// The IRQ number type depends on the implementation.
type IRQNumberType;
/// Register a handler.
fn register_handler(
irq_number: Self::IRQNumberType,
descriptor: super::IRQDescriptor,
) -> Result<(), &'static str>;
/// Enable an interrupt in the controller.
fn enable(&self, irq_number: Self::IRQNumberType);
/// Handle pending interrupts.
/// This function is called directly from the CPU's IRQ exception vector. On AArch64,
/// this means that the respective CPU core has disabled exception handling.
/// This function can therefore not be preempted and runs start to finish.
/// Takes an IRQContext token to ensure it can only be called from IRQ context.
fn handle_pending_irqs<'irq_context>(
&'irq_context self,
ic: &super::IRQContext<'irq_context>,
/// Print list of registered handlers.
fn print_handler(&self);
/// Interrupt descriptor.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct IRQDescriptor {
/// Descriptive name.
pub name: &'static str,
/// Reference to handler trait object.
pub handler: &'static (dyn interface::IRQHandler + Sync),
/// IRQContext token.
/// An instance of this type indicates that the local core is currently executing in IRQ
/// context, aka executing an interrupt vector or subcalls of it.
/// Concept and implementation derived from the `CriticalSection` introduced in
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct IRQContext<'irq_context> {
_0: PhantomData<&'irq_context ()>,
/// A wrapper type for IRQ numbers with integrated range sanity check.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct IRQNumber<const MAX_INCLUSIVE: usize>(usize);
// Public Code
impl<'irq_context> IRQContext<'irq_context> {
/// Creates an IRQContext token.
/// # Safety
/// - This must only be called when the current core is in an interrupt context and will not
/// live beyond the end of it. That is, creation is allowed in interrupt vector functions. For
/// example, in the ARMv8-A case, in `extern "C" fn current_elx_irq()`.
/// - Note that the lifetime `'irq_context` of the returned instance is unconstrained. User code
/// must not be able to influence the lifetime picked for this type, since that might cause it
/// to be inferred to `'static`.
pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
IRQContext { _0: PhantomData }
impl<const MAX_INCLUSIVE: usize> IRQNumber<{ MAX_INCLUSIVE }> {
/// Creates a new instance if number <= MAX_INCLUSIVE.
pub const fn new(number: usize) -> Self {
assert!(number <= MAX_INCLUSIVE);
Self { 0: number }
/// Return the wrapped number.
pub fn get(self) -> usize {
impl<const MAX_INCLUSIVE: usize> fmt::Display for IRQNumber<{ MAX_INCLUSIVE }> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
/// Executes the provided closure while IRQs are masked on the executing core.
/// While the function temporarily changes the HW state of the executing core, it restores it to the
/// previous state before returning, so this is deemed safe.
pub fn exec_with_irq_masked<T>(f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T {
let ret: T;
unsafe {
let saved = local_irq_mask_save();
ret = f();

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
// Rust embedded logo for `make doc`.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
//! The `kernel` library.
//! Used by `` to compose the final kernel binary.
//! # TL;DR - Overview of important Kernel entities
//! - [`bsp::console::console()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [console interface].
//! - [`bsp::driver::driver_manager()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [driver interface].
//! - [`bsp::exception::asynchronous::irq_manager()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [IRQ
//! Handling interface].
//! - [`memory::mmu::mmu()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [MMU interface].
//! - [`state::state_manager()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [state management] instance.
//! - [`time::time_manager()`] - Returns a reference to the kernel's [timer interface].
//! [console interface]: ../libkernel/console/interface/index.html
//! [driver interface]: ../libkernel/driver/interface/trait.DriverManager.html
//! [IRQ Handling interface]: ../libkernel/exception/asynchronous/interface/trait.IRQManager.html
//! [MMU interface]: ../libkernel/memory/mmu/interface/trait.MMU.html
//! [state management]: ../libkernel/state/struct.StateManager.html
//! [timer interface]: ../libkernel/time/interface/trait.TimeManager.html
//! # Code organization and architecture
//! The code is divided into different *modules*, each representing a typical **subsystem** of the
//! `kernel`. Top-level module files of subsystems reside directly in the `src` folder. For example,
//! `src/` contains code that is concerned with all things memory management.
//! ## Visibility of processor architecture code
//! Some of the `kernel`'s subsystems depend on low-level code that is specific to the target
//! processor architecture. For each supported processor architecture, there exists a subfolder in
//! `src/_arch`, for example, `src/_arch/aarch64`.
//! The architecture folders mirror the subsystem modules laid out in `src`. For example,
//! architectural code that belongs to the `kernel`'s memory subsystem (`src/`) would go
//! into `src/_arch/aarch64/`. The latter file is directly included and re-exported in
//! `src/`, so that the architectural code parts are transparent with respect to the code's
//! module organization. That means a public function `foo()` defined in
//! `src/_arch/aarch64/` would be reachable as `crate::memory::foo()` only.
//! The `_` in `_arch` denotes that this folder is not part of the standard module hierarchy.
//! Rather, it's contents are conditionally pulled into respective files using the `#[path =
//! "_arch/xxx/"]` attribute.
//! ## BSP code
//! `BSP` stands for Board Support Package. `BSP` code is organized under `src/` and contains
//! target board specific definitions and functions. These are things such as the board's memory map
//! or instances of drivers for devices that are featured on the respective board.
//! Just like processor architecture code, the `BSP` code's module structure tries to mirror the
//! `kernel`'s subsystem modules, but there is no transparent re-exporting this time. That means
//! whatever is provided must be called starting from the `bsp` namespace, e.g.
//! `bsp::driver::driver_manager()`.
//! ## Kernel interfaces
//! Both `arch` and `bsp` contain code that is conditionally compiled depending on the actual target
//! and board for which the kernel is compiled. For example, the `interrupt controller` hardware of
//! the `Raspberry Pi 3` and the `Raspberry Pi 4` is different, but we want the rest of the `kernel`
//! code to play nicely with any of the two without much hassle.
//! In order to provide a clean abstraction between `arch`, `bsp` and `generic kernel code`,
//! `interface` traits are provided *whenever possible* and *where it makes sense*. They are defined
//! in the respective subsystem module and help to enforce the idiom of *program to an interface,
//! not an implementation*. For example, there will be a common IRQ handling interface which the two
//! different interrupt controller `drivers` of both Raspberrys will implement, and only export the
//! interface to the rest of the `kernel`.
//! ```
//! +-------------------+
//! | Interface (Trait) |
//! | |
//! +--+-------------+--+
//! ^ ^
//! | |
//! | |
//! +----------+--+ +--+----------+
//! | kernel code | | bsp code |
//! | | | arch code |
//! +-------------+ +-------------+
//! ```
//! # Summary
//! For a logical `kernel` subsystem, corresponding code can be distributed over several physical
//! locations. Here is an example for the **memory** subsystem:
//! - `src/` and `src/memory/**/*`
//! - Common code that is agnostic of target processor architecture and `BSP` characteristics.
//! - Example: A function to zero a chunk of memory.
//! - Interfaces for the memory subsystem that are implemented by `arch` or `BSP` code.
//! - Example: An `MMU` interface that defines `MMU` function prototypes.
//! - `src/bsp/__board_name__/` and `src/bsp/__board_name__/memory/**/*`
//! - `BSP` specific code.
//! - Example: The board's memory map (physical addresses of DRAM and MMIO devices).
//! - `src/_arch/__arch_name__/` and `src/_arch/__arch_name__/memory/**/*`
//! - Processor architecture specific code.
//! - Example: Implementation of the `MMU` interface for the `__arch_name__` processor
//! architecture.
//! From a namespace perspective, **memory** subsystem code lives in:
//! - `crate::memory::*`
//! - `crate::bsp::memory::*`
// Testing
#![cfg_attr(test, no_main)]
#![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]
// `mod cpu` provides the `_start()` function, the first function to run. `_start()` then calls
// `runtime_init()`, which jumps to `kernel_init()` (defined in ``).
mod panic_wait;
mod runtime_init;
mod synchronization;
pub mod bsp;
pub mod console;
pub mod cpu;
pub mod driver;
pub mod exception;
pub mod memory;
pub mod print;
pub mod state;
pub mod time;
// Testing
/// The default runner for unit tests.
pub fn test_runner(tests: &[&test_types::UnitTest]) {
println!("Running {} tests", tests.len());
for (i, test) in tests.iter().enumerate() {
print!("{:>3}. {:.<58}", i + 1,;
// Run the actual test.
// Failed tests call panic!(). Execution reaches here only if the test has passed.
/// The `kernel_init()` for unit tests. Called from `runtime_init()`.
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
// Rust embedded logo for `make doc`.
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
//! The `kernel` binary.
use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, driver, exception, info, memory, state, time, warn};
/// Early init code.
/// # Safety
/// - Only a single core must be active and running this function.
/// - The init calls in this function must appear in the correct order:
/// - Virtual memory must be activated before the device drivers.
/// - Without it, any atomic operations, e.g. the yet-to-be-introduced spinlocks in the device
/// drivers (which currently employ IRQSafeNullLocks instead of spinlocks), will fail to
/// work on the RPi SoCs.
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
use driver::interface::DriverManager;
use memory::mmu::interface::MMU;
if let Err(string) = memory::mmu::mmu().init() {
panic!("MMU: {}", string);
for i in bsp::driver::driver_manager().all_device_drivers().iter() {
if i.init().is_err() {
panic!("Error loading driver: {}", i.compatible())
// println! is usable from here on.
// Let device drivers register and enable their handlers with the interrupt controller.
for i in bsp::driver::driver_manager().all_device_drivers() {
if let Err(msg) = i.register_and_enable_irq_handler() {
warn!("Error registering IRQ handler: {}", msg);
// Unmask interrupts on the boot CPU core.
// Announce conclusion of the kernel_init() phase.
// Transition from unsafe to safe.
/// The main function running after the early init.
fn kernel_main() -> ! {
use driver::interface::DriverManager;
use exception::asynchronous::interface::IRQManager;
info!("Booting on: {}", bsp::board_name());
info!("MMU online. Special regions:");
let (_, privilege_level) = exception::current_privilege_level();
info!("Current privilege level: {}", privilege_level);
info!("Exception handling state:");
"Architectural timer resolution: {} ns",
info!("Drivers loaded:");
for (i, driver) in bsp::driver::driver_manager()
info!(" {}. {}", i + 1, driver.compatible());
info!("Registered IRQ handlers:");
info!("Echoing input now");

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Memory Management.
pub mod mmu;
use core::ops::Range;
// Public Code
/// Zero out a memory region.
/// # Safety
/// - `range.start` and `range.end` must be valid.
/// - `range.start` and `range.end` must be `T` aligned.
pub unsafe fn zero_volatile<T>(range: Range<*mut T>)
T: From<u8>,
let mut ptr = range.start;
while ptr < range.end {
core::ptr::write_volatile(ptr, T::from(0));
ptr = ptr.offset(1);
// Testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_macros::kernel_test;
/// Check `zero_volatile()`.
fn zero_volatile_works() {
let mut x: [usize; 3] = [10, 11, 12];
let x_range = x.as_mut_ptr_range();
unsafe { zero_volatile(x_range) };
assert_eq!(x, [0, 0, 0]);

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Memory Management Unit.
//! In order to decouple `BSP` and `arch` parts of the MMU code (to keep them pluggable), this file
//! provides types for composing an architecture-agnostic description of the kernel 's virtual
//! memory layout.
//! The `BSP` provides such a description through the `bsp::memory::mmu::virt_mem_layout()`
//! function.
//! The `MMU` driver of the `arch` code uses `bsp::memory::mmu::virt_mem_layout()` to compile and
//! install respective page tables.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "../_arch/aarch64/memory/"]
mod arch_mmu;
pub use arch_mmu::*;
use core::{fmt, ops::RangeInclusive};
// Public Definitions
/// Memory Management interfaces.
pub mod interface {
/// MMU functions.
pub trait MMU {
/// Called by the kernel during early init. Supposed to take the page tables from the
/// `BSP`-supplied `virt_mem_layout()` and install/activate them for the respective MMU.
/// # Safety
/// - Changes the HW's global state.
unsafe fn init(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str>;
/// Architecture agnostic translation types.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Translation {
/// Architecture agnostic memory attributes.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum MemAttributes {
/// Architecture agnostic access permissions.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AccessPermissions {
/// Collection of memory attributes.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AttributeFields {
pub mem_attributes: MemAttributes,
pub acc_perms: AccessPermissions,
pub execute_never: bool,
/// Architecture agnostic descriptor for a memory range.
pub struct RangeDescriptor {
pub name: &'static str,
pub virtual_range: fn() -> RangeInclusive<usize>,
pub translation: Translation,
pub attribute_fields: AttributeFields,
/// Type for expressing the kernel's virtual memory layout.
pub struct KernelVirtualLayout<const NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES: usize> {
/// The last (inclusive) address of the address space.
max_virt_addr_inclusive: usize,
/// Array of descriptors for non-standard (normal cacheable DRAM) memory regions.
inner: [RangeDescriptor; NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES],
// Public Code
impl Default for AttributeFields {
fn default() -> AttributeFields {
AttributeFields {
mem_attributes: MemAttributes::CacheableDRAM,
acc_perms: AccessPermissions::ReadWrite,
execute_never: true,
/// Human-readable output of a RangeDescriptor.
impl fmt::Display for RangeDescriptor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Call the function to which self.range points, and dereference the result, which causes
// Rust to copy the value.
let start = *(self.virtual_range)().start();
let end = *(self.virtual_range)().end();
let size = end - start + 1;
// log2(1024).
const KIB_RSHIFT: u32 = 10;
// log2(1024 * 1024).
const MIB_RSHIFT: u32 = 20;
let (size, unit) = if (size >> MIB_RSHIFT) > 0 {
(size >> MIB_RSHIFT, "MiB")
} else if (size >> KIB_RSHIFT) > 0 {
(size >> KIB_RSHIFT, "KiB")
} else {
(size, "Byte")
let attr = match self.attribute_fields.mem_attributes {
MemAttributes::CacheableDRAM => "C",
MemAttributes::Device => "Dev",
let acc_p = match self.attribute_fields.acc_perms {
AccessPermissions::ReadOnly => "RO",
AccessPermissions::ReadWrite => "RW",
let xn = if self.attribute_fields.execute_never {
} else {
" {:#010x} - {:#010x} | {: >3} {} | {: <3} {} {: <3} | {}",
start, end, size, unit, attr, acc_p, xn,
impl<const NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES: usize> KernelVirtualLayout<{ NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES }> {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new(max: usize, layout: [RangeDescriptor; NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES]) -> Self {
Self {
max_virt_addr_inclusive: max,
inner: layout,
/// For a virtual address, find and return the output address and corresponding attributes.
/// If the address is not found in `inner`, return an identity mapped default with normal
/// cacheable DRAM attributes.
pub fn get_virt_addr_properties(
virt_addr: usize,
) -> Result<(usize, AttributeFields), &'static str> {
if virt_addr > self.max_virt_addr_inclusive {
return Err("Address out of range");
for i in self.inner.iter() {
if (i.virtual_range)().contains(&virt_addr) {
let output_addr = match i.translation {
Translation::Identity => virt_addr,
Translation::Offset(a) => a + (virt_addr - (i.virtual_range)().start()),
return Ok((output_addr, i.attribute_fields));
Ok((virt_addr, AttributeFields::default()))
/// Print the memory layout.
pub fn print_layout(&self) {
use crate::info;
for i in self.inner.iter() {
info!("{}", i);
pub fn inner(&self) -> &[RangeDescriptor; NUM_SPECIAL_RANGES] {

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! A panic handler that infinitely waits.
use crate::{bsp, cpu};
use core::{fmt, panic::PanicInfo};
// Private Code
fn _panic_print(args: fmt::Arguments) {
use fmt::Write;
unsafe { bsp::console::panic_console_out().write_fmt(args).unwrap() };
/// The point of exit for the "standard" (non-testing) `libkernel`.
/// This code will be used by the release kernel binary and the `integration tests`. It is linked
/// weakly, so that the integration tests can overload it to exit `QEMU` instead of spinning
/// forever.
/// This is one possible approach to solve the problem that `cargo` can not know who the consumer of
/// the library will be:
/// - The release kernel binary that should safely park the paniced core,
/// - or an `integration test` that is executed in QEMU, which should just exit QEMU.
#[linkage = "weak"]
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {
/// Prints with a newline - only use from the panic handler.
/// Carbon copy from
macro_rules! panic_println {
($($arg:tt)*) => ({
fn panic(info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
if let Some(args) = info.message() {
panic_println!("\nKernel panic: {}", args);
} else {
panic_println!("\nKernel panic!");
// Testing
/// The point of exit when the library is compiled for testing.
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Printing facilities.
use crate::{bsp, console};
use core::fmt;
// Private Code
pub fn _print(args: fmt::Arguments) {
use console::interface::Write;
// Public Code
/// Prints without a newline.
/// Carbon copy from
macro_rules! print {
($($arg:tt)*) => ($crate::print::_print(format_args!($($arg)*)));
/// Prints with a newline.
/// Carbon copy from
macro_rules! println {
() => ($crate::print!("\n"));
($($arg:tt)*) => ({
/// Prints an info, with a newline.
macro_rules! info {
($string:expr) => ({
use crate::time::interface::TimeManager;
let timestamp = $crate::time::time_manager().uptime();
let timestamp_subsec_us = timestamp.subsec_micros();
concat!("[ {:>3}.{:03}{:03}] ", $string),
timestamp_subsec_us / 1_000,
timestamp_subsec_us % 1_000
($format_string:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
use crate::time::interface::TimeManager;
let timestamp = $crate::time::time_manager().uptime();
let timestamp_subsec_us = timestamp.subsec_micros();
concat!("[ {:>3}.{:03}{:03}] ", $format_string),
timestamp_subsec_us / 1_000,
timestamp_subsec_us % 1_000,
/// Prints a warning, with a newline.
macro_rules! warn {
($string:expr) => ({
use crate::time::interface::TimeManager;
let timestamp = $crate::time::time_manager().uptime();
let timestamp_subsec_us = timestamp.subsec_micros();
concat!("[W {:>3}.{:03}{:03}] ", $string),
timestamp_subsec_us / 1_000,
timestamp_subsec_us % 1_000
($format_string:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
use crate::time::interface::TimeManager;
let timestamp = $crate::time::time_manager().uptime();
let timestamp_subsec_us = timestamp.subsec_micros();
concat!("[W {:>3}.{:03}{:03}] ", $format_string),
timestamp_subsec_us / 1_000,
timestamp_subsec_us % 1_000,

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Rust runtime initialization code.
use crate::memory;
use core::ops::Range;
// Private Code
/// Return the range spanning the .bss section.
/// # Safety
/// - The symbol-provided addresses must be valid.
/// - The symbol-provided addresses must be usize aligned.
unsafe fn bss_range() -> Range<*mut usize> {
extern "C" {
// Boundaries of the .bss section, provided by linker script symbols.
static mut __bss_start: usize;
static mut __bss_end: usize;
Range {
start: &mut __bss_start,
end: &mut __bss_end,
/// Zero out the .bss section.
/// # Safety
/// - Must only be called pre `kernel_init()`.
unsafe fn zero_bss() {
// Public Code
/// Equivalent to `crt0` or `c0` code in C/C++ world. Clears the `bss` section, then jumps to kernel
/// init code.
/// # Safety
/// - Only a single core must be active and running this function.
pub unsafe fn runtime_init() -> ! {
extern "Rust" {
fn kernel_init() -> !;
// Testing
mod tests {
use super::*;
use test_macros::kernel_test;
/// Check `bss` section layout.
fn bss_section_is_sane() {
use core::mem;
let start = unsafe { bss_range().start } as *const _ as usize;
let end = unsafe { bss_range().end } as *const _ as usize;
assert_eq!(start % mem::size_of::<usize>(), 0);
assert_eq!(end % mem::size_of::<usize>(), 0);
assert!(end >= start);

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! State information about the kernel itself.
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering};
// Public Definitions
/// Different stages in the kernel execution.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum State {
/// The kernel starts booting in this state.
/// The kernel transitions to this state when jumping to `kernel_main()` (at the end of
/// `kernel_init()`, after all init calls are done).
/// The kernel transitions to this state when it boots the secondary cores, aka switches
/// exectution mode to symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).
/// Maintains the kernel state and state transitions.
pub struct StateManager(AtomicU8);
// Global instances
static STATE_MANAGER: StateManager = StateManager::new();
// Public Code
/// Return a reference to the global StateManager.
pub fn state_manager() -> &'static StateManager {
impl StateManager {
const INIT: u8 = 0;
const SINGLE_CORE_MAIN: u8 = 1;
const MULTI_CORE_MAIN: u8 = 2;
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
/// Return the current state.
pub fn state(&self) -> State {
let state = self.0.load(Ordering::Acquire);
match state {
Self::INIT => State::Init,
Self::SINGLE_CORE_MAIN => State::SingleCoreMain,
Self::MULTI_CORE_MAIN => State::MultiCoreMain,
_ => panic!("Invalid KERNEL_STATE"),
/// Transition from Init to SingleCoreMain.
pub fn transition_to_single_core_main(&self) {
if self
panic!("transition_to_single_core_main() called while state != Init");

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Synchronization primitives.
use core::cell::UnsafeCell;
// Public Definitions
/// Synchronization interfaces.
pub mod interface {
/// Any object implementing this trait guarantees exclusive access to the data contained within
/// the Mutex for the duration of the provided closure.
/// The trait follows the [Rust embedded WG's
/// proposal]( and therefore
/// provides some goodness such as [deadlock
/// prevention](
/// # Example
/// Since the lock function takes an `&mut self` to enable deadlock-prevention, the trait is
/// best implemented **for a reference to a container struct**, and has a usage pattern that
/// might feel strange at first:
/// ```
/// static MUT: Mutex<RefCell<i32>> = Mutex::new(RefCell::new(0));
/// fn foo() {
/// let mut r = &MUT; // Note that r is mutable
/// r.lock(|data| *data += 1);
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Mutex {
/// The type of encapsulated data.
type Data;
/// Creates a critical section and grants temporary mutable access to the encapsulated data.
fn lock<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Data) -> R) -> R;
/// A reader-writer exclusion type.
/// The implementing object allows either a number of readers or at most one writer at any point
/// in time.
pub trait ReadWriteEx {
/// The type of encapsulated data.
type Data;
/// Grants temporary mutable access to the encapsulated data.
fn write<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Data) -> R) -> R;
/// Grants temporary immutable access to the encapsulated data.
fn read<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&Self::Data) -> R) -> R;
/// A pseudo-lock for teaching purposes.
/// Used to introduce [interior mutability].
/// In contrast to a real Mutex implementation, does not protect against concurrent access from
/// other cores to the contained data. This part is preserved for later lessons.
/// The lock will only be used as long as it is safe to do so, i.e. as long as the kernel is
/// executing on a single core.
/// [interior mutability]:
pub struct IRQSafeNullLock<T: ?Sized> {
data: UnsafeCell<T>,
/// A pseudo-lock that is RW during the single-core kernel init phase and RO afterwards.
/// Intended to encapsulate data that is populated during kernel init when no concurrency exists.
pub struct InitStateLock<T: ?Sized> {
data: UnsafeCell<T>,
// Public Code
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> Sync for IRQSafeNullLock<T> {}
impl<T> IRQSafeNullLock<T> {
/// Wraps `data` into a new `IRQSafeNullLock`.
pub const fn new(data: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: UnsafeCell::new(data),
unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> Sync for InitStateLock<T> {}
impl<T> InitStateLock<T> {
pub const fn new(data: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: UnsafeCell::new(data),
// OS Interface Code
use crate::{exception, state};
impl<T> interface::Mutex for &IRQSafeNullLock<T> {
type Data = T;
fn lock<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Data) -> R) -> R {
// In a real lock, there would be code encapsulating this line that ensures that this
// mutable reference will ever only be given out once at a time.
let data = unsafe { &mut * };
// Execute the closure while IRQs are masked.
exception::asynchronous::exec_with_irq_masked(|| f(data))
impl<T> interface::ReadWriteEx for &InitStateLock<T> {
type Data = T;
fn write<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&mut Self::Data) -> R) -> R {
state::state_manager().state() == state::State::Init,
"InitStateLock::write called after kernel init phase"
"InitStateLock::write called with IRQs unmasked"
let data = unsafe { &mut * };
fn read<R>(&mut self, f: impl FnOnce(&Self::Data) -> R) -> R {
let data = unsafe { &* };

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Timer primitives.
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
#[path = "_arch/aarch64/"]
mod arch_time;
pub use arch_time::*;
// Public Definitions
/// Timekeeping interfaces.
pub mod interface {
use core::time::Duration;
/// Time management functions.
/// The `BSP` is supposed to supply one global instance.
pub trait TimeManager {
/// The timer's resolution.
fn resolution(&self) -> Duration;
/// The uptime since power-on of the device.
/// This includes time consumed by firmware and bootloaders.
fn uptime(&self) -> Duration;
/// Spin for a given duration.
fn spin_for(&self, duration: Duration);

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "test-macros"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Andre Richter <>"]
edition = "2018"
proc-macro = true
proc-macro2 = "1.x"
quote = "1.x"
syn = { version = "1.x", features = ["full"] }
test-types = { path = "../test-types" }

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, Ident, ItemFn};
pub fn kernel_test(_attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let f = parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);
let test_name = &format!("{}", f.sig.ident.to_string());
let test_ident = Ident::new(
&format!("{}_TEST_CONTAINER", f.sig.ident.to_string().to_uppercase()),
let test_code_block = f.block;
const #test_ident: test_types::UnitTest = test_types::UnitTest {
name: #test_name,
test_func: || #test_code_block,

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
name = "test-types"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Andre Richter <>"]
edition = "2018"

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Types for the `custom_test_frameworks` implementation.
/// Unit test container.
pub struct UnitTest {
/// Name of the test.
pub name: &'static str,
/// Function pointer to the test.
pub test_func: fn(),

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
require 'expect'
# Verify sending and receiving works as expected.
class TxRxHandshake
def name
'Transmit and Receive handshake'
def run(qemu_out, qemu_in)
raise('TX/RX test failed') if qemu_out.expect('OK1234', TIMEOUT_SECS).nil?
# Check for correct TX statistics implementation. Depends on test 1 being run first.
class TxStatistics
def name
'Transmit statistics'
def run(qemu_out, _qemu_in)
raise('chars_written reported wrong') if qemu_out.expect('6', TIMEOUT_SECS).nil?
# Check for correct RX statistics implementation. Depends on test 1 being run first.
class RxStatistics
def name
'Receive statistics'
def run(qemu_out, _qemu_in)
raise('chars_read reported wrong') if qemu_out.expect('3', TIMEOUT_SECS).nil?
## Test registration
def subtest_collection

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Console sanity tests - RX, TX and statistics.
mod panic_exit_failure;
use libkernel::{bsp, console, print};
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
use bsp::console::{console, qemu_bring_up_console};
use console::interface::*;
// Handshake
assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'A');
assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'B');
assert_eq!(console().read_char(), 'C');
// 6
print!("{}", console().chars_written());
// 3
print!("{}", console().chars_read());
// The QEMU process running this test will be closed by the I/O test harness.
loop {}

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Timer sanity tests.
#![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]
mod panic_exit_failure;
use core::time::Duration;
use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, time, time::interface::TimeManager};
use test_macros::kernel_test;
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
// Depending on CPU arch, some timer bring-up code could go here. Not needed for the RPi.
/// Simple check that the timer is running.
fn timer_is_counting() {
assert!(time::time_manager().uptime().as_nanos() > 0)
/// Timer resolution must be sufficient.
fn timer_resolution_is_sufficient() {
assert!(time::time_manager().resolution().as_nanos() < 100)
/// Sanity check spin_for() implementation.
fn spin_accuracy_check_1_second() {
let t1 = time::time_manager().uptime();
let t2 = time::time_manager().uptime();
assert_eq!((t2 - t1).as_secs(), 1)

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
//! Page faults must result in synchronous exceptions.
/// Overwrites libkernel's `panic_wait::_panic_exit()` with the QEMU-exit version.
/// Reaching this code is a success, because it is called from the synchronous exception handler,
/// which is what this test wants to achieve.
/// It also means that this integration test can not use any other code that calls panic!() directly
/// or indirectly.
mod panic_exit_success;
use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, exception, memory, println};
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
use memory::mmu::interface::MMU;
println!("Testing synchronous exception handling by causing a page fault");
if let Err(string) = memory::mmu::mmu().init() {
println!("MMU: {}", string);
println!("Writing beyond mapped area to address 9 GiB...");
let big_addr: u64 = 9 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
core::ptr::read_volatile(big_addr as *mut u64);
// If execution reaches here, the memory access above did not cause a page fault exception.

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter <>
//! IRQ handling sanity tests.
#![reexport_test_harness_main = "test_main"]
mod panic_exit_failure;
use libkernel::{bsp, cpu, exception};
use test_macros::kernel_test;
unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! {
/// Check that IRQ masking works.
fn local_irq_mask_works() {
// Precondition: IRQs are unmasked.
unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_mask() };
// Restore earlier state.
unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_unmask() };
/// Check that IRQ unmasking works.
fn local_irq_unmask_works() {
// Precondition: IRQs are masked.
unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_mask() };
unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_unmask() };
/// Check that IRQ mask save is saving "something".
fn local_irq_mask_save_works() {
// Precondition: IRQs are unmasked.
let first = unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_mask_save() };
let second = unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_mask_save() };
assert_ne!(first, second);
unsafe { exception::asynchronous::local_irq_restore(first) };

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
/// Overwrites libkernel's `panic_wait::_panic_exit()` with the QEMU-exit version.
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
/// Overwrites libkernel's `panic_wait::_panic_exit()` with the QEMU-exit version.
fn _panic_exit() -> ! {

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter <>
require 'English'
require 'pty'
# Test base class.
class Test
INDENT = ' '
def print_border(status)
puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts status
puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n"
def print_error(error)
print_border("#{INDENT}❌ Failure: #{error}: #{@test_name}")
def print_success
print_border("#{INDENT}✅ Success: #{@test_name}")
def print_output
puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------"
print INDENT
print '🦀 '
print @output.join('').gsub("\n", "\n" + INDENT)
def finish(error)
exit_code = if error
# Executes tests with console I/O.
class ConsoleTest < Test
def initialize(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name, console_subtests)
@binary = binary
@qemu_cmd = qemu_cmd
@test_name = test_name
@console_subtests = console_subtests
@cur_subtest = 1
@output = ["Running #{@console_subtests.length} console-based tests\n",
def format_test_name(number, name)
formatted_name = number.to_s.rjust(3) + '. ' + name
formatted_name.ljust(63, '.')
def run_subtest(subtest, qemu_out, qemu_in)
@output << format_test_name(@cur_subtest,, qemu_in)
@output << "[ok]\n"
@cur_subtest += 1
def exec
error = false
PTY.spawn(@qemu_cmd) do |qemu_out, qemu_in|
@console_subtests.each { |t| run_subtest(t, qemu_out, qemu_in) }
rescue StandardError => e
error = e.message
# A wrapper around the bare QEMU invocation.
class RawTest < Test
def initialize(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name)
@binary = binary
@qemu_cmd = qemu_cmd
@test_name = test_name
@output = []
def exec
error = 'Timed out waiting for test'
io = IO.popen(@qemu_cmd)
while[io], nil, nil, MAX_WAIT_SECS)
@output << io.read_nonblock(1024)
rescue EOFError
error = $CHILD_STATUS.to_i != 0
## Script entry point
binary = ARGV.last
test_name = binary.gsub(%r{.*deps/}, '').split('-')[0]
console_test_file = 'tests/' + test_name + '.rb'
qemu_cmd = ARGV.join(' ')
test_runner = if File.exist?(console_test_file)
load console_test_file
# subtest_collection is provided by console_test_file, qemu_cmd, test_name, subtest_collection)
else, qemu_cmd, test_name)

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="" etag="RT3A7tpwiELOEPGuEBzN" version="12.9.7" type="device"><diagram name="Page-1" id="e7e014a7-5840-1c2e-5031-d8a46d1fe8dd">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</diagram></mxfile>

Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="" etag="i20qkP7-yfUxbQLs3tNp" version="12.9.7" type="device"><diagram name="Page-1" id="e7e014a7-5840-1c2e-5031-d8a46d1fe8dd">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</diagram></mxfile>

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
<mxfile host="" etag="oa282FtPgby8-42Oxups" version="12.9.6" type="device"><diagram id="iMJBNVRyMKf7lWlc_RqV" name="Page-1">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</diagram></mxfile>

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